17.6 Balance Updates

Godspeed Urza, you’re doing good work here, even if I don’t care at all about the argument it’s related to.

You are really stretching things here aren’t you. So now every Priest deck is Big Priest?

I can’t play Big Priest because I don’t have the cards to play it (and never have had them).

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Keep reading the thread…

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They killed rogue; hoping we get our dust back for the deck. We wont. Looking forward to 1 mana backstab and shadowstep.

the new norm; craft, play, it gets nerfed; sucks to be you


After going through lots of marcos posts its evident he hates big priest and I looked it up and clone priest is not big priest so marco is making a judgement on vargoth in big priest after using it in clone priest. I am not above admitting a mistake so I am deleting the other threads on this. Please forgive me marco!


with 3k posts, good luck with that.

I play galakrond priest too; hopefully that becomes tier 1 after this farce

I do dislike it. But that doesn’t mean I think it should be nerfed further.

A key difference between me and Swampy is that I try to respect other people’s choices and I think the meta is better with more and not less diversity.

My question to the devs now becomes, “You made balance changes that sent Kingsbane, Caverns Below, Pogo Hopper, and Galakrond to dumpster Tier; why do you create late game archetypes for Rogue if you are going to destroy them all regardless of how strong they are?”.


For the same reason demon hunter was the way it has been the last few months. Perfectly drawing lethal every time

Much like how priest players say “okay it’s oppressive when we play control/stall then give us another way to play that doesn’t start as trash or get nerfed into the ground” rogue players say “okay so it’s oppressive when we play tempo then give us another way to play that doesn’t start as trash or get nerfed into the ground.”

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And your thoughts on demon hunter?

Wrong. Unless you also believe DH shouldn’t be touched.

You know full well what the game is going to look like after this.

False equivalency fallacy.

A meta’s diversity will decrease when one class has over double the average play rate (10% for 10 classes) and the highest win rate.

If I am indeed sincere about desiring a diverse meta I would demand nerfs for such a class.

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If you aren’t playing demon hunter you are doing it wrong. simple as that. face is the place for the win.

Do you agree with the DH nerfs or not?

You can’t say I have support people’s right to play a deck, and in the same breath say as long as it’s not DH. THATS what you did.

I agree that DH should be nerfed. I think all of the nerfs, individually, are good.

I am not knowledgeable enough to say if adding them all together is the correct amount or if it’s too much.


So, yo don’t support people’s right yo play a deck they enjoy then. DH isnt over performing right now, so why should those who enjoy playing the class suffer?

How does nerfing DH increase diversity?

because 20% of games in diamond are against demon hunter. I’d say something along the lines of numb nuts; but wouldn’t say that in a disparaging way. They are a high percentage of high level games played.


He just said DH isn’t over performing.

Who’s going to take that seriously?