Permaban - out of nothing - it is insane

I got perma banned - out of nothing. I have not the slightest idea why.
I am a big spender in the game, i invested a huge amount of money (too much obviously) and I got banned over night.
I never used any exploit or anything like this, no automation or anything, I alway played according to the rules - ALWAYS.

Its insane what they are doing, its beyond what you can understand.
I have for sure opened a ticket, but well everbody knows the chances…

Its so completely insane what they are doing - for no reason. For a long term customer (since d2 days).

Ah yes, I play on PC / Iphone / Ipad and I use MS Elite Series 2 Controller.


Hey I feel sorry for you. My friend got banned about 2 weeks ago using the same MS Elite Series controller.

Blizzard won’t do anything about it. Trust me, they will send you long winded automated scripted message from support and then tell you the ban is final and there is nothing you can do. They will tell you to report the issue on the bug report forum which I have raised concerns over already

Out of curiosity how big were you in the game? Reso and Stat wise.


7k Reso - spend accordingly huge amounts of money. Its insane how they treat customers. Its beyond anything that should be allowed to do.


I’ve seen this too many times for them to not look into it. During covid they let their customer service go to crap. Using netease anti-cheat software (that obviously has a problem) that auto bans good players for no reason at all. Stop believing a software and actually hire real people to look into things and maybe you’ll have better ratings and people not talking about suing yall.


Just found out my account is banned. Played Rift all day yesterday because of about 500 cryptic crystals per match, so I upgraded some of my gear.

This morning logged on to continue this event, to find out my account is banned. No idea what is going on.


Well, welcome to the club :frowning:
And, you wont get any help from them - the whole appeal process is dummy.
No one at this “company” will help you, no one to talk to …


The game needs tranquility. Many whales who pay think they are untouchable and act arrogantly. Just because you’ve spent money doesn’t protect you from a ban! The game needs fewer cheaters and toxic players. So… you have money, you’ll make another account and spend another 200-300,000 dollars np xD

The suspension / ban process needs transparency.

It doesn’t matter if you’re F2P, a low spender or a whale. If the company’s going to permanently ban your account, giving a precise and detailed reason, with a proper appeals process that involves actual decision-making humans rather than copy-paste responses, should be required.

How do you appeal a decision / provide a counter-argument when they won’t even tell you exactly what they’re accusing you of having done?


They will not ban anyone without a reason. I like this policy of theirs because it makes players think before they do something. If you have a permanent ban, there is a reason, that’s their policy and everyone who pays and plays this game agrees with this policy by taking on the risks and responsibilities. No one is forcing you to spend millions of dollars on one game. The team is doing their job flawlessly

The issue is that they will not state the reason.
How does a player plead their case if they don’t know what they’re accused of?


They banned me without any reason I am aware of I did wrong - if you believe me or not.
I played on PC/controller mainly - bet my a** thats why the banned me - also believe it or not.

I did spend a lot of money, so why would I “exploit” or “cheat” - for what reason???
I just played the game, that’s it. I am no competitive PVP player (lol I even was on bronze in this season as I did not pvp), I am no clan leader, no immortal leader etc. and I can proof all my transaction got payed via Blizzard. So why would I exploit? Why?
I can tell you, I did not cause there is absolutely 0 reason for me to do this.

And, the “anti-cheat” is a simply a software… and you are telling me that SW has no bugs, flaws, false-positives etc. ? Its a automated process, and processes have flaws.

Then, the appeal process is also likely automated, everyone gets the same pre-setup messages (lol, you even get the very same messages multiple times if you keep the ticket open)
Then, you dont get a exact reason what they accuse you for you did wrong.
Then, you dont have an option to actually talk to someone from support about it.
And so on …

So to sum up:

  • they take away your account without any warning, just out of nowhere

  • without delivering any proof what you did wrong exactly, which means zero transparency

  • and they offer no support and no option to talk about it…

Think about it, you really think this is how the world should work?

And - NO ONE is doing their job flawlessly…


1 - Fairness: Automated systems can be programmed to apply rules consistently to all users, without bias or subjectivity, It does not allow human biases or errors to influence ban decisions.
2 - Human moderators are susceptible to errors and biases that can influence their decisions. Automation can reduce the likelihood of such errors.
3 - Security: Automated systems can be more difficult for players to cheat or abuse, which can improve the overall security of the game.
4- Data Protection: Automation can help protect personal data by reducing the need for humans to review user content.

The world is evolving, games and anti-cheat systems are increasingly using AI, this is the future. As I said - no one is forcing you to sell your properties in order to have big wings in DI

See if this analogy gets the point through to you…

  • The cops come and arrest you
  • You are taken to court and accused of “a crime”
  • You ask for details of what “a crime” is
  • You are not told what “a crime” is
  • As you don’t know what “a crime” is, you are unable to provide any evidence that you did not commit “a crime”
  • You are convicted and sent to prison for having committed “a crime”

Would you be okay with having been sent to prison for “a crime” without ever knowing what crime you were accused of, without ever being able to refute the accusation and without any court of appeal?


If you disagree, hire a lawyer, as you would do IRL with the example you gave me. Lol

I see the whole concept of the analogy has passed you by. How would a lawyer compose a defence if the prosecution won’t tell you what you’re accused of?

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In that case, it’s not just the automated system to blame, but also real-life policy, right? Then what are you fighting for? Let’s stick to the topic. Please limit the spam.

The topic is that no reasons for bans are given so they can’t be effectively challenged.
The analogy was trying to get you to understand that.

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This is their game with their rules, make your own game with your own rules. You are banned because the system has detected improper actions, end

This thread is because people want to know exactly why they’ve been banned which would seem to be a perfectly reasonable request and your position is that it’s okay for Blizzard to ban people without telling them why.

You really didn’t get the analogy earlier in the thread. You’d be in prison without ever finding out what crime you’d supposedly committed and would be telling people everything’s fine because you must have done something even though you wouldn’t know what.


I understand your analogy, and I told you that this is a GAME, not real life and you are NOT in prison, you are a free person. What don’t you understand? This is just a game with rules. No matter how many times you repeat your theory, you always write the same thing and I will answer you the same. This is their policy, whether you like it or not.