16.0.5 Balance Patch Notes

Did the devs know that the current highest winrate for priest is combo without a single new card ? How come they calls it a balance patch when they didn’t touch the issue of priest having (probably) the lowest winrate in hearthstone history ?

Just rework shaman already blizzard, geez.

Class is garbage, they are either over powered or underpowered. It is almost impossible to balance that class

I’d have to disagree. Odd Paladin was hit over and over again and all it did was exchange cards out for another card and kept on rolling. Sludge nerf doesn’t really do anything. A shaman wasn’t winning because of 1 attack extra in the early game.

The neutral nerf to faceless doesn’t hurt just shaman…it hurts everyone using the card so shaman will just be using the same thing everyone else is doing. Furthermore, it doesn’t affect Shudderwock.

Mogu Fleshsaper, as I have pointed out, is actually a buff.

The only real significant nerf here is elementalist which isn’t really terrible because you’re still getting a 3/3 2/1 rush and 2/1 rush = 6.5 mana worth of stats out of a 6 mana minion - not to mention this one minion could actually fully invoke galakrond all by himself. No other card has ever completely buffed or been able to skip upgrades all by itself.

The problem with Invoking in Shaman decks is that the invoke never sets you back on the mana curve yet it does with practically every other galakrond invoke. Invoking is actually setting you above the mana curve because of the 2/1 rush elementals you get for free.

Compare this to priest who gets a free minion but you can’t play it yet, so playing a 2/2 rush for 4 actually sets you back on the curve. Playing a 4/5 taunt for 5 sets you back on the curve. Shaman sacrifices literally nothing and in fact gains momentum.

Either way, back to the original point, Odd Paladin was nerfed over and over and over again to the point that Baku had to be taken out of standard completely. Shaman will keep going. It will adapt. In fact, it might not even need to.


These nerfs are so safe, and so light on I’m not really confident they’ll have much impact.

Dragons pack stays as is? Can we just spare a thought for a class like druid that instead of an invoke-related card was seen fit to get SIDEQUEST - Attack with your hero! The more I play this expansion the more I wonder at how those side quest cards were even remotely close to the powerlevel of galakrond cards and decks.

Mogu is fine. I guess. But corrupter? Still above and beyond an auto include in most decks, which is problematic when its a great card regardless of deck archetype. So many other neutral cards just pale in comparison and don’t see play because they simply can’t compare.

As a paladin player, the overall power imbalance just strikes me as really really strange. Shaman get whatever, and pally got…

Take no neutrals and get a free weapon.

Wow blizzard, just wow.

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Odd Paladin benefited from a new metagame in which it remained almost as powerful, relatively speaking.

The Level Up! nerf is a perfect example. The deck became significantly weaker at an absolute level – no one can deny this – but it remained almost as strong, because the decks that it countered were among those that grew better, and the counters to those decks sufficiently kept them down for Odd Paladin to succeed.

A deck benefiting from a balance patch in which it is one of the targets (in the sense that it remains approximately as powerful or gets better) is something that almost never happens. The only other example I can immediately think of is when Midrange Shaman became Tier S after Aggro and Midrange Shaman were among the decks nerfed during One Night in Kharazan, and that was due to the culmination of many odd meta circumstances and therefore an inherently unique instance.

Furthermore, Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane were rightfully considered problematic for Standard in general, and Odd Paladin was merely one of many factors in the decision to induct them into the Hall of Fame.

I also respectfully disagree with most of your other points, but unfortunately, I don’t currently have the time to discuss this.

In any case, we will see what happens soon! :yum:

We’ll see on that friend. I think delaying that card by even a turn could be very impactful against Zoolock and Pirate Warrior.

Honestly that card is fairly strong imho… Just need more Pure Paladin cards to support the archetype. That one though is a big reason why the deck is even slightly a thing in the meta right now.

New Shaman Hero power:
Rock up: Gain 2 health as armor,

New Shaman Cards:
Rock Bash
1 mana spell
Deal 1 damage to a minion for each armor you have.

Firey Sword
2 mana 3/2 weapon

and for those of you who enjoys shaman rngs

Elemental clash
5 mana spell
Destroy all minions but one. (Chosen randomly)

I will play shaman if this happens


So wait… Mogu can now evolve into Kalecgos… Which will let them get Dragons pack on the same turn… SIGH

Either make it immune to spells/hero power or keep the value it has when it’s summoned.

Big bad Archmage, Colossus of the Moon, Deathwing, Kalecgos, Living Monument. Ugh. The worst 10 drop by a mile is probably King Phaoris, a 5/5.

Pretty much. They need to remove Megasaur.

I look forward to the whine posts when he summons a colossus for the first time on turn 3-5


I agree with the Faceless nerf but everything else is not enough.

Nerf to Slurper makes no sense, wasn’t needed… Mogu to 9 mana… great they get an even better chance at highrolling w/ mutate ugh…

They didn’t touch the 8/8’s/shudder/2/1’s w/ rush at all, true they did “slow” the deck down a tad but that wasn’t the problem. Their cards still generate too much value, this will be an aggro/face meta for awhile guys.

Adios o/ (won’t be playing much, changes to BG are laughable to say the least, again not enough. Makes you wonder where they get their data from or why they make the decisions they make etc…)

Why don’t you think BGs is enough? I think Murloc will have real trouble in the mid and early late game now. They’ll be a great end game tribe as they have been but won’t be good throughout like they are right now.

Its not the stats that are the problem its the meta. (and the huge power creep and reliance on rng)

what ?

the most common complain about the meta is shaman playrate and win rate in other words …stats

Maybe, depends, because Kalecgos only makes the first spell of the turn free, which means casting a spell before Kalecgos lands eliminated the free spell.

This means that if Mogu evolves into Kalecgos via Mutate, no free spell that turn (yknow, besides the fact that mutate is already free). But if it evolved via Lackey… lord have mercy on your soul if the shaman has an activated Dragon Pack in hand and didn’t cast a spell before the Mogu play.

I think people miss out that murloc will no longer have taunt (or all have it) Divine shield murloc can now be handled with a unbuff hydra alot easier. Currently its hiding at a corner forcing my cleave to hit brann and nothing else too.

They win cause they can summon tons of stuff and overwhelm the enemy if they get the right cards and thus win in any situation, not because a unit has a 1 more or less stat. Do you know what meta and rng means?

The whole “summon tons of units/replace inactive weak units/get/discover free units” thing is the problem.

Like the issue with the faceless corruptor is not that he has 5 attack but that he can be used to essentially attack 3 times in one round while replacing a wounded unit. All this with just ONE single unit.

The same with Galakrond meta or the Alextrasza meta and so on.


i guess lykotic never made the mistake of coining into kaleygos …

Why was I brought into Kalecgos lol