Very Slow Startup on PC

I just tested load time on my PC for the game. Fresh restart. Launched BattleNet app, and let it “settle.” From the time I clicked on button to launch DI it was 1 min and 13 sec before any evidence of the game appeared on screen. It to another min and 2 sec to reach the splash screen for Blizzard & NetEase. It took an additional 9 sec to reach the screen where you pick the server. So a total of 2:24 to launch the game, not counting launching BattleNet.
My PC is 6 mons old, and it only requires 25 sec for a cold boot to the Windows 11 login screen.
I have spoken to others who have this same issue. Considering how common crashes are with the game client, this glacial pace of startup impacts others in your party/raid, too.

Yes, I play on a pc and my teammates always need to w8 for me, that I could load into a raids or whatever. I got it installed on a ssd and it’s still slow

I have a grunty machine with a lot of RAM and several NVME’s. It makes no difference.
The issue is mainly if you reboot. If you do not turn your machine off it is fine, other than post updates.

I worked out a few things and also tried these which make very little difference:

  • Deleting Appdata DX caches
  • Deleting all GPU caches
  • Deleting Diablo Immortal\LocalData\Cache
  • Deleting\Agent\data\cache

Each of these attempted individually and collectively with a tiny difference in snail-like loading on reboot.

There is something in their files which causes this. You keep your computer on and completely shut down D.I and and the Agent and it loads well when you restart the game later. Reboot and kiss goodbye to any speed. In fact, you often have to do a repair client which you should not.
If I did not know any better, I’d suggest there might be a server session token that disappears when you reboot, but only BLIZZARD can answer that.

Thanks for the replies. I’m “glad” that it’s just not my computer. I also have the game installed on an SSD. I’ll try just putting the computer to sleep and timing the startup after that. It seems still to be pretty slow when restarting the game after one of the crashes that are a regular “feature,” but I haven’t timed that. It may not be as slow as a cold restart.

Perhaps the extra time is needed for the game to send everything it has learned about me to the Chinese Communist Party. :wink:

Another way to look at it: Is anyone using the PC client not having this issue? If some people say, “No, the game loads in just 30 sec for me,” maybe there’s hope for the rest of us.


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I’ve been reading this thread with interest because I used to have this exact problem until a couple of months ago when, with no changes made by myself, the client went from being as slow as you report to loading as rapidly as it used to. Just as a test…

  • Launching Battlenet until it shows Immortal with a Play button - 6 seconds
  • Clicking Play on the launcher until server selection screen - 34 seconds
  • Clicking on Click To Play to get to Hero Selection screen - 1-2 seconds
  • Clicking on Enter World to being in control of hero in-game - 6 seconds

Again, I have no idea what changed, as I used to experience exactly what you’re reporting.


Not a silly question - do you have some kind of windows cleanup utility whatever your choice is… that is, one that tweaks windows? The reason I ask is if you remember changing any of the settings in it? The tweaking apps are really great for many things and my concern is that because I get it to clean when idle, that I may have inadvertently told it to remove something that aids DI on a reboot. Reboot is the only thing that is painful for me. Fast once everything has loaded.

No, as I said, I made absolutely no changes what-so-ever to the setup of my PC, and I don’t have any cleaner applications. I had assumed that perhaps one of the patches (of the game) had fixed something.


Investigating this issue, I was not able to confirm any current bugs that would be related to slow loading. Generally, if you press play, the game takes a long time to show up, or loading screens are taking longer than normal. That is directly tied to the storage drive’s performance or something interfering with a service or resource the game needs to run, which can slow things down. A common theme here is the issue started and resolved itself randomly. We should troubleshoot third-party software conflicts:

  1. Disable all Windows startup programs to help rule out a third-party software conflict following the steps Here Restart the PC for these changes to take effect.

  2. Start the game. At the Tap to Play screen to the right. If you see a down arrow at the bottom of the icons. That means your client has assets to download. Try waiting for all assets to download. This can significantly improve in-game loading speeds.

If the issue continues, please contact us via a ticket Here. Make sure to include your diagnostic files and any troubleshooting you already completed. Please also provide the location of where the game is installed. (Goto the desktop app → Diablo Immortal tab → Click on the cog icon right of play → Show in Explorer → At the top of the folder, copy the file location to your ticket.

