16.0.5 Balance Patch Notes

Though, there is still some hope for team 5 to redeem themselves.

Apparently the game developers in Blizzard already left for the Holidays, so they didn’t get to overview all the cards and promised that after new year more balance changes will occur.
Some streamers on Twitch mentioned it. I just wish there was an official announcement saying that these minor changes are only to test things up before the holidays and not the only “balance changes” - they don’t seem to be balanced at all.

I’ll reply this way: (for BG only)

  • The Boogeymonster
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4 .

~ should’ve been taken out instead, it’s useless as-is and tribeless thus cannot ever scale in late game since it doesn’t retain it’s increased stats each fight (if they changed this card back to t5 and ALLOWED it to retain increased stats gotten via fights, it would be a good card and could scale late game, how well idk.

  • Mechano-egg
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.

~I agree with this

  • The Beast
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 3 .

~Another card that should’ve just been removed/replaced although now at t3 it will be at the very least a consideration and potentially meaningful minion to have for the mid game but with it’s DR you really don’t want this guy for the late game as the extra token generated by it’s death could just cause you to lose the round etc.

  • Coldlight Seer
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 2 to Tavern Tier 3 .

~About damn time, should’ve never been t2 to begin with tbh…

  • Primalfin Lookout (changed last week)
    • Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5 .

~This card shouldn’t exist in BG or have it limited to ONLY murlocs that are of a tier cost lower than itself can be discovered etc. This change won’t affect too much considering the time between t4 and t5 is pretty low, I for one usually tier up to t5 rather quickly after hitting t4. We’ll see though…

  • Nightmare Amalgam
    • Has been removed from the pool of available minions.

~Bad move since they didn’t take out poisonous and/or the ability to obtain poison easily, now the other tribes can’t compete at all with late game boards made of DS/WF/Poisonous Murlocs etc. Mechs/Demons at least had an Amalgam or two to give taunt/shield/poison too now they don’t but Murlocs still have access to WF/DS/Poison…

  • Brann Bronzebeard
    • Has been removed from the pool of available heroes.

~Should’ve never been in BG to begin with, this is the one card that actually makes it painfully obvious they(blizzard aka Activision) didn’t test this at all or did the very bare minimum and we all here see how that works out in the end :wink:

  • Bartendotron
    • Has been added to the pool of available heroes.

~Should’ve never been taken out, I like him tbh, allows you to tier up quicker than the rest which can payoff, I have a lot of wins with him and pretty nice WR with him too.

All in all, not enough, not even nearly enough but at least they made two right moves. Balance patches should be happening weekly/bi-weekly during beta’s tbh but Blizzard has a different philosophy. Just because they’re finally doing them due to losing money doesn’t mean we should all be so quick as to give them the benefit of the doubt again which will just lead to history repeating itself as it is now at this very moment.

Investments take time and nurturing, cheers o/

It would be nice if Jeff Kaplan was in charge of nerfing Shaman.

He’s known for not having a lot of Mercy.

My quote is actually a link to that very thread if you click the title of it :wink:


Mogu was powerful because of early cost to 0 and mutate making it free but uping the cost by 2 just means uping what it evolves into. It still is a nerf but it isnt much of one.


Odd Paladin was nerfed only once, last December. The nerf only hit 1 card, that’s 2 copies.

There’s never been a deck nerfed 4 cards, 8 copies total, at once before.

Sludge slurper? Wut?

And there’s the random card getting nerfed. Agree with the rest though.

Except changing level up to 6, what in odd paly was hit again?

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Yeah, I think some people are seriously underestimating the significance of this nerf buff. There is one low roll now, Phaoris, IMO. Everything else is at least a 16 stat avg, OR has a beneficial effect. Thats not something to be ignored!

Emeriss = 8/8
Kalecgos = 4/12, first spell each turn is free
Nozari = 4/12
Jumbo Imp = 8/8
Boom Reaver = 7/9
Deathwing = 12/12
Sea Giant = 8/8
Mecha’thun = 10/10
Hakkar = 9/6, shuffle bloods
Big Bad Archmage = 6/6, summon a 6 drop at end of turn
Colossus - 10/10, DS, reborn
Living Monument = 10/10 taunt
*King Phaoris = 5/5

All include a pseudo-Frostbolt/Darkbomb for 1M more…

Thats 12x 10-drops, only one of which is “bad”, Phaoris… Yeah, thats a buff when you look at the 8-drops available. 1 turn later, on avg (guesstimating), more than covers the fact that its 1 turn later.

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Makes me miss my combo priest with amet, double boar, double ds, double turvy. 2/7->2/14->2/28 (4+2+2=8) with 1/28 and 1/28 chargers (8+1+1=10) and then 28/1s. It wasn’t the best deck because survival issues and my deck building sucks. But “sticking on the board” doesn’t matter as much. Just a 7 card 10 mana combo :stuck_out_tongue:

When all else fails, there is always shaman to counter it.


The Sludge Slurper nerf is so random and unnecessary.

I think Shaman and Rogue are still going to be the best classes after the patch…

Will Shamans start running Quest again?
Will Shaman go so far they run minions that summon minions for the opponent or Wisps?

I don’t really care about battlegrounds, but I like the Nightmare Amalgmam Deletion. From my noob perspective it seems like every deck wants Nightmare Amalgam and so it feels bad when everyone wants the same minion that is randomly available. I’m sure there are nuances I don’t understand.

It was necessary because a 1 drop dealing with a 2 drop while adding a Lackey to the hand was part of the problem.

I for one really like the nerf on Sludge Slurper.

Say if opponent Shaman plays Sluge Slurper on turn 1. It becomes very awkward for me. A lot of time I am forced to play a 1 drop as well that Shaman can trade into, and I fail to generate board. (most likely would be battlemage as a 1 drop)

As for Corrupt Elementalist, I’d rather it was changed to invoke only once and generate one 2/1 token. This way it gets 2/1 token, and gets another 2/1 token from invoke effect.

I don’t know if the meta will be much different after the patch but I hope it will.

Very satisfied with BG changes though.

Sure, murloc will be the only tribe left to gain poisonous status, but it is harder to buff them up than Amalgam. Amalgam is just way to dominant and flexible.


Mutate is a spell. Kalecgos works on the first spell. We’ve already seen this with using coin for example to get out Kalecgos. The coin counts for the first spell.

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I still don’t know why Paladin Equality spell needs to cost 4 mana instead of it’s old 2 mana. I mean you have priest who can basically wipe the screen any time he feels like it and he also has mass rez.

That is what happens if you are a dev and look at numbers but don’t play your game. A 5/6 5/6 Dragon Pack or constant 2/1 rushes, 8/8 spam feels terrible to play against. Whereas a 2/1 overload get a lackey mighr be strong, but not a terrible experience for your opponent.

There is already a 12/12 dragon at eight mana (it’s even the same dragon, in fact) but I do agree with you that the 10 pool is quite a bit better than the eight pool (no Hireek, for one!).

That said, in my experience I’ve often played Mogu for one or two mana (far more often than for zero mana, I feel) and yet used all my mana for that turn so I’m interested in seeing how this’ll turn out. I mean, usually a two mana raise has been something of a deathknell for a card but of course this is quite a special case.

I can also see the thinking behind Sludge Slurper - aside from Morpher decks he has been in basically all Shaman decks since release and there is a definite different between 1/1 and 2/1 when played on the first turn.

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It’s not the Slurper that is broken though, but the synergy, i.e. overload, faceless corruptor, quest