This is really frustrating. This boss is way to hard. It sucks i cant progress with better gear until i can defeat her. I’ve tried a dozen times and the party dies very quickly. Even if they are 455. I’ve spent a lot of money on this game and im about to quit it if i can’t get this resolved.
The mechanics of this fight are simple.
Damage the boss. If your damage isn’t high enough to just straight out kill her, the boss will go to a phase with three flower pedestals. You need to destroy those pedestals before the time runs out otherwise the boss goes into an immunity / shielded phase. Later in the fight, she does a similar thing, but this time with four pedestals also causing an immunity / shielded phase if you don’t kill them quickly enough.
The HP of this boss is dynamic, i.e. she has a lot less health if you go into the raid with one player rather than with a full raid of eight players. So, you could try entering the boss solo and see if you can skip the pedestal / shielding phases.
This isn’t a Technical Support issue.
If the technical team can’t fix the issue, who can? Presumably it isn’t intended to drive paying customers away in droves.
As it’s not broken, there’s nothing to fix.
This boss is not hard, it just has mechanics to deal with.
The boss is a bit tricky but not entirely impossible to kill.
Even if a player is paragon 455, doesn’t mean it has what it takes to kill the boss. For one, you should check the combat rating. It should be way higher than that of the boss, especially when you’re in a party.
Check the DPS and base damage of each party member. The more member there is, the greater the HP of the boss. And lastly, check the survivability of the members. You wouldn’t want your members to be pillows while the boss goes on about the flowers. Because once it has shielded, you may need to repeat the heli raid again.
In my case, for inf 2 peistal, my main toon is para 440 have around 20k ++ damage, 38k ++ combat rating, and 1265 reso. With 2 players, we can kill it (my warband mate is at para 450, with a bit higher CR) for not more than 5 mins. It’s a bit faster for a 4-person team, with stats within the same range.
The mechanics are also very straightforward and easy to deal with. There are no hidden cheap shot mechanics or anything else. This boss should be relatively easy to kill, even solo.
The OP posted this in the bug report section as well where I asked what was allegedly broken about the boss? Never got an answer.
And if the OP isn’t able to do that, asking for help in World Chat would absolutely find someone willing to help and kill it for them. Having said that, the Hell III version of Peisthal needs 30120 CR, so if someone at Paragon 450+ doesn’t have that, there’s also not a lot of point unlocking Inferno 1, as that’s the open-world CR requirement there.
Wrong i have tried dozens of time with many groups and they all die, we even got her down to 64k and the damn shields wont come down. I’m done blowing money on this crappy game
Then, quite simply, those groups are doing something wrong.
Almost a fortnight ago, I posted screenshots of this boss working absolutely perfectly and me beating it solo, even after I deliberately let the flower pedestals spawn, in your other thread about the same thing…
The boss only gets shielded / becomes immune if you can’t kill the pedestals quickly enough. If that’s happening, it means you / your raid don’t have enough damage. Again, my reply in the other thread shows this is completely functional and could be solo’d.
I agree with @Meteorblade that your raid may not have that damage or they may not be doing what is needed to be done. There’s a box below your profile picture about what your raid group needs to do. Also, you need to know that many people in the raid doesn’t mean that it will be helpful for your goal.
Last night I carried a friend who just set foot in Inf1 difficulty, and we completed all bosses. The character I used has damage is barely 22k, CR barely 39k, and not even 2k reso. All bosses have higher HP than when I run solo. And in the Peistal boss, it shielded itself after I missed a second to destroy one of the flowers/pedestal in the four-set. These regenerate life so you need to check it back. If Peistal shielded, just run around and avoid all her attacks. When it goes about the four-flower sequence again, just destroy them again and go in the middle to do more damage to Peistal while it’s vulnerable. Make sure to avoid the rays as it has higher damage than her other attacks.
Those flower pedestals can indeed regenerate back which can be a bit tricky when soloing but in a group taking them down and thus preventing the shielding should be a breeze.
Yesterday I again soloed Peisthal on Inf2 with no issues, cleared on the first try. I play a minion necro and even the hideously bad pet AI didn’t hinder my clear.
Also of note is that the pedestal phases only occur if your damage is low enough not to be able to skip the phase and just kill her outright.
Very true. On a few occasion I’ve managed to skip the second pedestal phase.
I would say that the main issue is one of the amount of AEO that is happening at any given time, players have very little space to move and almost no chance to recover especialy in a full raid as it takes only one bad position to kill you. Sure some can do it relitivly easy it depends on the group size and makeup but compaired to all the previous boss encounters its a huge step up.
My barbarian is level 539, over 4,000 points above the quest level. Peisthal casts the shield even after the flowers have been crushed and she goes into rage mode.
This bug is really annoying. It took all the fun out of the game for me. As did having to defeat Diablo, who has over 130 million life points, twice and on time. The ideas are terribly weak.
All raid bosses have an enrage timer.
If the boss is enraging, it simply means you took too long to kill it.
This is neither a Technical Support issue, or a bug. The boss is working. Earlier in the thread I posted a link to another thread where I’d shown screenshots of me killing the boss solo after deliberately allowing her to cast the three pedastals.