16.0.5 Balance Patch Notes

so, curator will be even more op ? no more amalgam, no more bran

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I agree. Curator will be a little less powerful without Brann, but in exchange it’ll be the only hero with a large buffed multi-class minion. We’ll have to see how Murlocs shape up against it but I think Curator’s marketability just shot up.

And that’s a problem how, exactly? Is not going face every time and learning to trade into threats such a foreign concept?

Demon meta,i am calling it now.

Curator was good’ish but not OP. Now it’s value goes up though.

First time mogu shifts into a colossus of the moon or a 12/12 dragon, a kalecgos, a big bad archmage, a monument ppl are going to realize this is not a nerf.

The problem with mogu WAS NEVER the cost to get it out compared to its stats…the problem is how high cost it was which allowed it to shift into huge minions.

They literally just buffed it.

So what, your mogu will now cost 2 instead of 0 or 3 instead of 1. Now it’s just bigger for 2 more mana when the mana was negligible anyway…


Corrupt Elementalist is a good starting point imo. Still strong, doesnt kill the card.

Sludge Slurper is way out of left field. What was their though process for making this a target?

Faceless Corruptor, not sure its enough to dethrone it as the most played card. Time will tell.

Mogu Fleshshaper… Just NO! BAD BLIZZARD. Go sit in the corner and think about what youve done.

A 2M increase for that effect isnt going to slow it down by 2 turns by default. All it does is increase the odds of a good Mutate/Evolve by a significant margin, there arent many 10M low rolls, and a whole heap of high rolls at that mana cost.

One of Shamans supposed class strengths is minion swarms, so keep it at 7M and make it friendly minions only.


You’re missing my point. The Priest combo is extremely unforgiving in the sense that if you let one creature through, you die, and there is no meaningful way of interacting with the combo itself.

Already gathered at THE CORNER…


sipping piping hot choc, coffee, tea and merrily chatting holiday plans.


Biggest problem: rogue wasn’t nerfed. Nobody mentions that…


…yeaaaaaaa I don’t think they hit faceless corrupter nearly hard enough…i would’ve liked to see that thing become a 6 mana 4/4 at the very least…I don’t think the nerf is gonna be that impactful…deathrattle rogue still an issue…so is pirate warrior…both run faceless…:grimacing:

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Mentioned that in my advices for real nerfs.
Apothecary needs to be looked at and maybe raised to 5 mana.

However, you can still tech in cards against Apothecary (Silence, Zephyris, Hex, Polymorph, earth shock, weapon removal).

The main problem is that in Shamanstone and Hyper Aggro decks meta, less people will play silence (unless they are control decks). Instead Hyper aggro decks will just rush the Rogues and Shamans down.

Thanks for posting patch note Wardrum.

I’m disapointed they didn’t nerf dragon’s pack, and I think mogu fleshshaper would have been better as a 10 cost card, but lets see. The elementalist nerf is okay, I guess, still a very strong card. Corruptor nerf is good .

I don’t think shaman will be very impacted by those change, but maybe it’ll deny them full galakrond by one turn, which may be enough in some case.

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Ha ha ha, thanks a bunch Blizzard :). This nerf doesn’t do a thing to my Shaman deck.

If it didn’t destroy Battleground then it would be the perfect balancing patch.

put a taunt? weaken the creature so its too low hp to be DS?

Oh yeah the priest can use neferset and silence. Which means he needs silence, double divine spirit, inner fire, neferset ritualist.So it’s one hight base hp creature on board, 7 mana and 5 specifics cards in hand to kill you.
I mean, look at it reastically. How likely is that to happen?

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Very nice nerfs. I smiled!

Mogu Fleshripper I can agree on. 9 mana into 10 is like a Sea Giant except it takes two cards for the cost of the 3 damage rush in the beginning. Not a bad change.

Sludge Slurper seems a bit much, but it was an auto include for many Shaman decks due to the value of lackeys and the strong curve.

Faceless Corruptor is still too powerful. Should have been bumped at 7 mana and kept at 5 attack. The problem with this is card is the fact that it’s playable still early in the curve where 4 attack can still trade super efficiently. 6 mana would just make Even Shaman run it for the tempo gain.

Corrupt Elementalist I have it in gold. I’ll take 800 dust for a card I don’t even use.

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How dare they touch my Murlocs!!!


“Never use Paladin’s Hero Power ever again.” Got it.

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The reactions here are ridiculous.

Have people forgotten how 2 cards destroyed SoU Highlander Mage?

This amounts to 8 cards in the deck. No deck has ever survived a 6 card nerf, and none have ever experienced an 8 card nerf in HS history. Galakrond Shaman is done for. High Tier 2 at most, most likely Tier 3.