17.6 Balance Updates

Did I miss somthing ? Because I don’t see how you can end up with this conclusion from this :

Not over performing doesn’t mean not deserving a nerf. In fact, most of the nerfs that will happen here aren’t on over performing decks

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Everything deserves a nerf on some basis, Even Silverback Patriarch.

On Swampy’s basis is whether he likes the mechanics used in a decks. I strongly disagree that Swampy’s opinion on mechanics is the best basis for nerfing cards.

How can intake someone who says this:

Followed by this:


DH is getting hit far harder than Rogue is, and you support it.

Zip up your fly, your bias is showing.

And i strongly disagree with your biased opinion. I agree with ALL the incoming nerfs.

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Because ye olde’ vulpera neutral gives you your second meta and it is nerfed now. sorry

“I am not knowledgeable enough to say if adding them all together is the correct amount or if it’s too much.”
Which means he might disagree with the TIMING of those nerfs.


He doesn’t do nuance very well.

Not really. He is adamantly against nerfing rogue, while fully behind nerfing DH. That’s known as hypocrisy where I come from.

And you cant put your biases aside.

Evidently the new set is going to be awesome; which is why they killed galakarond 9 months in. You were Lucky to survive quest warlock.

Rogue deserved nerfs. DH deserved nerfs. Warrior deserved nerfs. Mage deserved nerfs. Either because 0 cost cards are broken or the decks/cards were op in general. Their are many imba cards. There is much more work to be done. At least Blizzard is doing something compared to old times they sat on hands for 6 months.

DH deserved more nerfs compared to rogue because DH was more broken. Its 5 nerfs in on DH. Thats how op he was. So in this regard marco is right. DH will open up meta more because DH was and still might be the most oppressive hero in history.

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Conversely, it’s too soon to be saying what impact the Gala nerf will have on Rogue. If it’s as bad as Marco and Co. fear, that just shows how necessary the nerf is imo.

Wrong rogue is mid tier 2 deck along with priest our winrate is under 50 percent
Rogue did not deserve nerf.,


By that logic, we could put Blazing Battlemage at 3 mana and call the nerf necessary because it was impactful.


There is a difference between being impactful, and a necessity.

If rogue simply can’t function after the nerf, despite having secret and stealth being the new archetypes, then that just shows how nerf worthy Gala is, to me.

Drawing 4 cards for 0 cost is as imbalanced as it comes. Dint matter if rogue was tier 5. It needed to be done. Then bring rogue back up with some new cards.

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Oh stuff it; those 4 cards were win or lose vs. quest warlock every time
https: //hsreplay .net/replay /rezdUDPs 5yvfPD7d7qkN9X

keep pretending you know what you are talking about

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Its funny when the topic of priest comes up ppl say its not tier 1m when we make the same argument ppl say its annoying - UR TELLIING ME PRIEST ISNT ANNOYING.
Based on this any priest deck should be nerfed since they are all annoying,
Yes we draw 4 cards that cost zero how many times have i drawn cards that cost zero but dont help me.

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You lost me here. Priest should be nerfed because its annoying wut?

Well it seems to me that most people find rogue annoying and want it nerfed as is the case with priest.
Rogue has a bad winrate its bottem a best mid tier 2 the nerf was totaly uncalled for.

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