The Ongoing Investigation and Battle against Lag and Latency

Greetings Adventurers,

We want to take a moment to thank you all of sharing your experiences with Lag, and giving us the information that you have been. It’s been extremely helpful, and has enabled us to investigate the root causes of these problems. We want let you know that we are continuing to investigate your reports of lag and latency across the game, and that it is currently a huge priority for our team.

A few weeks ago, we asked for your help in finding the source of lag and latency issues that have been affecting players across the game. I want to thank you all for taking the time to share your experiences. Your reports help us find the cause of these kinds of issues, and address them as quickly as we can.

We are getting closer to testing a few solutions that we feel have the potential to address some of the issues in some areas of the game, while also continuing to investigate lag and latency in other areas. While these issues may all look the same from the outside, the underlying issues that cause the Lag and Latency can be very different.

We want to thank you all for your patience as we work to address this situation. We know that the lag and latency may have had some negative impact on many of our players, and will be looking into making that right after the situation has been resolved.

In the meantime, please continue to share your experiences with us in this forum thread.

Thank you once again and see you all in hell,

The Diablo Immortal Team