17.6 Balance Updates

That is what “not less than (1)” does by default though. A 0 cost card will NOT have its cost increased with a “but not less than(1)” condition.

I’ll take your word for it. Though I guess that does make sense since 0 cost anything can’t be reduced further anyway.

You dont need to take my word for it, its factually how the mechanic works.

With all due respect, maybe ask questions regarding mechanics or do some research before throwing a hissy fit.

With all due respect maybe think before calling a suggestion a “hissy fit”.


Maybe, just maybe, do some research . It’s no secret that “not less than 1” has no impact at all on 0 cost cards.

Cool? Doesn’t mean you need to throw insults in for no reason. Maybe, just maybe, think before you type.

I apologise for hurting your feelings. Just maybe do some research in the future before commenting. If youre unsure, then ask.

You came in here acting all pro, but didnt even know how the not less than (1) mechanic worked.

No offense, but your attitude is what caused me to “insult” you.

Yes, it sux that your deck is getting hit, but its for the betterment of the game.

I came in like everyone else has been for those changes. Making suggestions for possible differences. Whether you think so or not you’re the one that decided to make it personal. No quotes around insult will make it any less unnecessary.

Let’s keep it real here.

It’s for the betterment of your game experience at the expense of those who like to play the deck.

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No, 0 cost card reductions have been problematic for 5+ years now. Its for the betterment of the GAME that the are removed. I just hope more are addressed in the (near) future.

And, on a side note, even if your assumption is true - why does YOUR gaming experience hold more value than mine? You want to abuse broken mechanics, fine. I want broken mechanics addressed.

Edit: oh wait, you also adamantly defended Big Priest. Yeah, maybe look in the mirror before making such claims!

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I don’t play Big Priest, Flamewaker Quest Mage, WW Shudderwock, RoS Pogo Hopper, RoS Cyclone Mage, any AoO Standard Priest, and SoU Quest decks.

But I defended them all because I respect other players experience and enjoyment of those archetypes even when I play decks that lose hard to them.

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And stopped reading there. You have admitted to playing said deck in the past.


Find the quote, I will craft a Legendary of your choice.

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Could you guys maybe make your own thread or take it to a messenger service or at least let me get some popcorn.

What are your thoughts on the demon hunter nerfs? What about the players whom enjoy playing that deck?!?

False equivalency fallacy.

I have explained multiple times my stance on nerfs.

Win Rate is the correct basis.

The only time I have departed from that was Ice Cream Shudderwock. And personally I just wanted the Ice Cream part nerfed rather than the whole combo.

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Answer the question; What is your stance on the Demon Hunter nerfs.

For this comment to be true:

You must be against them by default.

To deep dive a little further, Discover as a mechanic is perfect. When its discover a spell, or discover a minion, or something that is an RNG discover. Targeted discovers are where the problem lies. Things like, Discover a spell in your deck, discover a legendary minion, the list goes on. When i can plan around a discover effect, it just becomes a 31 card deck.

From thread https ://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/vargoth-meta-this-card-is-nuts/2424

Clone priest is just aka for Big priest (you even call it big priest in the thread as well) so I want you to craft Golden Vargoth since you will like it!

:grinning: Sorry Marco you Got Urzaed. Toodles!


Thanks for doing my leg work, Urza.

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