In the Tong Shi’s Renewal event today’s reward is Tong Shi’s Gift which includes an item that says…
Gain 1 level instantly
Before I collected it
Paragon 1183
1,547,697 XP
Collecting it…
After I collected it
Paragon 1183
1,897,697 XP
This did not grant me
1 level instantly
This granted me
350,000 XP
This means the item is actually granting 3,500,000 XP affected by the hero’s XP penalty, i.e. 10% of 3,500,000 XP being 350,000 XP.
Please either correct the description, or make the item actually do what it says.
Hero: Meteorblade
Class: Barbarian
Clan: Synergy
Device Used: PC
Device O/S: Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version:
Server Region: EU
Server Cluster: The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates
Same no level given, but i think programmers forgot a 0 in their programming for that instant level, because with 20% reduction i still only gained 350k exp as well
The reward would work if it was granting a flat 3,500,000 XP (regardless of the hero’s XP modifier for being above or below the server’s paragon level) because that’s the amount of XP required to gain 1 paragon level. The reward is, instead, granting 350,000 XP, i.e. only enough for one tenth of a paragon level.
Perhaps an intern missed off a zero when they typed the value into a variable.
SAME HERE. 1181. I made sure to finish out 1180 to 1181 for a empty bar. Collected 2 full level Gain 1 level instantly and Toulon on High Heavens was still 1181.
Same here, got just 700k exp and a mystery item both of the “guranteed” lvl ups. So sad and more than a wrong promise. “Gain 1 LvL instantly” has to get a different description or everyone need an exp compensation!
It was the same at the event around christmas. A lot of “gain 1 lvl instantly” but we got just a few exp. Opened a ticket but nothing happened. I hope because it happened in this event again, now they acknowledge this problem
This is so typical, they type one thing and mean something else. I am sick and tired of this BS from Blizzard, they do not take responsibillity for their mistakes.
They do not even reply in here, they are just cowards, protected and can do whatever they want.
Just to add a bit more of info, though we only receive 10% of the xp (350k) if we have any xp penalty, the opposite doesn’t happens, if we have a 110% xp increment we only receive 3.5M xp.
This may have been fixed. Just now I was at server paragon +49K/3.5M. I had saved the “1 Level Instantly” reward to avoid the exp penalty. When I claimed it, I instantly went up to the next level (+49K).
The XP item appears to work if you are at, or below, the server’s paragon level.
But if you’re above server paragon, it grants 350,000 XP not 3,500,000 XP.
This event has six “Gain 1 level instantly” rewards.
Over the course of the event, the hero should receive (6 * 3,500,000) XP = 21,000,000 XP.
Instead, the hero will receive (6 * 350,000) XP = 2,100,000 XP.
In other words, the hero receives less than one paragon level, when they should have received six paragon levels.