16.0.5 Balance Patch Notes

It ups the average stats slightly, but the outlier on the top end being 12/12 but the 1/1 is no longer an option. On average they’ll get about 9/9 or so in stats(maybe 9/10).

However, stop flooding the board when you see shaman? I know shocker. They can’t fix the problem this quickly if they even plan on doing it. However, you’re getting to the point of the people who cry about MC Tech. "Waaaaaah I had 7 minions on the board and "

The card MECHANIC of costs needs to be fixed, but you’re no better when you play right into it. If you’re playing a shaman and not keeping their board clear or flooding your own, you only really have yourself to blame.

I’d also like to point out that removing Amalgam from BG’s now makes murlocs even more powerful.

Amalgam was a way for beasts and mechs to have a poisonous minion. Now, only murlocs will be poisonous.


Do they even play their own game? I feel like they just throw ideas into a hat and draw them at random. Removing Amalgam was not the play. I’m okay with it, but Megasaur is the real problem. Divine Shield + Poisonous is too strong.

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DS/IF is NOT even remotely the easiest combo to counter. Oh look a 2/14 ok I’ll kill it. Oh look another…and another…and another. Eventually unless you’re playing control shaman or mage, the priest WILL get the combo.

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Tour idea for mogo nerf is way beyond over kill kinda just sounds like you hate the card tbh… the rest of your idea would be semi ok tho

Amalgam was a way for you to not even care about what you were building because you could switch at a moment’s notice. Now they can design some actual menagerie units.

Yes it is, it’s provably been the easiest to counter.

You do realize that unless they’re using Seance on High Priest Amet, it’s an easy card to counter with hard removal effects (Polymorphing it or outright destroying it with Siphon Soul, Shadow Word: Pain and other such effects).

Isnt sludge slurper now just an evil cable rat?

Terrible change


and yet you seem to disregard that without a transform it’s just coming back. You’re 100% wrong here. Decks using the combo have more than enough minions to try it with and about 4 or so ways to bring them back. Just stop.


Spread over 2 turns. Not sure where they thought this would matter though.

Where can I Dirty Rat + Hex to destroy the entire DS/IF combo (or at least take out a critical piece if timed well)?

I’m not saying that it should be nerfed (the combo isn’t that good atm), but in order to legitimately prevent the combo from going off you need to destroy literally every minion the Priest plays, otherwise you risk them simply going Buff → IF → Mass Dispel → OTK. Far from the easiest combo to disrupt.

That’s a HUGE if, you’re counting on a high roll off of Mass Resurrection, which is an even worse Diamond Spellstone. Mass Resurrection means there’s the chance that at all you bring back is guaranteed crap like Frogs and Sheep, and more than one copy of them. The advantage Diamond Spellstone has is that it gives you DIFFERENT minions. Not to mention that one of the huge weaknesses of Big/Resurrection Priest IS polluting the res pool with worthless crap.

Just stop.

With a so so early game, a crappy mid game and no way to spiral out of control any more by buffing amalgams with bran, I think they will bow to their mech overlords.

Curator going back to being the number one hero.


It’s an automatic for me - I automatically trade into Priest minions when I can if I sense they are playing the Divine Spirit/Inner Fire combo. Like, almost an impulse. Priest players are absolutely fussy about when they play Inner Fire on a minion - they like to play it on a high health minion that is fully healed. I can literally count the amount of times they have done otherwise with one hand.

Not to mention another weakness of the combo is that it’s only played on certain minions, and they want to go as big as possible. Northshire Cleric is not as tempting a target than, say, High Priest Amet or Convincing Infiltrator, for example.

Felt like there would be more nerfs, but oh well.

The amalgam taken out of BG’s seems a little overboard. As others have said, now it’s just murlocs with poison and that doesn’t seem great…

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The poison Murloc is either going to be upgraded or taken out completely.

I thought they were planning to nerf amalgam not remove it entirely. I think this is a good thing though. Not sure how much of an effect the coldlight seer will have though - murlcos were already kind of weak in the midgame. It’s the lategame that gets out of hand.

Surprised they took out Bran and not Rafaam

So basically, the only way for Control decks to survive after the nerfs would have to contain ways to deal with Shaman (which is still strong), Deathrattle Rogue and Hyper Aggro decks like face Hunter, and maybe OTK Paladin.

So, the Handlock Malygos Warlock and Control Warrior (maybe highlander with dragons) might be the choice.
But it is still annoying to tech in 10 cards in the deck to counter. Silence is important in this meta, also weapon destruction tools and Heckelbot against Battlecry shaman and aggro decks.

It is sad, I don’t want to play Super aggro decks to beat Shamanstone and Deathrattle Rogues. I want to play fun control decks. But the nerfs will not affect much of the meta and until it is fixed - I feel bad for control decks :confused:


… So? Just because you’re willing to go after Priest’s minions doesn’t make it any easier to stop the combo. My point is that with most combos there is usually a single piece you can disrupt with a tech or otherwise interact with to either make the combo much less likely to succeed or to shut it down altogether, and in the case of Priest you have to kill every single minion before you get to that point.

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