Thank you!

Dear Technical support, I have an i9 11th Generation with 128Gb RAM, a grunty GPU 2x NVME’s both 3rd gen Samsung and 80Gb of HDD’s (7200rpm) used in DAW / Movie/ Music / Audio production. This is running on an NVME.

My suggestion is that you do not continue to try a generic set of tests. My DAW which has to utilise gigabytes of data with low latency regularly in REALTIME to be successful, has zero issues - Your application does. I use Immortal as a diversion after hours of audio on the ears. The difference is noticeable.

I suggest this test. Load it. Test it. THEN REBOOT. Try again. Tell me if you notice the difference in loading because it seems everyone except you does notice it. People like your application. Please do not diminish it by inadequate testing and lack of ownership of an issue that has been prevalent on PC’s since release.

P.S - My machine has a lot more disabled apps including defender, updates and more and is as light as it can be as it is critical for workflow, so blaming any computer is not good support. Remove any blame and a solution becomes more possible.

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AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor (16 CPUs) ~3.8GHz
GeForce 3060 with 20GB RAM
Realtek HD Audio

The game is installed on a Micron_2210_MTFDHBA1T0QFD PCI-based SSD.

Looking at the specs of Bassdude’s and my PC, I doubt the issue is with client-side grunt especially as I had the problem and, with zero changes made by me to the PC, after a game patch the issue resolved itself.

Root cause analysis would tend to suggest that the most recent change is the cause for differences in behaviour of the application, i.e. the game patch resolved the issue for me.

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I agree with the addition of one thing - On reboot there is STILL a noticeable difference in load times. I isolated it to the game deciding to re-cache everything. Short of caching occurring in pica-seconds, it is how the game itself processes. Maybe they should consider avoiding putting the removal of caching completely back on the user. A large percentage of players are only moderately computer-literate, and if they decide to give them a myriad of %USERNAME% etc…etc… paths to keep BLIZZARD / NetEASE’s running smoothly, many will lose interest fairly quickly. People just want to load and play - It truly is that simple.

P.S. - They could include the fix in a PC only reboot - when they find it :tired_face:

Disabled everything but BattleNet and Windows Defender in the StartUp items. Time from when I clicked the Start button for the game on the BattleNet app to when the screen with the server pick list became active: 3 min and 15 sec. During most of that time there was no visual indication that that game was starting up, except when mousing over the BN button it shows “Now Playing.”

Note that this is worse than the 2 min 24 sec it took 2 weeks ago without disabling the startup items. (See orig post.)

Just quit BN and the game, and put the computer to sleep. On waking it “only” took 2 min and 23 sec to get to the screen to pick your server, so the same as 2 wks ago when all startup items were enabled.

It was not always this slow to start up, but I’m unable to say when the issue began. It has not been intermittent for me. It’s every time: fresh restart; after computer sleep; restarting BN or not; rejoining the game after a crash. Always.

I hear MANY other people in the game say that they have the same problem. So, I’m skeptical that it is something unique to my system/config.

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It is not only you as you can tell by this thread.
BLIZZARD needs to realize that we do not care what the issue is, or who there is responsible, only that it does not need to be in perpetuum.

It is a PC only issue and the speed, ram, setup and GPU is irrelevant if it meets specifications for the game - every user is slightly different because the same issue reoccurs with every PC user who plays it regularly, at intervals i.e.

I have defender deleted beyond repair by choice, Windows update disabled, Microsoft store and all bloatware completely removed. My Win 11 installed is basically under 4GB. I’ll bet BLIZZARD’s is not. So I know beyond any reasonable doubt with 128gb RAM and an i9 11th gen it is not my computer. My computer can edit video and audio in realtime, their game uses less than 5% of my CPU.


Hey all,

We recently came across a potential fix for slow loading for Diablo Immortal on PC that relates to the Nvidia Shader Cache getting corrupted. It was mentioned earlier in this thread and it has also been shared on Reddit, but I figured we would call it out again here in case it helps others.

