Stuck at lvl 99

I am currently stuck at level 99 with a maxed out xp bar. The game will not let me roll over to 100 no matter what I do. Please fix asap and give me all the wasted xp back. I even turned in my accused towers xp for over 1 million xp and it’s just stuck.

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Do the Raid boss to unlock the next difficulty. You’ll get all the queued xp once this is done. Just ask in wc and someone will unlock it for you. This isn’t a bug it’s part of the game


So, 99 is the new version of 799…

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Going through this right now been like this for almost a month

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No, you haven’t. The patch that introduced the Tempest and the difficulty / paragon changes went live on 22nd/23rd May (depending on region), i.e. 11 days ago.

If you were “stuck” at 799, then the article already linked was valid for you at the time. Since the patch, if you are “stuck” at 99 then a similar situation applies, i.e. the game directs you to your hero’s inventory screen, to click on the XP bar at the top left, and it shows you the two conditions to progress to 100+, i.e. get to 99 and kill the end boss of Hell 1, i.e. Phangwrth. Once both of those conditions are met, the game directs you back to your inventory, to click on the XP bar again, it shows you a tutorial about the differences in going up to the next difficulty, about weapon stances, and so on, and then asks you to confirm that you want to go ahead. When you say yes, you immediately unlock Hell II and any XP you had stored up will be applied to your paragon level.

You are not stuck.
You never were and the game literally holds your hand to tell you what to do.

Still stuck at 99, the game never “literally held my hand” to the solution. I have followed these directions and NOTHING happens. Now what?

If you had, you’d be 100+ now.

So, to sum up…

  • You reached paragon 99
  • You killed Phangwrth on Hell 1
  • You went into your Inventory screen and clicked on the XP bar…

Show a screenshot of what you’re presented with when you click the XP bar…

I also have done Opphinweb on Paragon 99, beat her and the other three guys…but it says that it’s incomplete. I did it solo, so is that the problem? Do I have to do the raid with 4-8 players? No one seems to be on to run raids when I’m able to do that so it kind of sucks if that’s the issue.

There are five Hell I bosses, not four and, as per the thread I linked 25 days ago, the boss you need to kill is the fifth boss, i.e. Phangwrth…