16.0.5 Balance Update - December 19

Deck link? :slight_smile:

This nerfing logic of blizzard is like this:

You: Hey blizzard, can u fix this water leak in my wall?

Blizz: Yes

(after 20 min Blizz comes back)

Blizz: I fixed it!

You: Omg, that was really nice, but how u did it?

Blizz: I destroyed all your plumbing, but hey, no water no leaks right?

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There should also come a nerf Apothecary Up to 5 or 6 mana and they should move the necrium spell card to Hall of Fame.I think that would be better for the meta right now.

(Crab party) Amalgam is gone (crab party)

No more 72/86 taunt/divine shield/poison/wind fury

Thank god !

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Very dissapointing that you didn’t even touch the “magnetic” keyword at all… It’s really not fun having someone use smugglers run on turn one and two, and then drop down a 2 mana 4/4 divine shield, and then put a 1 mana 3/5 next to it and you’ve got a turn 3 7/9 with divine shield. WTF is this? Can you PLEASE nerf the Magnetic keyword alltogether, this clearly doesn’t work as intended


I heard from a gm they are also discussing about rogues atm ,So I am curious when they are solving that problem asswell

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So after all this time this is what you call a nerf? The main issue with galakrond shaman is untouched?!
No news about the poor priest galakrond? It is literally unplayable in ranked atm vs all the shamans and dr rogues…
The galakrond battlecry is a joke when enemy fills the board with lackeys or 2/1 rush minions every other turn.
The galakrond hero power is too much of an rng unlike other classes, is that what blizzard wants for competitive hs?
The 4 mana dragon (fate weaver) requires invoke twice which is quite hard to achieve for priests; if you draw those 2 dragons early game it is a dead card in hand if you are looking for some combo play.
The 5 mana destroy/invoke card (time rip) is a joke when your opponent only fills the board with tiny minions in this meta, if you plan to spend 5 mana on that gl with catching up with the board.
The 3 mana aoe spell (breath of the infinite) is just a reprinted version of volcanic potion, and a worse version of lightning breath (yes, surprise, another shaman card)
The 5 mana dragon (chronobreaker) is actually a good card, but too hard to pop that off in time before your opponent overwhelms you unlike the good old mass hysteria for the same cost, sure you put a body out there, but you want it to die to work as intended… in addition to that there arent many useful dragons for priests this patch, are they? gl having both weaver and chronobreaker in hand on turn 5, and popping off on turn 6 if you can find a way to trigger it
The 2 mana card (envoy of lazul) that (potentially?) copies a card in your opponents hand is a bugdet version of madame lazul… nice card there blizzard Kapp
The 8 mana 8/8 minion (murozond the infinite) is probably the best card in this patch for priests, unfortunately your opponent most likely plays a million battlecry minions in this patch and murozond wont trigger the battlecries. So you will end up trying to decide if you want to play 8 mana for a body on board, which doesnt prevent any face damage, or save it for a better turn each game.

I could go on with all these problematic stuff, but I doubt blizzard cares honestly… There seems to be a hundred ways that priests could get a buff but that is all we get for this patch? 1-2 attack reduction and 1-2 mana nerf for shamans? Sure… coz why not right?


It is also a murloc tho. That counts for something

Aggro decks will still have problems because you can constantly spam enough 2/1s with rush to always have board control.

I always felt magnetic should only work with magnetic. Just imagine that non-magnetic mechs are made from non-magnetic metals. It would help stop come BS like that cheap 1/5 mech.

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My thoughts exactly! now they get a free 10cost instead of 8… :frowning:

Man the nerfs are getting worse …

Also, I am SOOOOOOOO happy I didnt fall to the “pre-perchase” trap :slight_smile:
I had some really bad feeling about this !

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Great, all you did here is just setting Shaman back 1 turn or 2, people will still use that deck the same way as before. Nothing has changed, except people are even more encouraged to use the interactive face decks to counter off shaman now.

Also setting back the timing of Mogu by 2 mana isn’t going to cut it, it’s basically 2-4 mana deal 3 damage and summon a random 10 cost minion. When will you learn cheating out big minion is a problem in your game? The same thing is currently happening with Rogue and you’re not even addressing or acknowledging it to the players.

This game has the worst developer-player communication in all game that I have played.


You raised my hopes, only to throw them into the nearest river and drown them


Lots of ways to deal with magnetic - silence, sheep, hex, vanish, devolve, power word death etc. Every class has a way.

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Ive spent a fortune on this game over the years and im with you all the way on this.I wont be spending another penny till they learn to get it right

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How many techs can 1 deck have vs magnetic? I’m just glad its not an issue in standard (as much). I still feel magnetic should only work on magnetic.

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silence,ooze,aggro. cabal shadowpriest for priest;
Rogue has counters, shaman did not
+rogue was played to counter shaman

Shaman has hex and silence, what do you mean no counters?

My biggest issue with magnetic is attaching crap to the whelps.

When the patch will hit? Cause its 20:00 in my country now.

Oh cmon! The shaman galakrond is WAY out of hand! 7 mana for two 8/8 minions with rush AND a weapon?! This release is by far the worst. I love a lot of the new cards but the unbalance is so horrible this time around. Done playing until you guys do a good balance patch and hopefully ASAP! Not in “a few weeks”

No chance they would actually nerf Chaman’s quest, right?
Chaman will still be broken after those nerfs.
Not even talking about deathrattle Rogue.