The most recent patch notes changed random dungeons…
Voting to remove a member from your party will not prevent the loss of the final 4 player chest. Additionally, the inactivity detection system will still be active under these updates. If a vote is enabled and the kicked already meets those conditions, the player will be immediately removed without a need to vote. This update also removes the ability for the party leader to kick players while using the Random Dungeon finder.
So, if I bring up the Vote Kick menu I’m presented with these options…
If I select Idle/Passive Behaviour for a player that is on follow to another player, why does this result in a vote, rather than immediately removing the player?
This may sound off-tangent, but can this inactivity detection system be further explained to players, in terms of how it works? Does this mean if I park my character in town (i.e. Westmarch) when I need to, let’s say, do some sudden real-life business, I’ll be flagged by the system for inactivity? And what happens next?
If this system works for real, just like in other apps, you’ll be notified appropriately with “You’re logged off from the app due to inactivity.”
And while the vote to kick is ok, the options provided seems a double-edge sword for penalty purposes. It can be used to weaponize the system against players, especially when coupled with the report player button.
Devs have to know that bandwidth and connectivity varies per player, as well as device capacities. They should have put in more thought on this, rather than just let it roll and see what happens. Also, isn’t it better if they just have an auto-log off for inactivity, say of 2 minutes or so, like in other apps?
And in terms of random party, I observed some players can be whiners… they hate those that move and attack faster than them, and they hate those that lag behind. Just ditch the random party then. Because again, these feelings are sources of weaponizing the system against fellow players.
This is a good question, and one I don’t have the answer to. I will report this to the team as a bug for now, and let you know if that is not the case.
Just done a random dungeon, with three players who were all from the same clan. It was Kikuras Rapids, and one of them was on follow for the entire raft journey. I initiated a vote for Idle/Passive and it went through without a vote. So, I guess it depends on how long the player’s been on follow as to whether the system considers it long enough to just auto-kick.
This happened a few seconds later…
Absolutely nothing had been said, by any of us, at any point of the dungeon, i.e. there were no remarks made. So, apparently removing someone that’s making zero contribution to the dungeon is “harassment” according to the two remaining clan-mates.
I’m interested in whether their retaliatory kicking would be deemed harassment?
However, since you said the three of them were from the same clan, you were viewed from a negative light as the harasser of the “on-follow party member”.
Such retaliation can be expected with such system now in place.
I did a ToF today, known afk player sitting at the entrance, we entered the second floor as they hit follow i initiated and they were removed immediately
Yeah. Obviously the clan mate will back each other up instead of agreeing with stangers.
If it is normal and regular random dungeon runs, those AFKer will be removed immediately unless someone in the party notified us that player is his friend and was helping him to gear up, then we may “overlook” that.
Today, I’ve been signing up solo for random dungeons. On a number of occasions, the other three party members will include two players from the same clan. One of those clan-mates will immediately put themselves on follow to their clan-mate. Obviously, if one of the two non-clan-mates initiate a vote kick for Idle/Passive Behaviour, the non-AFK clan-mate votes against it, and the AFK/on-follow player stays in the group.
So, currently a player that queues up solo has only two options when this happens…
Put up with carrying an AFK player that gets loot they didn’t work for
Leave the group, the AFK player still gets loot they didn’t work for (just a little bit slower) and take a 5 minute penalty for abandoning a dungeon group
This new system is ensuring that non-contributing players get loot.
I’m doing random dungeons many times and a lot of times i’m “the little one”: slowest (99% times if using the wizard), lesser damage and many times i can’t reach other players that defeat monsters, i’m just running to the end!
It’s not funny.
I genuinely think the reason they’ve added this feature was specifically for leechers to not get kicked out. There was a change to teleport players to waiting points (elevators and raft) to make it easier to leech (which I hated because before that whenever I’d gotten into a party with 3 same-clan members who leeched I could just stall the party before these points unless they remove me so I can join a normal group quickly or gave me lead so I can remove the leecher but after the change it wasn’t possible anymore…) and now they made it pretty much impossible to remove them.
What makes it even worse is that this leeching is encouraged by other players as well even if the leecher has no chance to increase their cr to be enough for the leeched difficulty from gear alone. These players are essentially doing afk farming and this change supports that…
One player had died twice and wasn’t hitting anything.
I initiated a vote to remove the AFK/Follow player for Idle and the vote failed.
Their clan-mate said (paraphrasing) “I’m carrying them, it’ll be fine” to me, who was essentially the only one doing any damage (I’d got over 140 million damage before the Butcher even spawned).
It’s at that point I zoned out because I’d rather take a 5 minute penalty and do something else than carry three people making zero effort.
Essentially, the only way to counter this nonsense is to go into dungeons with two other players you know so that if you do get an AFK/Follow player, or someone that just stands around doing nothing, the vote will get carried and they’ll be removed.
We zoned into Mad King’s Breach. Three of us killed the first mini-boss. Three of us killed the second mini-boss. As we zoned into the third section, the 4th player was still at the dungeon entrance. As we were clearing the corridor / stairs, the 4th player got the little walking symbol indicating they were On Follow to another player. As a result of that player having done absolutely nothing to contribute to the group, and they were clearly idle, I initiated a Vote Kick for Idle/Passive Behaviour and they were auto-kicked and then…
Yes, as a result of not wanting to carry someone else that’s contributing absolutely nothing, the AFK player’s chums kicked me out of the party.