Have you been experiencing Lag and Latency lately? We need your Input!

Hopefully this will actually be read so here we go.
NA East server, although probably won’t matter as we are all probably affected by the lag.

Have noticed an uptick in lag since the initial post of this survey. Whatever changes have been put in, if any since, have made it worse.

Have noticed it seems to be in any party activity and it seems to lag out like Diablo 4 did early on with loading every player’s inventory in. As when entering vault, dungeons, raids, especially on PC, there is extremely long loading times in and out. As each individual player leaves a raid/vault, there is lag. Maybe a conflict across devices, or overall server load.

It helps to a point sure. Will usually do a full uninstall/reinstall after every update patch because they seem to just release a new build of the game every time, but do not remove the old junk files that just piles up. Also do not do a scan/repair as that takes literal day or more to complete. Much better to just uninstall/reinstall.


Hi GhostSignal hi everyone.I have to say I’ve seen some progress but the lag still stands and multiple crushes and I play from phone iPhone 13.Still the same garbage on market.Whales still running loose and no balance between f2p and p2w players.GhostSignal is nowhere to be found to answer to our post and blizzard demands more and more money. If they will ever ask me to rate again the game I will rate it with one star.This game is my love since it lunch from all other games.I play it and loved doing it so.But now tnx to this garbage going on it became more and more hated.Staff don’t do anything about others that they are swearing mothers and farther and children’s.I am on server <> will you answer to me GhostSignal as community manager or you are community manager for nothing like the previous one ??

Yes, lag in all game modes, at random times and situations.

Server: The Martyr.

Severity varies, but most often (or rather most obvious) it’s around 5 second latency spikes which persist for 10-15 seconds before it goes back to normal. Sometimes this repeats over the course of several minutes.

In addition to that, after the last patch I’m experiencing random ‘Disconnected from Battle.net’ events, which kick me out of the game, but I can instantly get back, so it’s obviously not a connection issue. I’ve never had that before, now it occurs roughly 4-5 times a day.

  • Server: Meshif
  • Game Mode: Immortal entering vault, load time is so terrible that my party is done by the time I load in. It is the same experience in dungeons. Party is at least 2 screens away when I enter
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag: It worsened when we became immortal, so this may be a heavier issue with immortal modes.
  • What is the severity of the Lag? It takes between 7-10 seconds to load into the two modes, making vault completely non-playable!!!
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night: BG matching takes more than 5 minutes on average. It has discouraged me from even playing this mode.
    These issues seem to be VERY VERY BAD across all PC users in immortal reign on Meshif. In speaking with other PC users, they are even having issues on West Coast servers, Call to Arms, Hand of Justice, Chains of Honor and Burning Hells.

Hello Adventurers!

We are currently working to investigate and address the increase in Lag and Latency in some game modes that some of you have reported. If you have experienced issues with Lag recently, and have a moment to share your experiences with us, it would be greatly appreciated, and help us get to the bottom of this and address the problems quicker.

If you have encountered issues with Lag in BGs and other modes, please provide us with the following information:

  • Server Name? hydra
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? random dungeon
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? a week ago
  • What is the severity of the Lag? loading map lag and gameplay lag , if i loading map lag so i will know i matched the immortal in my server
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night?

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we hope to be able to address this soon.

  • Server Name? hydra
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? random dungeon
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? a week
  • What is the severity of the Lag? random dungeon very alg when matched any immortal
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night?

Almost three weeks ago…

Almost two weeks ago…

The issue had already been present for a couple of months before this thread was made. It’s still affecting the game now. Vault defence as an Immortal, on PC, is pretty much unplayable for me and has been for pretty much the entirety of our current reign (we’re in week 7). By the time the loading screen’s finished and I’m actually zoned in, team-mates playing on mobile phones are at least half-way around the level and have engaged / killed the shadows.

Patch notes came out yesterday. There’s no mention of this being addressed in them. Please don’t keep radio-silent on this issue. Keep the players updated.

Server Name?  - Akeba (Germany) , Platform: PC
Which Game Modes were Impacted? - Dungeons/Terror Rift/helliquary raids
When did you start experiencing the Lag? Major Patch june 12th 2024
What is the severity of the Lag? - joining instances/areas with members of immortal faction in my group causes 3-10 sek laggs on PC
For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night? still lagging on cross server games mostly, rite of exile/ shadow war/ vigil of blades also a complete laggfest still with 2-3 sek spikes
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MeteorBlade: take a hot second for Blizzard/NetEase to address it… just because it’s reported doesn’t mean it’s highest priority on their backlog. Additionally they need time to design, test, QA, and deploy.

Add of course that making content likely had more development hours than maintaining old stuff (that’s a common business model). If Ghost says it’s seen, then we wait. You alone see how many boards are made, I see you commenting to many of them.

:notes:Yeah just need a little patience :notes:

This issue has been ongoing for around three months.

