16.0.5 Balance Patch Notes

True, but we shall see whether Slurper is still always there and if so, whether the stat change will have an effect.

Wow, these are terrible. All focused on Shaman when Rogue is just as strong if not even stronger and feels ten times worse to play against.

Mogu not gonna see play at 9 mana, just like shaman don’t play sea giants even if it’s a singular card that guarantees an 8/8.

They tried to take shaman down a notch but I don’t think the nerfs did much, shamans will switch back to the quest version and still be fine.

Most likely they are hinging on the adventure to bring meta changes.

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These changes to shaman do almost nothing on their matchups vs other midrange or control decks.

They really impact him vs face Hunter, and slightly vs zoo (because vs zoo, mogu is a big buff).

So, we can only pray on our Lord saviour Rexxar to go face fast enough to keep them at bay

You are regurgitating what people said about Mage and Warrior when they got hit by the SoU nerfs. And we all remember how those nerfs neutered those decks.

The difference though, those nerfs hit far less cards than this one. Shaman is done. Why care about what you view as not fun when you won’t be playing against it anymore?

Maybe because those cards will still see some play and I might want to have the option to use a decently statted Slurper?

Because I’m not a fan of some cards holding all the power, but a more even distributed card strength? I want more cards to play with and not less?

I’m also not sure what people said back then.

Stop asking people questions to which you know that they know they do not have answers to.

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You are acting like people haven’t been complaining about Mogu since it came out.

And the Dragon’s Pack is going to come out later in many instances. Since I have absolute garbage Shaman RNG since last month I can tell you that it’s gg for the opponent when the Shaman stars don’t align now. Post nerf it’s like everyone gets my RNG every game.

Examples of my RNG include 100% Reno on curve in Wild for the whole of November, Devolving 5 Murlocs into 4 Murlocs and a taunt which someone calculated it at 0.3% chance, Somewhere around 10% chance of drawing Mutate with Mogu for me, 90% for opponent.

And you are acting like this outcry isn’t justified. You are also acting like they didn’t delibarately left the epic cards unchanged

Nice and cool but why make balance changes ONLY to shaman?

Shouldnt there be other changes affecting other classes as well? Or we re diving into the whole ‘‘shaman has been OP for 4 months, its about time for another class to get broken’’?
Dont know whats gonna happen yet, the meta will show but still i believe that they had to take more time in order to think for the nerfs, otherwise we re gonna get our next nerf wave in about a month from now.

Mogu I think is death in the water. Maybe some decks can still play him but its much easier to play around him now.
He probably wont see play anymore,you might as well play sea giant instead and skip the mutate. Shaman will go back to quest I think like sinkie said.

what I see is that they mainly impacted card form the past expansion, but they probably didn’t want to touch too much DoD expansion card. Elementalist for example, they could just have changed the stats and made it one invoke, but they decided to keep it at two because they probably want the shaman to remain a very hight tempo deck.

So what they did is lower the tempo of shaman with manacosts. Mogu will come one turn later, likely, and so will corrupt elementalist, and so will galakrond. We earned one turn. That it.

There is no logical sense as to why Amal was removed completely. None. I expect it to come back at some point.

Nope, no sense at all, none. Thank god they have you to set them straight.

I look at the 10 mana pool and I see Hakkar. The colossus of the moon is terrifying, but the memes to be had by shuffling cursed bloods might just be worth it. It should still come down at least 1 or two turns later now, so there’s more chance to draw a removal. This is a big minion meta so shadow word: death and similar effecient removals are premium to run anyway. And the current shaman decks are pretty draw heavy. They like to thin their decks as fast as they can.

So this is what this is about? Crying about nerfs dust?

Great to know what your agenda was all along.

And thank god I have you.

I don’t even have those cards. So no.

The one who is apparently crying about nerf dust is Blizzard. And your agenda seems to be to ridicule your fellow hearthstone players.

I don’t know in what thought process you want to nerf Sludge Slurper and not Dragon’s pack otherwise?

I did the same thing back in SoU after the nerfs announcement.

The community was ridiculous then, and so they are now.

You can evolve via lackey. Not only that you still have to clear a 4/12 when your opponent usually has board control. Even 2 turns later it is a pain. It’s still 12 hp and clearing it redirects resource you would put towards dealing with other threats or moving your gameplan forward. God forbid the Mogu trades favorably as well.