16.0.5 Balance Patch Notes

Next patch needs a necrium apothecary nerf and some priest buffs

Brann Bronzbeard as a hero, not the card. The card remains in the pool. Tbh he was not op as people think. He relied on Battlecry minions if you can’t find Battlecry minions you are screwed, happened to me a lot. Deryl and Edwin are way more op and consistent in buffs than Brann. Imo of all heroes Rafaam should have been removed.

What Mogu provides is tempo in that it usually kills a minion before getting mutated. So not only did you have to deal with a big creature, but you had less of a board to work with than before.


I stand corrected, I thought it was the card, RIP.

If Brann is still in the game, the card, Murlocs can still scale rapidly once gotten. Give it a week, I bet it’s still MurlocGrounds then(*don’t get me wrong, I hope I’m wrong as I would like to play some BG again but MurlocGrounds isn’t fun, at least to me it isn’t and that’s with the perspective of winning with them, feels dirty when you do win with em etc). Thanks for the heads-up @shred.

Peace o/