pay attention to your deck mana curve …i had the same problem until i started looking at it
Exactly. I used to despair on drawing 3-4 mana cards on Mulligan, always, untill i started looking at face Hunter deck building.
Mu tempo decks now have a minimum of 4 1-drops and lo and behold, i always have a turn 1-2-3 play!
It’s the whole point, it’s rigged. Good and bad openers are not random.
If you only got **** mulligan you wouldn’t stick around to play the game. Likewise, if you didn’t get rigged awful streaks, you woudn’t feel motivated to purchase the **** that you see smacking you over and over, and your opponent, who made a purchase to get a deck, wouldn’t feel rewarded.
It’s simple money siphoning. And HS is not the only game that rigs rates to get your money.
This would be Very easily proven. I’m F2P. I, consistently, draw as expected from my curve. In fact, my First homebrew deck after analysing FH got me 14 wins in a row. Legend 2000.
Homebrew. F2P. Never bought a pack. Why is blizzard rewarding me?
Why i don’t haver consistent god awful mulligans?
Stop coping. Build better decks. There’s a reason IF in Mulligan carried Mage.
Blizzard games are all linked to same account so if you spent money on other blizzard games then that would count. Also, are you really f2p? Have you really not spent any money at all on this game, ever?
14 games when you switched the deck? If you play the same deck for way longer, like literally refuse to get off of it, you get punished my dude, to make you compulsively craft something else and spend money. Your homebrew only gets so far. If you win too much there’s no motivation to pay and the company doesn’t want that. They want your money.
HS is rigged just like Korean rpgs have paywalls.
What do you not understand?
Yes. Not a cent, and yes, i play no other titles by Blizzard. I player wow for like, three months years Ago, bit the dollar rose too much in price in Brazil.
Hs is prohibitely expensive here
14 games untill legend. I palyed way more. 65% winrate.
My First legend deck, which you will find in my history, If you care to look, had 56% winrate over 300 or so games. Again, homebrew, and again, F2P.
I had this exact mulligan problem. It’s purely a deck building one. I build tempo now with 8-12 1 drops, 4-8 2 drops and 6 or so 3 drops, depending on How long the game is supposed to Go. 1-2 finishers, depending on how much damage from hand.
Bam, problem gone. My First homebrew deck had this problem. The elemental Mage one had not
If you given money to blizzard on that same account sometime in the past then they will thank you for that.
Years apart? For two months of WOW?
Isn’t this like, way more improbable than, y’know, deckbuilding problems?
Money talks, or opens doors in this case, all the way to legendary.
You really, really believe that by giving Blizzard, like, 20 of your Bucks they would, years after, give me legend consistently ever after?
Like, is blizzard supposed to want money or not at this point?
Did those two months of wow guarantee me Legend consistently whenever i care to play? With homebrews? For a Guy that never consumed anything else? Does this seem rational to you?
Obviously you already been flagged as a paying customer. Hearthstone is essentially a free2play game with the option of paying money into it. Wow is not.
Suuuuuuure dude. That’s why i consistently Win against people that actually pay, waaaaay more.
Does this not seem strange at ALL? Y’know, i find myself pretty good at deckbuilding and piloting. I also consistently predict card effectiveness for Mage. I Also consistently get in legend with homebrews.
Is, in your Head, more probable that Blizzard is showering me in goodies for 20 Bucks against people that consistently buy Bundles than me being a relatively good player givibg good, tested deckbuilding advice?
I mean, you never noticed decks like face hunter are scarily consistent? Always same cards in hand? You think blizzard is rigging mulligans to benefit the cheapest deck in every meta?
Or is it, gasp, the redundancy built in the deck? Think about it
It’s a working theory at least. I need to cook up now anyway.
The mulligan does not give you back the same card you got rid of, ever. It can give you the second copy of that card if it is in your deck. If you only have 1 copy of it, you’ll never get it back. What you are describing is just bad luck, not rigging. Rigging implies that the odds are manipulated to make it happen more often, which they aren’t.
It’s not a common result, and if you actually recorded across all of your games how often it occurred, you’d see that it is not rigged.
The adventures are a bad example of rigging. Those are specifically built to have a set draw order and the decks do not shuffle unless a card effect forces them to.
Uhh, that’s just flatly untrue. I stick to the same deck for entire month, every month (aiming for 1k wins), I rarely fail to get into legend if I’m aiming for it. Sometimes I accidentally get there. Across hundreds of games I’ve never experienced anything approaching a feel that the matchmaking or mulligan systems were out to get me.
Do I have loss streaks? Sure, everyone does, but that’s just a completely normal result in statistics without the need for external manipulation.
People just really need to be able to blame outside evil forces when they lose, as it feels less bad when you believe there’s an external force working against you instead of random chance and your personal skill at the game.
I thought saying “It won’t give back the same card” could be interpreted wrong, but my actual response wasn’t any better, my apologies. Any card you mulligan will never be given right back during the mulligan step. Copies of the card can be. Easily proven in Reno decks.
Why bother rigging all openers for both good and bad outcomes when that can be achieved randomly. Without any rigging, you would still get great and awful hands. Even if you believe you are deliberately being given awful mulligans, you would eventually get a good one if you kept playing, how would you explain that? The algorithm took a break?
That would probably be the majority of the player base. Clearly not everyone is experiencing a constant increase in fortunes.
I find a deck I like and stick with it, making minor changes along the way. Throughout the entire Barrens expansion I played Clown druid almost exclusively. Hundreds of games, made legend each month.
You and wildwolf clearly aren’t on the same page either. Wildwolf seems to believe any purchase ever on a Blizzard product could tag your account permanently while you believe Blizzard will force you to lose if you haven’t spent money recently. You can’t both be right. Even if you are both 100% convinced the game is rigged, one of you is wrong.
This is one of the reasons I can’t get behind the rigged theories. Too many of them that don’t line up, yet each person who submits them is positive it’s happening the way they say it.
I am a whale and never passed platinum so the free wins via rigging is total bs. I have preordered every expansion since Mean Streets and buy packs randomely.
have you considered buying a rope instead
It would also defeat the purpose of inviting top ladder players to official tournaments if you could get there by buying a pack every X games to keep your algorithmic win streak going.
The biggest pitfall of the conspiracy theories here is that if any of them held water, ranking would be easier because we would know the rules.
If my deck was hideously weak to weapon decks, and adding weapon tech made me never see weapon decks, that would be a huge win for me! Adding that card in deleted my worst matchup!
But overall, none of these theories play out in a real world scenario, because the game is t doing anything to your matchmaking that you can manipulate.