I don’t understand how you can miss nerfing mo’arg artificer for Warlock. A 2 cost 2/4 stats with good effect and no repercussions? Historically in HS those belong in the 3 cost minion category, 2 cost for 2/4 is too much early tempo IMO.
Open waygate is the problem and 6 => 8 is not the solution, even 10 spells won’t hurt it, the interaction with Vargoth is the main problem.
Why no dust refund for frenzied felwing
So the 3 demon hunter nerfs are to cards in the initiate set so you can’t even disenchant them. And the nerfs barely affect 2 of the 3, Altruis and Adept.
Priests use Albatross and dont really have turn 3 or 4 moves. So this really doesn’t affect much for Priest but hurts every other class from using albatross.
Tell that to my Odd Quest Priest
Well you see it’s not the most powerful card after the fact that enemy spells also do double damage to it. It’s easy to remove for Mage, Rogue, DH, Warlock and anything else that can do 2 dmg with spells easily.
Time Gate needs to be nerfed to 7 mana to stop it being combined with Vargoth.
Kael’Thas: Ok, comes one turn later, but still usefull and will still see play. Also, wild decks that use him like Jade Druid are mostly unaffected by this.
Bad Luck Albatross: I don’t undestand why this had to be nerfed tbh. It’s a tech card which was printed for the exact reason of countering specific decks
Frenzied Felwing: Meh, will probably still be played. Health was not the issue
Altruis: Will probably still see play since it can still hit face
Battlefiend: Becomes a bit slower and thus less likely to snowball out of control. It may be cut from some DH decks
Glaivebound Adept: ok, I guess? Was this card oppressive or something? I don’t get it
Sacrificial Pact: At least Jaraxxus may become playable in the future.
Bloodbloom: Long overdue nerf which shows they care about wild
Libram of Justice: Hey, if this makes control Paladin viable, I’m game
Open the Waygate: See Bloodbloom
Overall, the nerfs seem ok. DH may not become bottom tier like Galakrond Shaman was after those nerfs. I’m ready to eat my words if this is not the case of course
This nerf is useless u just nerf a little bit for demon hunter.But sac pact is a main key for counter demon hunter then what deck can beat it now ?.
I think this game dev never play this game only do idiot promote video n showing something like a Circus
REALLY? No Priestess of Fury nerf? Someone forgot about this DH card.
7 Mana 6,7
“At the end of your turn, deal 6 damage randomly split among all enemies.”
Open the Waygate nerf does literally nothing, every quest-mage plays more than 8 spells already, they play 8 spells to discount their mana giant to 0, this is useless. What is this extremely cautious nerf to a completely broken deck? What are they afraid of? That wild will finally become playable for classes other than mages? That is frustrating.
Not sure this will change much other than delaying the same stuff a single turn.
This should help change the card to a build-around or tech card instead of just being a good card you could put into most decks without thinking.
Not sure the 2 health is that important a breakpoint, unless you’re looking to have it die to Explosive Trap or something.
4 mana means less things you can follow up with on the turn you play him, but Demon Hunter has a couple of 0-mana cards which don’t care about this.
Seems fair to me.
A slight damage nerf, not sure what effect it will have overall.
Sac Pact got sacrificed to let Demon Hunter live.
Hurting 2 not very interactive decks by nerfing a card that isn’t used elsewhere.
Eh, whatever.
I said before and saying again… Blizzard has to change all Hearthstone card team. It shall start from to Top… Because only bad manager can accept this cards and non balanced system…
This game just trash now.
I see only demon hunter. And warlock (against dm) and they nerfed best dm card from warlock.
Anyway For me game comes to the end.
They will bring new adventures with cards again to earn more and more money.
Blizzard is worst then EA.
its all about the money(people will try new decks) or do you think they are really so dumb to not make obvious balances
kael’thas, albatross, altruis, waygate -those changes do nothing, bad, lazy nerfs
sac pact, battlefiend, felwing, libram of justice - this changes were expected
glaivebound adept - there was no point changing him to begin with
bloodbloom: 2 turns is still not enough for DH and it kills mecha’thun instead
Well, it certainly helps them. Them buffing LoJ sows Librams might stick and they’ll be getting more.
Honestly please reconsider the mage quest nerfs, if you are going to make it harder to achieve throw it to at least 10 spells but I would prefer it to be 15 myself
Some of the nerfs here were suggested, even expected, on these forums. Looks sensible to me. Although I doubt Kael’thas’s nerf will be enough. Demon Hunters can still easily active it’s effect potentially multiple times a turn.
I especially like the nerf to Sacrificial Pact. Someone, sorry I forgot who, suggested it and I agreed it makes sense.