People have started queuing Inferno 5 random dungeons to pre-farm, but this time the CR requirement is way too high for this, so these players have a huge penalty that make them useless (they do no damage and they die in 1 hit). So they just hang at the back and and are effectively leeching off other players for green drops. If everybody was to do this, then we could not possibly complete dungeons.
This is obviously very bad in challenge dungeons. I boot any of these selfish players when I can, or outright quit the dungeon because I won’t carry their butt.
Can we do something about this? It will only get worse as we get closer to P700.
…about players being on follow not automatically being considered idle for the Vote Kick option. The most recent patch has, at least, prevented use of follow in challenge dungeons. However, this does not change the practice whereby two (or three) clan-mates will queue up for dungeons, one (or more) of which do not have the CR for the difficulty at which they’ve joined. They hang back, they don’t engage mobs, or they die repeatedly. However, the player that is not one of the clan-mates has no way of removing the non-contributing players because, if they initiate a Vote Kick, the non-contributing player’s clan-mates will reject the vote. And, in the case where it’s three clan-mates and one random, the three clan-mates may even kick the random player who initiated the vote in retaliation.
The end result of this will be that good players, with enough CR, will just pre-form groups and avoid the hassle of not being able to remove undergeared players from their groups.
It’s not hard. It’s a request for an option to not have to carry random players.
Yeah and with the new Challenge Dung things are even more confusing. If you are in a party everyone needs to be in the same difficulty but if you go random it picks people from all difficulties? Or it was locked when they were first released then i started getting lower tiers in parties so not sure if they removed it.
While this idea might save you some grief, it will cause many lower level players problems.
Suppose the player is shy of the CR reqs by only a handful of points but is capable of killing everything? Your idea will block him from progression. The example I can think of is Helliquary INF4 and the 4th boss. Despite the CR reqs, it’s actually easy to kill it with CR several hundred less than the reqs. And we DO carry many players through Helliquary.
I have 550 resonance, I’m Paragon 640 and my CR sucks because I just started 3 weeks ago. But I can kill INF 3 mobs no problem. And despite the fact I ‘graduated’ to INF 4 with help, I can’t even dent an INF 4 normal mob in OWF. This is where the problem lies. Blizzard has made it so that the catch-up features only do part of the job.
I rely on my WB to carry me in places until I can develop my toon to the point I don’t need the help. But I have to get there somehow. But if a CR restriction prevents me from continuing to play, I’ll be screwed big time.
So again, NO! Please don’t CR restrict it. This idea would kill the game for many new players. Please think of us in a more favorable light. Not everyone’s a leech. And you were a lowbie once. Did no one ever help you?
In my thread from March last year, what I asked for was to give players an option to only be matched with players that had enough CR, i.e. in this way players can choose when, or indeed if, they want to carry players that don’t have enough CR for the difficulty at which they’re joining.
The reason I made that thread last year wasn’t because of players who were close to having enough CR, it was because of players joining that were thousands of CR too low. In the worst example, someone had joined at a difficulty that they were more than 16000 CR too low for.
The idea would give players a choice of whether they want to carry people that shouldn’t be in that difficulty yet or not. Currently there are entirely too many leechers who join without being willing or capable of contributing anything to the group and the new Vote Kick system means you might not even be able to remove them.
I’m in favour of there being a way to not be forced to carry non-contributing players. If that makes it harder for non-contributing players to find groups, that’s something I’m entirely unconcerned by.
Again, what I’m in favour of is a tickbox on the Random Dungeon Finder for this. Give me the option to choose when, or if, I’m willing to carry people. As it is now, I’m either forced to put up with it, or pre-form groups that don’t include them.
Is that directed at me? LOL! Only my mother talks to me like that. And you’re not my mother. How rude of you to presume giving me a lecture in manners. Know your place.
I don’t need to ask anything laddie! I am voicing an objection to the idea put forth. There’s no ask. There’s just an emphatic NO with reasons to back it up.
I think what Garn was suggesting was that you should ask nicely for people to carry you through dungeons that you don’t have the gear / CR to contribute to.
The reasoning is that undergeared players would no longer have a ready supply of appropriately geared players being forced to carry them. If you’re one of the undergeared, non-contributing players, I get why that would upset you but did you also consider how frustrating it gets for the appropriately geared players to be forced to do this?
The opening post suggested exactly that.
My middle position was to give players the option of whether to enforce it or not.
lol if the shoe fits? shrugs but I mean that in general, if you need to be carried ask for it. Don’t expect it of others as its rude and highly annoying when not prepared for. I had to get carried to be where I am now so I am fully willing to carry and help others in return but it shouldn’t be forced. We play the game to have fun, getting stuck with people trying to ‘skip ahead’ is not that at all
Funny thing about communication. It’s easy to misconstrue. Your post immediately followed mine and because you used ‘You’, I read it as being directed at my post.
Meteorblade actually commented to me that he felt you intended it as a general statement too. I think if the word player was used, I would have understood it differently. I suppose I should have realized it was not a directed reply but I answered in haste somewhat defensively. Sorry bud.