From Loyal Player to Unsafe for the player base: A Diablo Immortal Tale

Hello my name is Kopova and I am a Diablo Immortal player :slight_smile: Or at least i was until today)

I am an old time diablo player, starting during d2 times, fascinated by the amazing graphics and gameplay of it at the time and spending countless days farming. Moving on to d3 upon its release, a bit disappointed at first but really enjoying a lot of seasons after Reaper of Souls released.

While waiting for diablo 4 I saw this diablo immortal game mentioned. Skeptical at first I still preregistered for it. Than the day came and I installed it on my phone (because I have phones, right ? xD) and it begun, the whole end of day was just diablo immortal

The next day I understood this isn’t just another mobile gacha, while p2w the game still had a lot to offer so its time to move to PC and get real with it.

Initially i joined a clan on my home server Dark Wanderers but as the time passed while still enjoying it, I realized that I love the game too much and I want the clan to be perfect, and I can not push such changes in the one I was in.

I created a clan together with my good warband friends, Ravens clan. We did not choose people by resonance or cr, we chose them only by what kind of players and people they are. I believe the clan we created together had great atmosphere and was a reason why many enjoyed the game as much as they did.

But unfortunately I think it all ends today for me. I got the email. Blizzard considers me a Severe Exploitator and I got a permanent bann with no explanation. Upon contacting customer support all that I am worthy of is a generic machine reply that I am the reason why the game isnt a fun and safe environment for all players and I have to be removed.

So this is my story: a highly competitive, passionate player with 4.6k resonance, no susan, no botting, and no macros. Yet, I have been pushed out of the game with no explanation.

P.S. I’ve been using an Xbox One Wireless Controller since the game’s launch.


Yeah welcome to the club - see my posts here like:

Believe me, you wont go anywhere with Support - they dont look at anything. In my latest reply they even put the wrong game name in (WOW instead of DI).

The whole thing is a total mess and yes I also used the XBOX controller (on PC).

Sorry to hear m8.

I have send my stuff to my lawyer as it is too much money I want to throw away with getting 0 information.


Blizzard needs to act here, ASAP!!! This is soooo sad :cry: Just know, Kopo, that we all stand behind you! Kopo is one of the leading names for our server and in EU, a more wholesome player will not be found. The level of support and kindness is not only hard to find, but is something Blizzard should promote. Common Blizzard, WTF? #GoodguyKopo #BlizzardMakeItRight #justiceforKopo


Well, there is the pattern - but they wont admit to it that their super cheat detection is faulty.


Kopova is one of the best players and person on Diablo Immortal, if he is considered someone who deserves a ban then I don’t wanna play this game anymore as would go against all I believe (fairness and rightness). Ps thanks to Kopova I kept playing this game as I was giving up on this but he helped me to became a batter player.



I do not really know what happened,but i’m more than sure that this,is a HUGE mistake.Kopova is one of THE best players,at least in our server and not only that,but a very helpful one,not only amongst clanmates,but for all.


I can only hope they reverse this. Kopova was always there to help for me in helliquary and was always funny and helpful… How they can ban him is beyond me


I stand by Your side Kopova all the way 100%! Blizzard needs to appologies for this huge misstake! You cant ban people and not give a reason or warning. You are someone that always helps others no matter what. The game needs more people like you. I am so greatful for everything you have Done for me! You accept people for who they are and never talk negative about anyone or anything. I hope you get justice cause if anyone deserves there account back, it’s you!:heart::pleading_face:Ravens in the sky./IceQueen Iselin.


One of the oldest player > user since begins Blizzard games, to compare those days and last few years how Blizzard start to treat his users I could start write pages and pages. This is not isolated case, it became massive problem for consumers of Blizzard games. Offical End User License agreement or EULA is written with such of passion that I can make paper airplanes with that. I didn’t even mention “offical” Article ID: 311082 and what is supproted in the same. So I’m waiting for a day when they gonna stop with this bans issues.
I hope mate they will soon resolve issue and we all awaiting your return. Love Zus :kissing_heart: :heart:


So sad to see this.
Kopova of the Ravens Clan of Dark Wanderers you have always been a beacon and a helpful player and for Blizzard to stamp you as a person that makes the game not fun and unsafe is totally BS as that is actually quite opposite as what you have done and been, helpful, fun and making the game a lot better for all you have helped.

Ravenloc/Maglock of Pleasure Architect Dark Wanderers.


I am kinda disturbed by these common bans with no apparent reasons, happened too many times to players not even remotely understanding why it happened. Without warning, without reason and without any chance of explaining yourself… it’s so stupid I can’t describe it with words.

As if Kopo, one of the kindest and experienced players there is, being a great leader of a great clan, and helping everyone out when needed. Seeing him being banned straight away, without warning, and with me knowing how loyal he’s to both players and the rules Blizzard got can’t comprehend this fully.

Please Blizzard, try understand and make this system work and not completely destroy a great community with this flawed system you got at the moment. You have made players afraid, because apparently anyone can be banned these days without notice… and to just think about the players spending real money for your stash and personal goal being banned and lose everything… shame on you.

Sháde, Dark Wanderer, over and out


Kopova is a beacon of light and a rare kind soul in the gaming community. Best regards, Hekate


Having been given an opportunity to join his clan when i nearly gave up on this game from a break, Kopova is an outstannding player and clan leader. Far from anything other than honest, integral and knowledgeable in this game. He is highly respected in the clan and this server . Blizzard, i too am a ps5 controller player and had many discussions with Kopova on controllers to play on, including tablet devices like playstation Backbone, or Razor. YOU NEED TO ACT FAST BLIZZARD!, an unjust ban from what i can only assume a miscalculation of negligence of human interaction. Actions like this will cost you player base, as well as respect as a gaming platform. Reconsider please and listen to the voices of the community who support and respect Kopova as a true and honest player. #justiceforKopova


Sadly, they don’t give a f*ck. Each day we are more. My guess is that they will silently fix whatever is wrong without telling anyone, and leave the hundreds of false bans untouched.

We are a community already.

ht tps://discord. gg/bwZwGFAt


I just opened the game yesterday after not playing since it first came out and all the stuff they put us through back then. I’m looking through the forum to see this posting and I am totally confused. What have I missed? Is their a problem with playing this game with a controller even though the game has the option to map the skills? Or am I just missing why people are getting band and really no one knows why?


I’m pretty sure the fault is beastial inter-dimensional invaders, freeaakish and trashy.

I always played the game with a controller, every single day since launch, I never took a break

For me personally, my opinion is that AI anti-cheat system performs its job consistently towards anyone caught engaging in unfair actions. If you receive a message that you have severely violated the rules, then that means AI has caught you! Technologies have advanced so much that there are no hidden secrets anymore. All high resonance players are toxic and when you tell them you will report them, they insult you even more and laugh at you. Players are very toxic and need cleaning up. When I play Battleground, I always stand alone on the idol and die too many times against whales, while the whales in my team are afraid to stand on the idol and only insult players with lower resonance for doing nothing. Players with higher resonance have always been toxic in this game.

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yeah we know that you support this faulty cheat detection process… all good. Believe it or not (i know you dont) but this “AI” detection system is faulty.


I was barely doing PvP :slight_smile: almost a purely PvE player

and this is what I do


You can see how I exclude people based on resonance :slight_smile: and how toxic I am
and no this wasn’t a 1 time thing, this is how I played the game in a nutshell

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