Play as priest and will hardly ever see another mage or other spell-based deck. Just minion and aggro decks, that’s all.
Could you be more specific? Standard, Wild? Shadow Aggro Priest, or Control Priest?
A mixture of spells and minion deck. Priest is all new to me so just trying out different things. Not really shadow priest but did become shadow priest at the end of one very long game to beat a rogue minion deck. This is all in ranked standard.
That doesn’t even make sense considering Priest loses to Mage generally and destroys aggro decks.
Inclusion of both crossroads watch posts ensure I don’t lose to quest mage that often. Same goes for quest warlock as well, except the one that runs minions which I usually do lose against. It’s just that since running priest the number of quest mages I’ve been encountering seems to have dropped off quite significantly compared to when running paladin. Now with priest I seem to encounter mostly minion opponents and have had to tailor my priest deck accordingly.
The mulligan is also hilariously rigged. Not just matchmaking.
It’s so transparent it’s unreal.
It’s kinda rigged. It won’t give you back the copies of the cards you sent away. So…not 100% random, true.
Obviously not what you implying of course.
But why though? If they are so clearly rigging your mulligans (can I also assume your regular draws?), what do they gain by rigging matchmaking? If an algorithm is controlling the gameplay to ensure a winner for whatever reason, then what purpose does rigging MM serve?
This damn evil, super greedy company that does everything it can for any bit of profit also wastes absurd amounts of resources on redundant systems apparently.
Also curious, does everyone else who thinks the game has rigged MM also agree with VILLAIN that the mulligan is hilariously and transparently rigged?
It does give you back copies of the cards you sent away. All too often in fact.
It won’t give you back the copies of the cards you sent away.
It does though?
The mulligan is literally rigged. This mechanic is blatant in adventures and stuff, and the mulligan, draw rates are not random in comp either.
Monetization in online games nowadays is absolutely greedy. I know, I work for a company that markets online games. To people who sink unreasonable amounts of money into essential gambling sims that are called “rpgs” and whatnot.
HS is one of the most egregious examples. Everything from matchmaking, to mulligan, to open rates in packs is rigged to siphon money out of you at the end of the day and make you feel like the purchase you made mattered.
It does not. You can get another copy of the card you mulliganed, but never the same
How many copies of cards do you think there are in starting decks? There are only two (or one + the original). You send one away, you get the copy back.
What does that matter? You can get another copy of the exact same piece of **** you wanted to get rid of in mulligan, yes. So?
i returned legendaries and cards i only run one copy off and never got it back
So that’s not rigged. Nowhere is it written in stone that mulliganing away one of your copies is supposed to mean you can’t get the other one in return.
You may not like that result, but it’s a statistical possibility.
Theo fact that you can’t get the same card back greatly enhances the effectiveness of the Mulligan.
What else to expect? Run just one copy of a card and you’ll never get a copy back, obviously.
It debilitates it. You throw out a card because it isn’t wanted in starting hand. Last thing you want is to get a copy of that same card back in starting hand again.
Theo other option is both cards being in the pool, instead of one of tem.
It doesn’t matter. You will get another copy and you will get a godawful mulligan in general, and draw the heaviest (lowest WR) trash early if only to increase the chances of your opponent pulling through the game after they made a purchase or to motivate you to make a purchase.
First, this does not happen. Play against any Hunter and count How manu times they haver nothing in hand for turn 1. I also experience this consistency in drawing commonly my lowest cost cards, and am a F2P. Case in point: any Mulligan highroll deck.
Second, How many packs haver you bought because of that?