The game has unplayable lag for a lot of their customers.
If that’s not a top priority, I’m not sure what else should be.

I work tangent to this industry. Lag is not easy to pinpoint a cause… Starting at the user endpoint (device, user’s network, ISP) which Blizzard can not control… Then transition to factors that are more controlable (app fragmentation, app dependency, distance to datacenters, computational power of the DC), and of course things NO ONE can control: laws of physics, data can only be send so fast endpoint to endpoint.

I’ve experienced lag in the past so bad that I couldn’t participate in any group activities, because it caused everyone else to disconnect. That issue was my end… My solution was get a better device, that’s not possible for all people. So developers may need to work on trimming down the app especially in group situations. Certainly there are a lot of complexity to the lag solution.

Let it ride. And if they game is unplayable, then stop playing it. No one is making you

My device (PC) is way, way above the requirements for Diablo Immortal. Also, it hasn’t changed. Neither has my ISP, or bandwidth, and so on. The problem became apparent immediately after a game patch. If you work in this sort of industry, you should know about root cause analysis, and that means the most recent change is usually the cause, i.e. it was whatever was in that patch and not thousands of players’ PCs suddenly becoming underperforming the day after the patch was rolled out.

Blizzard ignored this for two months. Then made this thread and have been radio-silent again for a fortnight. A lot of players are considering doing exactly that.

Dear Ghost,
The lag is now decrease and not as bad as before Thank you for all you had done to improve the game… however there’s was a recent updates where the Sader banner can now be use when mounted which before we could not do without losing the draw and quarter which we again like to thank everyone for fixing that after many many months…

BUT there’s a new issues with regards to draw and quarter at the Cathedral dungeon at the beginning of the dungeon when you use draw and quarter alone no issues but when you used example condem skill together with the draw and quarter you are immediately dismounted? Same thing happen at some other dungeon and sometime we get that at Abyssal verge and now it’s happening at battle ground while on draw and quarter on the idol our character are standing besides the horse and can’t move,then suddenly you are thrown to another location ,the idol was at the center when I was fighting and after the above im at the center but idol has reached the end of their journey and we lost that match? How or why we leave it to your professional mind to ponder

Await hrs

Ohh another issue BG is not balance and was promised imagine I’m 3k reso and we are up with 10k reso? How and why when our whole team can’t match that 10k reso and that 10 k Reso goes and kill everyone easily.

Pls fix that as understand many whales are reducing their reso to fight lower level which in my book is totally unfair as why whales lower reso to fight lower level why not fight their own same reso players,are they afraid? To match with same reso players?

when will fix the f4cking lag when met the immortal teammate!!!

Lag has appreciably improved. What has also happened is that an elder rift just at all 10 of my crests. 9 legendary and 1 eternal. I already submitted a ticket for that. Just mentioning here because I’m still pretty hot. I can deal with lag but when my money evaporates, we got a real problem. Thank you for your hard work and diligence. I appreciate it. And I know everyone else does. This is a great game and I probably love it too much.

Server Bloodswarm.
Main problem - collecting essences in vault.
I need to run 5 screens ahead of any players and run in circles around the essence to get it. If another player gets nearby within 4 seconds, I will get 0 essence. Very hard to get 10% of essence from 3 floors to get 40 hilts, I need go to floor 4 solo to collect 10%.
Also I have have problems sometimes in Abyssal Verge and Terror rifts with registering dmg from Demon Hunter skill “Strafe”. When using the skill, energy is spent, but there is no damage. Especially on elites.
In BG there are no special problems.
I’ve been playing for 2 years, normal ping is 350ms.
Problems in Vault with collecting essence started after the change waiting time between matches to 2 min.

  • Server Name? Chains of Honor cluster
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? All
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? It significantly increased about 3-4 weeks ago
  • What is the severity of the Lag? I lag when entering anything including vault, terror rifts, dungeons, elder rifts, challenge rifts, game events. I’m on PC and I used to frequently be the first or close in every time, now I’m consistently last. I also notice lag mid instance when there’s a change like a boss showing up in dungeon, or activating a spire in trift, or when there’s a few players on the same screen as me. Sometime doing basic things like running the dungeon, in trift, or in vault is severely lagged.
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night? I don’t remember and I’m rarely in BG anyway.
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As our reign as Immortals ended on Sunday I became a Shadow again yesterday…

  • Zoning into the Vault - didn’t have lag (I did as an Immortal)
  • Zoning into Helliquary bosses - didn’t have lag (I did as an Immortal)
  • Zoning into dungeons - didn’t have lag (I did as an Immortal)
  • Zoning to another map via waypoint travel - didn’t have lag (I did as an Immortal)

It would certainly suggest that being an Immortal and/or having an Immortal in the party / raid is something to examine. As this wasn’t a problem in previous reigns, did something change at the back-end about being an Immortal?