From Loyal Player to Unsafe for the player base: A Diablo Immortal Tale

Ok weekend, fewer people in positions, it’s already the middle of the week and the Blizzard Administration couldn’t speak about the problem, interesting.
As a reminder, 4.5k reso its 10-20k spending on the “game”. For this price, the player has a lot of titles to choose from.
Players like Kopova should be offered a position(for contributions to the development of inside society) rather than banned.

p.s. Thanks to social interactions in the game, people are more likely to get attached to the title


Is there any topic on this forum that did get a blizzard reply ?

And blizzard the reason why people resort to forums is because your customer support is almost non existent.

Nope. Not one topic got a reply by Blizzard

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DI is far from the only game that Blizzard releases. Games like WoW, Overwatch, D4, and Starcraft are much more popular and have many more players than DI. So, losing you as a player doesn’t really matter. The world is big and has billions of people; new players will keep coming.

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Actually yes. Before they made that forum publicy known again, they responded on quite a few things.
But a few weeks before they announced it, that forum just died down when it came to support replying.

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I didn’t start blizzard games from DI :slight_smile: far from it
played all the games that you mentioned and more on top of it.

But this customer support seems to apply to all their games, so I am a very disappointed blizzard long term customer, not just DI customer.

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Shame on these actions from Blizzard. Kopova was one of the finest players on our server! He helped thousands of players with his knowledge… and got banned? Blizzard, reconsider your actions, or at least issue a clear statement on the situation!



Totally dumbfounded. People running around with accounts full of Susan plat and duped gems, pushing thousands of reso in weeks, but no. That’s totally fine. A community oriented mostly pve player, that’s who gets banned?

Unbelievable. Give Kopova his account back. Or at least tell him exactly what his exploit was. SMDH


This is really unbelievable! Are these GMs so full of themselves that they cannot admit a mistake? Give Kopova his account back and compensate for this shameful situation!


If anyone considers spending time and money make sure to read EULA carefully (I didn’t obv)

Short recap : Blizzard can block you at any point with no explanation and seize your character, and ingame currency and any battle net balance. Later provide you with no support.

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Blizzard, are you F… kidding me. The most friendly and calm person on server who is helping everyone, even people which are a real pain in the A$$. Blaming and banning someone wideout telling him the reason is F… ridiculous… or let’s say TYPICAL BLIZZARD BULL$HIT. Because of such stupid actions entire clan will fall apart, but this is showing BLIZZARDS STUPIDITY of next LEVEL OF WE DON’T CARE, YOU PAY WE GET YOUR MONEY AND WE DO WHAT EVER WE LIKE TO DO…
Some of you will say hey bro Language or don’t you think they can ban you 2, i will say F…OFF BLIZZARD i don’t care if you ban me 5 ppl already quit game because of this stupid BAN from Kopova’s Account.
IF there is any Game Master who read Topics and uses his head to think, check the battel tag from Kopo#21506 and unbann him, so the entire server will be happy!
Best regards to all users and readers and ppl who try to help!
No regards to Blizzard at all

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It seems that now every player will start waking up in the morning with madness in his eyes and checking whether he has been banned or not.
We are obliged to follow your rules. And we spend our money in your game. I’m not going to point out what Blizzard should do - but it is your responsibility to take care of your players.
And you send automated messages. Or with mistakes. Shame.
Maybe you should hire more employees then?
Maybe you’ll start treating us like partners and not like cash cows?
Wake up Blizzard please…

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I agree wit you (all) that it’s unfair and irreasonable, BUT you (we) all accepted the rules before start playing, if you didn’t read It’s not anyone else’s fault.


Blizzard writes their own term of service in a way that takes away all of your human rights you normally have IRL, remove any responsibility of what they might do/happen with your account, then forces all players to accept it if they want to play.
They can even ban your account without reason and without saying why if they want.
It’s like you are forced to accept that the police can arrest you without saying the reason. And when you ask why they give you an auto reply that does not give any information about anything. They should to at least treat people like actual people.

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I have been writing and repeating for several months that these are Blizzard’s rules and that everyone agreed to them upon registration, and there is nothing you can do about it. I’m glad you finally understood it. But why did you have to be so toxic towards me when i was telling this?
Here, the community consists of mature individuals, yet everyone just criticizes and behaves aggressively.

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Nope, I did not agree to the “rule” that they ban me without doing anything wrong and then without providing any evidence or proof and no support.
So, big no …

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Your right, but for example rules do not say that cases will be auto triggered by AI and no human will help you even if its a permanent bann on an old account where you played multiple games and spent money on.

Having such severe rules had me thinking that blizzard customer support will be top notch and they will only be enforced in a transparent and fair way, which is in reality absolute opposite.

Я не розумiю чому люди якi насправдi роблять заборонене не отримують бан а гравцi якi честно грали довгий час витрачаючи на це своi Сили i свiй особистий час вiдправляються в бан без пляснень

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What are blizzards emails ?
To properly file legal action I need proof of communication through email, ticketing system is very ambiguous (obv done on purpose)

Update: is stated as support email on google play

BUT after messaging it here is a reply:

Thank you for emailing Blizzard Customer Support.

This email address is no longer monitored for responses. Please visit Blizzard Support - Contact Support to find support resources and solutions, along with options to help you reach Blizzard’s Game Master team.

Maybe you have quoted the wrong person (or you quoted my post as example), i’ve never said different.