Update on Weekly Quests

Update on Weekly Quests

We’re reducing some of the updated requirements on Weekly Quests.

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Like all that bait and switch was not planned in advance to get things where you want ( still higher requirements than before ) and pretended you listened to players…

While you are in this forum ( for a change ), how about you change the “Win game” to “Play game” for your quests? You guys should realize that simply winning a game can take hours for people who do not have top of the line decks.

Just sayin…


If the adjustment is not 25 or 30% of the original requirements to fit the xp added then it is still a scam. We know this kind of games are not free and you pay either with money or time, they are just telling you your time is not valuable and honestly I take it as a personal insult.


i appreciate the thought towards more rewards for players who play more, regarding the weekly quests, however, the problem with the implementation was that you didn’t just reward people who played more, you punished those who may not be able to play as much as those who do … the rewards track extra levels already does something toward this regard where the feeling of achievement isn’t gatekeeped as something that feels like “a loss” when you haven’t maxed out all 400 potential levels because it isn’t as “visible” as the quests … sure the quests fuel that rewards track but the feel of those “pellets” changing from nerds to jawbreakers is i think where the frustration comes from … tbh, what you ought to do is to change all those weekly quests to give staggered rewards, kind of like the mini-rewards tracks when it shows the entire quest chain … that way people who can only do what existed previously (5 ranked wins lets say) can still keep up on that level and gain those weekly bonus reward, but those who can get another 5 wins gets the extra and diminishing returns on the bonus rewards … this gives people who are going to play more anyway a little extra boost, and those who are struggling to play what they can a little extra incentive if they should get more time in a given week … i think even with your “middle of the road” approach people are still mostly going to balk at the changes … and you should be much more forwards with what’s left of the community about these kinds of system changes and feel out what people what ahead of time … you know asking permission instead of needing to apologize … at some point you won’t be forgiven


Blizzard give us refund for Tavern Pass “Earn 50 Gold for every level completed from 101 to level 400” liars! If I knew that I would not have purchased it!

Blizzard your deceitful and manipulative tactics are becoming increasingly unacceptable!!!

You did it to yourself Blizzard going forward I am free to play. You not going to see any of my money putting your oversize curvaceous bottoms on a diet.


We had seen that many players routinely completed their Weekly Quests through their regular play, without even really engaging with the Weekly Quest system

Isnt that the best way…

People playing the game the way they want to play the game and getting rewards as an extra bonus…

Isnt that better than “forcing” playstyles upon people…



And exactly was was wrong with it before ?! … all of a sudden BOOM " Update on Weekly Quests".

Blizzard shouldn’t you be spending your time/efforts on where it matters?


Dear Blizzard,
Unrelated, but Staff of the Primus freezes the target attacked after the latest patch. Please fix asap

tin foil hat

I said it when I first saw the uproar - Blizzard put the requirements crazily high on purpose so people would be upset, so when they “lowered” them to what they really wanted them to be, no one would complain. They’re still going to be higher than before.

They should remain the way they used to be before any changes.


Nope, revert to what it was, this is just a psychological and commercial tactic.

You are insulting us by treating us like idiots.


Partially walking this back is not enough, they need to fully revert these changes. they’ve clearly gone into this intending to be ‘talked down’ into slightly less insane quest requirements to make it seem a better deal by comparison.


I was playing on monday and by the time patch launched, I already had all quests completed.
Because of that my quests were not replaced with higher XP values and it kinda feels like I lost 1500 XP for completing it too early.

Would appreciate some form of compensation, thank you

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Great way to scare away more customers. Do you have any idea what you are doing?


I find it ironic that Blizzard has made an effort to get rid of bots and now the only accounts likely to complete the weekly quests are the bots. Maybe this is the new bot detection algorithm: complete all weekly quests and get banned for botting.


I don’t like quests where I have to play specific minions like Jepetto or minis.
I will make a deck that can complete the quest the quickly but has no change of winning.
After that I can play whatever I want.


I don’t know where to contact / provide feedback, but 15 wins is F*ing absurd. 5 was hard enough, given everything else we had to do. Usually you ahve to play some crap decks for requirements, that have a <10% chance to win. Then you have to win, and given matchmaking you have a 50/50 chance of winning, so you have 2x the listed games. Hearthstone is a casual game. If it doesn’t go back to 5 wins (and similar across the weekly quests) I don’t see how I can keep supporting this game.


Exactly. Some of these quests already felt like chores. You just do them because you have to. But now it’s only getting worse.

People will stop doing quests and then cannot compete. And then drop the game. This is basically a ploy to force people to spend more money on HS. Some may do that, but there are tons of people who won’t. And any FTP game NEEDS free players. Bleeding out your free players is kiling the game in the long run. I have seen that for many FTP games.


I think you guys are making the assumption that players are not engaged with the weeklies at they are with the dailies. Winning 5 BG matches at times can be challenging, but you guys increased it to 15. That’s abosolutely abusrd. And rather elicite feedback piror to the changes, you took it upon yourself to make the change without even telling the playerbase that is was going to happen.

I play this game a ton, way more than I really should. And I always pay attention to my dailies and weeklies.

Sure, reward players who play this game more frequently, but don’t make the grind longer for us, that’s not a reward that’s a punishement. That’s a perfect way to upset your player base and lose new and exisitng casual players.


first post best post, in forums? rare.