17.2.1 Patch Notes

These changes nerf the top 4 performing classes and buff the bottom 2 performing classes. They’re overall fantastic and address most, if not all, of the problems in the meta. Thank you so much Blizzard!

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Agree, i think DH wasnt that good in diamond. never had any issues with it. just extremely thankful that i hesitated long enough to craft metamorphosis!!!

Looks like ancharr was still the right decision after all. they just rendered odd DH useless. Too bad now we are going to have more warlocks.

one question i have - it says full dust refund until 1 june. does it include 1 June?

This is because we are getting the packs for our season on 1 June and i want to be able to dust the extra cards then!

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Have you met my six-man Vargoth team?

Sounds like it.

I think the game hates me. When AOO released, I bought the 80 pack deal. I got a golden Kayn as my ‘random golden legendary’ then the first pack I opened had a metamorphosis. I DON’T EVEN WANT TO PLAY DEMON HUNTER.

Of course I kept the cards and made a deck with it but after like 15 games I just couldn’t do it anymore, I felt dirty. Went back to res priest/dragon hunter lol.

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Bro yes, but the non duplicate rule will no longer apply and you wont be guaranteed to get those cards that you dusted even though you own all the cards in that rarity.

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I hate playing against res priest as well, but I haven’t faced a res priest in weeks and I doubt these changes will make it that much better. There are two tech cards that will keep res priest out of the meta (Terrorguard Escapee and Zul’Drak Ritualist). Not to mention there was a whole rotation that happened at the same time that DH was introduced. Priest lost Mass Hysteria which was HUGE. On top of that, DH still has Kayn and a bunch of other cards that will start seeing play now. I would cool my jets and wait and see how the new meta pans out.

Lol, you could have easily reached legend before the three rounds of nerfs on DH! Then permanently get 11 stars every season!

I did but with res priest :stuck_out_tongue:

Then idk what happened and my winrate went into the toilet as the meta shifted and so now I’m playing spell mage at rank breakpoints because if my favorite deck went to crap I may as well play another crap deck that’s got a random fun factor. Reno is hysterical.

I hear you. While the changes to Rogue are subtle, they’re actually pretty big. Rogue won’t be able to snowball as easily in the early game with Hanar, and Rogue is going to have a very hard time dealing with big minions now. Rogue will only be able to “kill” 10-cost minions with Stunner, and cards like DQA will only cost 10 and can be reused. I think you’ll see Rogue’s winrate drop a bit if it makes you feel better.

Exactly my sentiment as well! I literally squealed when I read the buff to Aldor Attendant. I love that Blizzard is willing to not only nerf problematic cards in a timely manner, but also buff cards that didn’t perform as well as they thought it would. And unlike the buffs we had for Boomsday, we didn’t need to wait several months for them to happen. These changes put me in such a good mood!

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Warlock having only one viable deck now, that is the Malygos warlock, and there is literally no actual deck to represent warlock’s identity. Nerf after nerfs for a class that has below %50 win rate and at best having a tier 2 deck in meta is just unfair. In addition, DH being nerfed 3 times already in a very short time after its release shows the lack of testing and balancing this game has before adding new stuff. Devs are just damaging player experience doing so.


Is there a specific archetype you’re referring to?

Hi, can I learn which deck ur using with warlock? I would like to get the code and any tips about operating it. I am currently on d4 and struggling a lot with priests as a warlock and hunter player.

And whilst they are at it, they should buff Duskfallen and Millhouse as well!

Galakrond Warlock

Class: Warlock

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

2x (0) Sacrificial Pact

2x (1) Plague of Flames

2x (1) Mortal Coil

1x (2) Zephrys the Great

2x (2) Nether Breath

2x (2) Mo’arg Artificer

2x (3) Dragonblight Cultist

2x (3) Dark Skies

2x (4) Veiled Worshipper

2x (4) Devoted Maniac

2x (4) Bad Luck Albatross

2x (5) Shield of Galakrond

2x (5) Crazed Netherwing

1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof

1x (6) Keli’dan the Breaker

1x (7) Galakrond, the Wretched

1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

1x (9) Alexstrasza


I did a bit of changes like removing one albatross and adding frozen shadoweaver, I also included unstable feltbolt as it’s pretty useful against agro decks earlygame.

the reason is that it is impossible to fix priest with nerfs, a whole rework has to be done.

Ooh I’m really liking these card changes. I think most are good and target things I would have liked to see changed. Not sure all of those are necessary but I trust that Blizzard knows better and I’m excited for the game after the patch!

we already have a nice rework we lost card draw but i liked the changes


Change to 5 health is huge. Makes her a lot easier to kill from hand (or with whatever you have left on board) which is what you normally want to do. The end of turn effect is fine if she is not so darn hard to clear from the board. Cards are allowed to be strong. Sure you could nerf her in other ways but this is fine and has been suggested by a lot of people actually.

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The duplicate protection doesn’t apply to cards that you once had and dusted. So you’ll be relying on pure rng to get them back again which might take a while. And that’s AFTER you collect all the other cards of that rarity. So if you don’t have all rares, for example, and dust Priestess, you will 1st aquire all of the other rares from packs and will then need to hope for RNG that you get priestess again.

But it’s still worth dusting everything since you can always craft them back for same cost if rng fails you long enough. Obviously if you want to keep playing the cards right away then you won’r dust them.

you’re the one who’s cowardly coward man by bringing and old thread that @Twist made and use it to the conversation lol

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