I can not level up

Posted this at prodigy path reward 820 and am at 850 and I still do not receive paragon points. The fact that nobody can even take it serious to help makes me regret having spent money on the game.
My barbarian character will not level up. The experience bar is frozen and will not gain further, and even though I’m receiving prodigy path rewards, I’m not receiving paragon points. I am also not receiving new hilts although I have been working on earning more to get more shop items. It started yesterday after my movement pad turned grey and wasn’t working. I was playing trial of the hoards and left the game and when I returned, my movement pad was restored, however, my experience bar was stuck. I thought it would sort itself out and it hasn’t. I left the game and returned, checked for an update, and used “unstuck.” Nothing has resolved the issue.
I’m playing on Android 14 Galaxy S24 ultra. Software REV1.0.
I have been running elder riffs tonight and haven’t received any of the loot I leave behind either. Could I have been hacked? Should I wait to spend more money? I wanted to unlock a couple more things to really power up my barb.
I can’t purchase daily aspirant keys, crests, and gems until I can receive the hilts I earn. This is a huge hinderance.

On a hunch, I’m going to surmise your Barbarian is Paragon 799…

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I understand that the number stays at 799. My issue is not that. I’m 820 or something now and I have an 850 monk. I’m not getting paragon points and the experience bar isn’t moving anymore either. Its stuck at the end as if its always full. It just started yesterday. That’s just for my barb as far as I know. I’ve been investing a lot into that character so I’m fairly bummed that I can’t unlock more of the paragon. The only reason I know I should have been leveling (I don’t even get the cool graphic upon leveling up either) is that I receive prodigy path rewards. That’s it. And again, zero paragon points to unlock more of the buffs. I’ve missed out on over 20 paragon points now. Im going on a hunch to surmise that you didn’t read the original post completely.