Have you been experiencing Lag and Latency lately? We need your Input!

  • Server Name? The Last Vestige Server Cluster
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? Vault (on PC as Immortals Only), Terror Rifts, Dungeons, anything that has a load screen.
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? This has been occurring since the two patches ago.
  • What is the severity of the Lag? In vault, mobile Immortal players will load about 15 to 20 seconds faster. Also, Shadows will be loaded and completely spawn camping the Immortals playing on PC that load so much slower.
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night? I did not see any improvements.

The main issue is PC vs Mobile load times. I have noticed that if I switch to mobile in the same vault session, I will load 15 to 20 seconds faster than when I am on my PC. Not trying to flex, but I have a i13900K, Asus z790 motherboard, 32gb of Corsair Dominator PC6200 DDR5, Samsung 990 pro SSD, RTX 4090, on a 1GB FIOS network connection. I never had any lag issues before, but now it is terrible on PC.

By any chance, did you become an Immortal yesterday?

Update on this after patch on 21/8:
Havenā€™t experienced the random d/c since, so thatā€™s good news at least.

However, the lag has become significantly worse, especially in dungeons in my experience. Where I had huge lag spikes maybe 2-3 times in an hour regardless of game mode, now itā€™s 2-3 times in a single dungeon run with very few exceptions.
With that, in other game modes itā€™s essentially the same.

Our reign as immortal just ended and I have been told that load times have improved among those that have recently become shadows once more. Looks to be a common problem for many with the pc load times is being an Immortal.

Just spoke to someone that took the new reign and they too mentioned that players have started complaining about load times. Immortal status is the cause. Was there not some issue with color clan names? I wonder if they added something to cheat software regarding it and yellow immortal name is being flagged unintentionally by software??

its super lag in pc while playing is stack up every walking in map ā€¦my pc specs i7+16gig ram+1050ti 4gig

why super lag in pc evetime i walk and see items

Server: Last Vestige
Immortal currently, loading into vault is very slow now on PC. Faster on mobile

Kesor server lagging me Vaults and dungeons are overwhelmed even though you are playing very low graphics

  • Server Name : Dark Exile
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted : Dungeons and Westmarch
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag: Cant really say as i mostly prefer to play on PC and its so much worse than mobile its not even funny and has always been the case.
  • What is the severity of the Lag: Very bad! Mainly at prime times when u walk in the city character stutters and if in dungeon when u kill last boss or meet large grp of mobs the game freezes for few seconds and i can tell you its not my device the problem cuz i have absolute beast of a system and also because the issue is only around prime times.
    Its like servers cant hold or something is coded very poorly on PC client and cant handle the load when many ppl play or i dont know what.
    All i know is that this is absolutely ridiculous given how much money i spend and graphics being 10 times worse than other very heavy games where i dont have a single problem. Even diablo 4 with its heavy intense graphics on ultra have no such problems and this game PC client needs a lot of work to be honest.
    Also please make an expansion for sale and make pc client look and behave better. Like you revamped wow classic look pls update this game it looks like wow from 20 years ago.
    I dont know what to think if its Netease that prevents this game to be good or what, but i will tell you that this is the only Blizzard game that does not feel maintaned and even made by Blizzard. The character movement in battlegrounds and camera angle is horrible, game have so many problems its like its made by some cheap company and its still in BETA. I have played wow for 20 years also other Blizzard games and this is the most expensive and the worst to the point it does not feel like a game from the same company.

Usually I do not experience any lag at all in this game except moments when many players are currently visible on the screen casting many skills at the same time while attacking something. Then game becomes literally unplayable, like a slideshow. But it never lasts for a long time, itā€™s over after few seconds.

This happens very rare, because I mostly play solo. No lag at all during solo play. I donā€™t play battlegrounds but at the rare occasions when I do everything still goes smoothly.

Also, every time when game is updated, lag during intro loading video before home screen appears (video that features new features added).

Server: Stygian fury
Device: laptop
OS: Windows 10
Graphics: AMD Radeon Vega 8 and Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3550H

Server: iceburg tear
Game Mode everything
lag: 1 month ago
really bad

BG is so laggy lately.

  • Server Name? Gharbad the Weak
    All game modes affected. The lag started a few weeks ago, it was manageable. Now itā€™s a lot worse and is making gameplay difficult.

Server: Silver Spire

Lag is horrible in bg. Seems to be worse when demon hunter is spammimg there skills. Has to be lag from barbs chains. There is no way i get pulled out of spawn when i respawn and dont move. That is way to damn far. Has to be lag causing thisā€¦ also the lag in vault. Is horrible. Its so bad you would think someone causes it on purpose to control the fight. We see the immos coming on map and next thing ya know your dead never seen them on screen till you die. I constantly am kicked out of game. We have to reform parties all the time due to bugs in matchmaking. Do something with shadow task they are old and stale. It seems like every update BG matchmaking gets worse. How do we get matched up against 4 barbs all spamming chains at once that dont die due to 100% immunity from damage or control. Really we are sick of this crap. Many of us have spent a lot of money for little to no content. Yeh i know shame on us. But we love the diablo brand but hate the direction its going nowadays. We need a better way to farm lego gems. Way to much cash going into them. At this point yall should have enough money to invite us all to a bbq free of charge.

July 26thā€¦

July 31stā€¦

August 6thā€¦

Itā€™s now September 7th, i.e. a month since your last post on this.
What happened to the keeping us informed via meaningful communication?

Also, why was this unpinned?

Hey guys,
The lag gotten worst again what are we doing as it gets very stupid to play the gameā€¦ā€¦

Itā€™s at everywhere ie vault,raids,dungeon,verge etc etc why why just when we though the lag subsided and was happy and now itā€™s back best blizzard just return us our monies and we stop playing the game ā€¦

Upset player

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Hey hey,

We have made posts since this that have addressed that this continues to be our top priority: The Ongoing Investigation and Battle against Lag and Latency - #3

Weā€™re going to keep you updated, but that does require me having news to actually share. We are working on it, but we wonā€™t be posting information in this specific thread. This was built to gather information and is used mainly by our QA and Engineering teams for information gathering.

The Post was pinned for a period of time and fell off. Iā€™ve re-pinned it now.

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The thread you linked is also not pinnedā€¦

Itā€™s currently around 70-80 threads deep, which is probably why I missed it when I was searching for updates / news. Perhaps you could re-pin that one too?