Bug de cosmétique

quand je combat certain de mes skins ont un bug d’affichage des couleurs par exemple le skin devient noir ou blanc et rouge et reste comme ça un moment avant de redevenir normal mais pas longtemps et hop ca recommence j’ai toute les pilotes graphique a jours ,je joue sur pc et j’ai plus que le mini requis pour ce jeux quelqu’un aurais une solution svp ?

Google Translate gives us this…

Good morning
when I fight some of my skins have a color display bug for example the skin becomes black or white and red and stays like that for a moment before becoming normal again but not for long and presto it starts again I have all the graphics drivers days, I play on PC and I have more than the minimum required for this game, does anyone have a solution please?

You already made a thread about this 16 days ago…

In that thread, you were directed to this existing bug report from 18 days ago…

There’s a major patch being deployed to the servers tomorrow morning (01:00-03:00 CET for EU servers, not sure about US timings). Once that’s released check if any resolution to the issue has been documented here…