Vargoth Meta? This card is nuts

Honestly, I haven’t been overly impressed facing Big Priest in Wild with this new card so far.

It makes perfect sense but the deck is more vulnerable to Aggro and Midrange, to a degree, because the card isn’t hard to remove or have an immediate impact in the early game when summoned from Barnes/Shadow Visions (depending on hit).

I do think we’ll see a Big Priest using Vargoth but I think it’ll be much more of a combo than a big deck in Wild… just my two cents from 4 games against this card today.


A fun interaction I found was Vargoth + Headcrack will give you two copies of Headcrack.

Here’s a silly deck I made for Vargoth:

Archmage Headcrack
Class: Rogue
Format: Standard
Year of the Raven

2x (0) Backstab
2x (0) Preparation
2x (1) Deadly Poison
2x (1) Hallucination
2x (1) Sinister Strike
1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
2x (2) Eviscerate
2x (2) Sap
2x (3) Blink Fox
1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
2x (3) Fan of Knives
2x (3) Headcrack
2x (3) SI:7 Agent
1x (4) Archmage Vargoth
2x (4) Elven Minstrel
2x (4) Fal’dorei Strider
1x (9) Malygos


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

A more practical combo was Vargoth + Fan of Knives doing 2 damage AOE + 2 card draw. It also summoned me 2 fal’dorei spiders the time I did it. :smiley:

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The one will make big priest crazier arent another ressurect target.

Big priest just need nasty early AoE and removals to be going crazy.

Maybe they released it early to determine if it needs to be nerfed before they even release it.

I did not play it yet or played against it so i dont know if it currently is just way to good.

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I think it is too soon to judge this card, particularly before the full expansion arrives. But I can see how this card pushes certain decks to become more unbearable and frustrating to play against (in standard).

At least we are near the rotation.

I am playing Standard. I don’t think you run it in Wild Big Priest, Catrina Muerte is probably better.

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It needs very specific spells

Firebat ended up with like 4 of them on board against a death rattle Hunter who just played Kathrena and had an Egg on board.

He popped the egg and played Shadow of Death.
It hit the 5/5 Dino 3 times and didn’t hit Kathrena once because they don’t resolve each other before the end of turn.
He was like well that didn’t turn out like I thought it would.

I think Vargoth might be fine after the rotation. I had the “honor” of playing against Vargoth Res Priest and I have to say that I’m really glad that Shadow Essence the priest resurrection spells are going away.
Mass Resurrection is unreliable and I don’t think you can survive the early game if you try to maximize its effectiveness by only playing big minions.

The wording on this card is a bit odd.

“at the end of your turn cast a spell that you have cast THIS turn” (targets are chosen random).

Does this card work for multiple turns if it lives on board or only the turn you have played it?

If it works on all turns then shouldn’t the wording be “at the end of your turn cast a spell that you have cast THAT turn” ?

I guess it only works on the turn you played it (in wich case it kinda is a worse electra,though this is neutral) could someone confirm this.

It works for multiple turns.

No. “This turn” means “the turn that just ended” not “the turn the card was played.” “That turn” is just confusing, because it does not refer to the immediate turn (as the word “that” is meant for things not in the immediate vicinity, unlike “this”).

Also, the use of “this turn” is consistent with similar end-of-turn effects such as Kel’thuzad’s.


Every turn he goes off gloriously.

So he’s best in decks with a bunch of non target specific mid-high cost spells.

And better still if you have spells to copy, clone, or res; which is Priest in a nutshell.

Whats good with priest class is that they can change their controll options according to meta. That said i wouldnt be suprised seeing potions of madness, spirits lash etc in barnes priest to counter more effectively an aggro meta while gaining extreme value with muerte.
Still i cant see Vargoth in this deck


Vargoth only increases the divide between high-and lowroll, especially the odds of the latter though.
He works really well with Avenging Wrath/Consecration, Mage Boardclears, alot of Token Druid Spells and Swipe, Sleep With the Fishes in Wild, Dimeonsional Ripper (kinda), some Kazakus Potions and a few Wild Priest Boardclears, a lot of Spellstones in general.
A few options are certainly available.

Finally, FINALLY - beat a dang Res Priest. Faced about 6 nearly in a row. Few hunters mixed in. Beat the last.

I’m fairly worried. (even in just Standard) Vargoth makes Res Priest even worse. Malygos I hoped was going to Hall of Fame (still holding onto the golden one i got in a pack for if/when that happens) and/or Velen. But seems someone really likes Combo / Priest and I wouldn’t hold my breath for it. Both are Classic. And so wont rotate out - nor will Mind Blast. … This new card is not Craftable… could they just take it out of the game please when new set drops? Or put it in Hall of Fame?

I am jazzed for the new set. I want to be jazzed for it. I just really hope Vargoth isn’t THE (Standard) Meta for the next however long.

Clone Priest doesn’t work without the current Resurrect kit (Eternal Servitude/Spellstone), plus a considerable number of boardclears (like Psychic Scream or a buffed Spirit Lash). And the whole thing is heavily reliant on Shadow Visions to get extra copies of spells when needed.

In short, I wouldn’t worry to much about Clone Priest in Standard.

Everyone yesterday including myself seemed to have logged in yesterday to abuse this card in clone priest. Vargoth is just a very strong card. doubling up on a spell for the turn is just good. As long as your not playing a deck that might backfire with doubling up on certain random spells he’s very good. Worst thing about him is he can be stolen by cabal shadow priest. He’s got 6 health so your opponent needs a board to deal with him or to spend a good removal on him. Not every class can abuse him yet but that’s a good thing.

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That is pretty much all thats going on right now. Honestly it makes me kind of mad. Yeah yeah I know rotation soon blah blah blah. But heres the thing, I shouldn’t have to wait days on end to play hearthstone because this res preist with Vargoth is just 100% impossible to stop.

In general I can not wait for the rotation and to see some of the tools for res priest to rotate but I also think blizz’s decision to let it stay in standard for this long with some kind of “rotates soon” excuse, and then rub salt in the wound with “the last week before rotation will be an absolute dumpster fire” is pretty s41tty

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Vargoth and Sap is a pretty simple, efficient combo. For 6 mana, you played 4 mana worth of spells and a 2/6 with hidden text of ‘needs to die!’ You develop pretty good tempo and only spent 2 cards.

Trying to think of decks with this card i come to conclusion there are not many good targets for this card. Maybe some combo will come up but this card wont be in many decks.

Catrina doesn’t do that much more for Wild Big Priest as it already had Y’saarj that does basically the same thing, getting a free extra big thing into play end of turn. Yes Catrina is better than Y’saarj because it can multiply but how many games would that matter because you are probably not winning in either scenario its like raising your chance to win from 99.999998% to 99.999999%. If anything it might be the tipping point that finally gets the deck nerfed because of the extra consistency of having twice as many of that kind of effect so its twice as likely to pull one or the other from Barnes and Essence.