100% rigged matchmaking!

Stuck at diamond 2 , played 31 games as secret paladin . Faced mage once and zero warlocks . switched over to quest shaman . in 9 games i have faced 3 mages and 6 warlocks . You have to be completely blind to not see how they rigged matchmaking .




Do you think that Blizzard has an algorithm that purposefully targeted you to give you bad matchups (and your opponents “good” matchups) and if so, why?


I find i strange that in 31 games i dont see the two classes that are the majority of the meta . All i get is elemental shaman . Then i switch over to a list that struggles against these two specific decks , then thats all i get . Btw i switched back to Paladin and now the mages are nowhere to be seen .


Yes, you are being targeted.
I can confirm this.
My uncle is a employee and has seen you, personally, flagged for the tinfoil club.
Too bad, so sad.


There are a lot of threads here about it where it was explained, even malenroh with some other guy posted some kind of evidence pointing the mm is rigged. Besides that many other multiplayer games has rigged systems, hearthstone is not the only one.


Did i ever claim that i was targeted ? God these forums are toxic . Im just saying that once your winrate gets to high wierd stuff starts happening . Papa Blizzard wont allow it .


Link the thread containing evidence, not just confirmation bias. Mall has been wearing his tinfoil hat longer than you have been posting.


So, how is it rigged then, if you were not specifically targeted?

MMR is the cause. The more you win, the more difficult your opponent will be.
This is not rigging, its how MMR based games work!


You must be toned down to around 50% winrate, you can get on a winstreak afterwards.

Or paid to pretend it’s not.


That doesn´t make any sense . If that was case then you should still see a diversity in decks not just counter decks .

YOU see counter decks in a handful of games.

Confirmation bias.

Trust me, if they were gonna rig anyone into counters it would be me.

Yeti ts you they choose :thinking:


I honestly believe they implemented something like this . Same old every month .

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MMR tones it to a 50% win rate.

Thats what an MMR system does.

It tries to match you with an equal opponent.

So, yes, you will approach a 50% win rate in ANY game using an MMR matchmaking process.

Stuck at D2? Stay there. You dont deserve last day legend.


Jesus christ i understand how MMR works . Still doesn´t explain why you would only get counter decks , Better players you say? well they dont play quest mage . Please just go away if your are just going to ignore everything i write .


You first.

Yep. Youre the one hard stuck, not me.

Take your 14 posts and do the same.

Show me your logs, instead of your theory.

Oh dont worry little guy , i will make legend before reset , just like i always do . And im so envious of yor impressive post count lmfao .

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“100% rigged” ?

Cool, I’m waiting for your proof.

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Its just variance. Play enough and you see the opposite happen, you just don’t notice it as much because most don’t pay close attention to why their winning. Only when they are on a losing streak. Its like anything else. Most people when they win, say I won and when they lose they blame everything but themselves.