4/20 Update: This patch is now live on all platforms.
In our recent Reddit AMA, we spoke on a few balance updates we intend to make soon. We’re now ready to share the full details of these updates, which will be included in the 17.0.2 patch planned for early next week.
Balance Updates*
Neutral –
Kael’Thas Sunstrider
- Old: Cost 6 mana → New: Cost 7 mana.
Bad Luck Albatross
- Old: Cost 3 mana → New: Cost 4 mana.
Frenzied Felwing
- Old: 3 Attack / 3 Health → New: 3 Attack / 2 Health.
Demon Hunter –
Altruis the Outcast
- Old: Cost 3 mana, 3 Attack / 2 Health → New: Cost 4 mana. 4 Attack / 2 Health.
- Old: 2 Attack / 2 Health → New: 1 Attack / 2 Health.
Glaivebound Adept
- Old: 7 Attack / 4 Health → New: 6 Attack / 4 Health.
Warlock –
Sacrificial Pact
- Old: Destroy a Demon. Restore 5 Health to your hero. → New: Destroy a friendly Demon. Restore 5 Health to your hero.
- Old: Cost 2 mana → New: Cost 4 mana.
Paladin –
Libram of Justice
- Old: Cost 6 mana → New: Cost 5 mana.
Mage –
Open the Waygate
- Old: Cast 6 spells that didn’t start in your deck. Reward: Time Warp. → New: Cast 8 spells that didn’t start in your deck. Reward: Time Warp.
*The following cards will be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks after the 17.0.2 patch has been released:
Golden Altruis the Outcast
Golden Battlefiend
Golden/Normal Bad Luck Albatross
Golden/Normal Frenzied Felwing
Golden/Normal Open the Waygate
Golden/Normal Bloodbloom
Millhouse Manastorm
- Old: Minions cost 2 Gold. Refresh costs 2 Gold. Start with 3 Gold. → New: Minions cost 2 Gold. Refresh costs 2 Gold. Tavern Tiers cost (1) more. Start with 3 Gold.
Bug Fixes
The Lurker Below is now properly tagged as a Beast.
Fixed a tracking issue that prevented 500 wins with Demon Hunter from being achieved.
Fixed a bug where Zephrys the Great would not offer a lethal option if your hero had a large amount of Attack.
Zephrys the Great has been updated to accommodate the Sacrificial Pact and Glaivebound Adept changes.
4/17 EDIT: Updated which cards are eligible for a full dust refund.
Wow… 8 spells for Waygate. Ohh man sounds tough.
8 spells is it? Lol time to craft Golden Waygates. What a joke of a nerf.
HoW wIlL mAgE eVeR mAnAgE???
Congratulations Warsong Commander, the new Sacrificial Pact means you’re now only the second most useless card in the game now!
Most nerfs are just to much on the “easy” side of balancing except for demon Hunter changes but those were expected to be a little more elaborated.
Also blizzard should try to think a little more for themselves.
Take feedback not always means copy and paste whatever people want in the game and they are doing pretty much this.
The fact that Altruis’ attacks still hit face is bad.
Now you can play the extremely beautiful Jaaraxxus and play Sacrifical Pact on yourself to see what happens!
Demon hunter win rate gonna skyrocket again i’m afraid
I think someone at Blizzard lost too many games to odd demon hunter. The deck is 10 days old and it got hit by 8 different nerfs.
That would be way too difficult, they can only change mana cost, stats, and counters. Yeah, a bit bitter, but I’m a mage player. Need some mage buffs (standard). Overall though, I still feel that DH has some mechanics available that should not be in the class. There need to be some trade-offs for their class identity and there are none.
Just make it 2/2 for 3 mana and shuffle 3 2/2 minons(cost 1mana) and it would not be played by aggro, if highlander decks is not common
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Open the Waygate didn’t get much change. They needed to stop the extra turn/charge effect. I’m really disappointed.
Libram of justice ofr 5 mana? Pala will gonna be nuts… 
Regardless of what cards got nerfed, I just wanted to say that I’m really happy that Blizzard decided to share the news here on the forums instead of just Twitter/Reddit/whatever else.
My magic will tear you apart!
Wait why is libram of justice getting buffed(I don’t have any experiance in comp but in Arena it was a pretty powerful card and could completely wipe the enemies board)
Is the mage nerf a joke???