Here is the Reddit comment:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open the Run window
  2. Type in %localappdata% and hit Enter
  3. Open the NVIDIA folder
  4. Delete the DXCache folder
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I could not delete the folder, as it claimed some files were in use. So I deleted everything that I could inside it, which left one file from today and several from August 23. Launching the game is much faster now, almost “instantaneous” by recent standards.

So this did work.

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You can actually. Press the windows key + R and type msconfig. Select the second tab, select safe mode and ok. It will ask to reboot. Do it. You can now delete all files in the %localappdata% folder. Just remember to uncheck it in safe mode (msconfig again) before you reboot. :slight_smile:

While this certainly can assist nVidia users, it is of precious little assistance to AMD / Radeoon / Sapphire users. Please if you get a chance, read every comment on this thread. It is across the board. I do think that while ticking one box at a time as you have done is a good START for troubleshooting, it is not the root cause. It is easy to blame someone else. This is why the MS EULA protects them against you, and any other software and H/W developer/manufacturer as do the H/W EULA’s that oust MS, you and every software developer.

As such, we still buy the products. We use yours because it is very good. That said, the 100’s of millions already made from whales on D.I, are not all phone, android and iPad users. A large percentage are also PC users, with many switching between the two.
Anyone can blame, that solves NOTHING. The problem has been there since BETA. Please FIX IT. It is occurring on all GPU’s on reboot on a PC, so pointing to only one is a moot point. You should be asking why is it doing it with nearly all GPU’s on reboot instead of pointing please? Thank you. :slight_smile:

EDIT - I wrote this script below and it fixes MINOR issues but it is not a cache issue with PC’s in D.I. I had it run on reboot first (registry) prior to some services stopping it. I have stopped using it as this fix is also so ineffectual, it is no longer worth doing. IT IS NOT JUST THE CACHES at user end

@echo off

del /f /q “C:\Users\Bassdude\AppData\Local\AMD\DX9Cache*."
del /f /q "C:\Users\Bassdude\AppData\Local\AMD\DxcCache*.

del /f /q “C:\Users\Bassdude\AppData\Local\AMD\OglCache*."
del /f /q "C:\Users\Bassdude\AppData\Local\AMD\VkCache*.

del /f /q “C:\Users\Bassdude\AppData\Local\AMD\CN*."
del /f /q "Q:\Diablo Immortal\LocalData\Cache*.

del /f /q “Q:\Diablo Immortal\LocalData\Chat*."
del /f /q "C:\ProgramData\\Agent\data\cache*.


Thanks for the help with the deletion of locked files. I was able to delete them by doing as you suggested.

After that and a reboot, restarting Launching DI required 1min and 30sec. It’s much better than before, but pretty long nonetheless. Quitting the game, but leaving battlenet open and then restarting required “only” 35 sec. Quitting the game and battlenet both, then relaunching was 30 sec.

All these times are from the moment the button was clicked on the BN application to launch the game until the server selection screen was done loading and ready to use. Selecting the hero and starting the game requires another 46 sec. So after a crash, which occurs frequently, I’m now back in about a minute and a half. That’s an improvement, but still pretty slow.

Edit: I meant to note that I do have the game (and Battlenet) loaded on my phone, too. I don’t know if that is significant.

I think the developers fixed something. I did a cold shutdown and then rebooted. The load times are exceptionally better. Noticeably.
So DEV’s whatever you did, thank you.

EDIT 10th Feb

  • It may be worth noting that with an SSD / nVme, many people disable Hibernation if not a Laptop and disable prefetch + superfetch. This is because normally, with an SSD, it does not make use of it. However, for some reason, DI does. With Hibernation and superfetch on, if you play it daily, Windows will place it in the prefetch list and fastboot, which an nVme also normally does not need. It’s usually unnecessary, but it may fix some people’s issues.

done all steps, i use acer nitro 515-58 with increased ram from 16 to 40 gb and yet having same issue with vault and only, by time i load my team already kill enemy, which feels horrible

For some reason the game loads and runs faster on my Windows 7 partition instead of my Win10 one, despite my Win7 having 3+ year old GPU drivers and pretty much every other driver being outdated as well.

This is also despite loading the game from a 7200 RPM HDD on both partitions (wtf is this game 80 GB lol?).