From Loyal Player to Unsafe for the player base: A Diablo Immortal Tale

You clearly don’t know how ai works.

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I suggest you find a lawyer to help you recover your character or money.

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I’ve been a loyal fan of Blizzard products since 2004, 20 years now. I dread to think how many thousands I have spent.

I spent that amount because games like WoW had a great in-game support, constant well thought updates, and justice was dealt with a human element, and two way conversations with sensible resolutions were possible. I was happy to spend money to see that go from strength to strength.

I know Kopova well, I’ve watched how this business has dealt with this episode (and many similar). It is disgusting and a discrace to the legacy that was built by a passionate and caring team 20 years ago.

This company does not deserve another dime of money, or minute of play time. It is now foul and spoilt. Mismanaged and misguided. It’s heartbreaking to say that about a name I once passionately loved and supported, but more embarrassing that I trusted and spent money with these criminals.

I won’t be returning to anything with the name Blizzard again at least not until its ownership and management have changed in its entirity.


Kopova is a great player, a great clan leader and above all, a great person.

Blizzard needs more players like him. Not less.


I would greatly appreciate if a moderator could jump in and explain if there is another way we can use beside tickets system ( did already and received just an automated answer) to ask blizzard support team to reconsider this ban.
Thank you in advance to whoever at blizzard would spend some time to respond the above request.

Best of regards.



In my opinion this ban is unfair and a huge mistake. Kopova is a great player and should be unbanned asap.


Вітаю BattleNet
Хочу підтримати свого знайомого та друга по грі Копова.Вважаю,що він не міг використовувати шахрайські методи в грі , оскільки грає вже давно та ділився досвідом з багатьма гравцями.Прошу дати йому шанс на повернення в гру.Зверніть увагу на те,що раніше подібного він не вчиняв і перевірте ще раз його акаунт.Вірю ,що сталася помилка і Копова знову буде грати.Doramka


Greetings to all of you. All I can say on this situation is that it is absourdely unfair.

Kopova is most active player who put his time and energy in all Ravens clan activities, he is willing to help all the time to anybody, regardless on his experience, resonance, CR and exc.

@BLIZZARD please consider all posts from players/clanmates true, because they just are and unbann Kopovas profile.

@BLIZZARD dont let automated system decisions become your weapon of choice for banning illegal player activities, because they can and will make mistakes like this.


@BLIZZARD #FREE KOPOVA #UNBANN KOPOVAS PROFILE #make us proud again#technical-support Bug Report


I’ve been following the discussions in the forum and on Reddit, and I’ve noticed that currently, a particular individual is the focus of attention, having been excluded from the community. I can relate to the situation well, as I find myself in a similar position. Our account was taken from us without knowing the exact reason.

However, it seems too one-sided to me that the efforts are concentrated only on this one person. There is a significant number of players in the Diablo community who are advocating for this player to regain access. Yet, there are also many others who have been fighting for months to get their accounts back.

I am among the players who do not understand why they were banned. I have always tried to be helpful and assist others. We are all in the same boat, so we should work together to support all those affected who feel they have been treated unfairly.

It is important that we stand together as a community. Anyone who has lost their account knows how painful it is. It’s regrettable that the discussions revolve only around one person, instead of everyone who doesn’t know why they were banned.

So let’s not forget to support the others who have been fighting for months to restore their accounts. We should include all those who feel they have been wronged. My appeal is to stand united and fight for the rights of everyone, not just for one individual.


I’m a clan leader so people just generally knew me better, I wish for everyone who was wrongfully banned to be unbanned.
News about me being banned have spread in our servers numerous discords, that’s why people come and comment.

Not a secret these forums are dead, and ofc its not just bunch of people randomly seeing it here.


If there is one basic principle in countries that abide by the rule of law it is due process. When you are charged with any accusation you need to be shown evidence in support of such accusations. What Blizzard does is akin to what authoritarian regimes do. They claim you are guilty. When you ask of what? They state that you have violated the rules. When you ask for evidence they send you in jail. Imagine what the judiciary in liberal countries would look like if they proceeded like Blizzard. Prosecutors and judges would only need to present a statement - that you have violated a rule - for you to be found guilty. No need for evidence, no need for appeal. You have violated the law. Why would you need to know why, in what circumstances? You are guilty as charged! According to Blizzard the rule of law doesn’t apply anymore. This is the demise of the justice system of liberal and free countries.


This is competely unacceptable in a game, any kind of game. Banning people without even lookingh into the problem, I have to say it makes the whole game a lot less desirable to play. Thinking that any time anyone, who actually did nothing wrong can be banned because of a faulty cheat system is again something to reflect on.

In this case, our dear friend Kopova, all he did was help others understand the game better and be better at it, so this ban is just ridiculous and needs to be lifted.

I can only hope that a human being will look into this case and decide that the whole ban was a mistake.


fun fact

this is the official page for appeals in Diablo Immortal

this is official page for appeals on battle net

both are machine translated, this is next level of we don’t care


If Blizzard had a good argument for banning someone, they would not have a problem to state it. This is more like a lottery, let’s see who we will draw this week… and then occasionally they ban persons who are keeping their game alive… Because not stating reasons means not having true ones…

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This banning without any explanation, despite repeated pleas, is so disrespectful, that it is unbelievable that such 3 (Blizzard, NetEase & Microsoft) big names can behave like that towards their customers. But it is not only disrespectful to the banned one, Kopova, it is disrespectful towards the whole community, the server, and mostly all members of the clan he was leading. They left us without the leader, with no warning, so we cannot participate in shadow activities that determine the clan ranking… and why??? Well, we are not eligible to know. Even bloody Stalin and Tito, well know dictators, were more decent and forthcoming, compared to these three companies…


The customer service is a joke.
Blizzard went from a respected company to a freaking cashgrab company that doesnt care about their players.
Im so frustrated and disappointed right now.
I live with the hope that a GM will look at your case Kopo but im sure that they dont even bother to read the forums anymore.
Joke of a company…

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Blizzard you need to WAKE UP! You need to adress this in the right way and give him a chance to get his account unbanned. Or at least give a warning. Kopova don’t deserve this treatment and a big company as Blizzard should easy fix this ASAP!! He has played the game many years and is so devoted to his clan and people in the game. He is a good guy and you did him wrong!!
IceQueenIselin/Ravens in the sky :heart::pleading_face:


Yes Blizzard needs to wake up - but to be honest i am even not sure how much “influence” they have. I fear this is fully under control by NetEase (SW side) and that Blizzard is just the face to the “outer world”.
NetEase is Chinese, how big is the chance they listen to us?? Do we really think they care?

But still, this whole thing is a total mess beyond anything that is imaginable. We still talk about a GAME and they treat us like s****.

I game since 40 years, I got never banned or anything like this in any game (also not in any Blizzard game), but DI did it for me …
I am done with Blizzard (after 30 years lol) - they will never see me again in one of their games.

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Alot of players that play with controlers even on phones got banned…


It’s hard to believe that Kopo has done anything that warrants a permanent ban. I find it very sad that after putting so much into the game he is just dismissed without so much as an explanation. He’s an excellent clan Leader and absolutely leads by example. He supports the clan and other players regardless of player level and enables growth. He is well liked and respected within the community. I find your attitude as a business shocking a personal response is the minimum a player of his stature should expect.