Blizzard - NetEase - Gold Earning and Rewards for All Players Need to Improve BIG TIME!

:speech_balloon: January 12, 2024

Dear Blizzard / NetEase Team and Diablo Immortal Community!

Here are some suggestions relating to Gold Earning and Rewards in Diablo Immortal for all players for Blizzard / NetEase to consider, which needs serious improvements.

There should be a better way to earn gold or have the ability to sell items etc. in the game. So if players don’t have enough gold to level up gear and make progress that is not good. If the grind becomes too slow along with progress in the game for just about any player, it ends up killing the desire to keep playing, and that ruins the game in many ways. It’s not fun or rewarding to be stuck making progress with your character in the game all because there is a lack of gold. It’s rather ridiculous. Hopefully, Blizzard / NetEase will improve on the gold earning and rewards in this game, Diablo Immortal, big time, because it’s seriously lacking.

For comparison: I have over 1.6 Billion gold in Diablo 3 vs just over 1 million gold between all my characters in Diablo Immortal, and I been playing for over a year now. And, on Diablo IV I have hundreds of millions and at least I can make good gold selling gear etc., but none of those options are available when it comes to gold earning in Diablo Immortal!? Which makes no sense!?

Not that I want a ridiculous amount of gold in Diablo Immortal, but for all players to have better options to earn gold, and for Blizzard to increase the amount of gold rewards earned across the board. In other words, make gold earning and rewards better and enough for players to make while grinding to be able to level up gear and make progress in the game, otherwise what’s the point in a hell grind that takes forever with barely enough gold no matter how many resources a player has, being stuck and in limbo in the game because of lack of gold is just awful in any game, especially if the player puts in the time, effort and grind in the game!? That’s not good or fun for anyone. Blizzard / NetEase need to seriously improve on gold earning and rewards in Diablo Immortal, because it is NOT good at all right now.

These are my suggestions and I hope the Blizzard / NetEase Team are reading this, because the majority of Diablo Immortal players would be grateful to have this area of the game improve, along with many other things that need fixing and improvements.

The gold earning and rewards for all players in Diablo Immortal should be improved BIG TIME across the board in the game, where there is a much better balance than it is now in Diablo Immortal. Blizzard / NetEase should add the ability for players to sell their gear items or exchange Hilts with vendor for gold. As of right now, gold earning and rewards are very limited in Diablo Immortal, and for players who grind and enjoy the game it’s ridiculous to have this gold limitation in Diablo Immortal.

Not to mention, the awful limitations of gold earning and rewards in the game often times leads to players being stuck, and players are not able to make any real progress in leveling up their gear in the game, which is very disappointing. As I have read in several posts in the forums and on Reddit, that is not good at all. That’s a huge turn off and will end up having players lose interest in the game.

I hope gold earning and rewards seriously improves in Diablo Immortal, along with some very needed fixes and improvements in the game overall. That’s all for now! Cheers all! - JJ -

It’s extremely easy to obtain gold in Immortal. Spend points in the Treasure Hunter paragon tree, make it active, and go farm mobs open-world. The biggest limiting factor which causes players to be unable to upgrade the ranks of their gear is not gold, but the availability of scraps and dusts. That’s one of the things I addressed months ago…

I have over half a trillion gold in Diablo III. The reason is that there’s not a good sink for it (empowering GRs doesn’t easily put a dent in this much gold) whereas in Diablo Immortal there is, i.e. rank upgrades and gambling at the Antiquities NPC. The reason players don’t have huge amounts of gold is precisely because the sinks are good, and there’s literally nothing else to spend the gold on other than ranks / gambling for gear.


I have plenty of gold and I don’t know what to do with it. The reason why you don’t have enough gold because you are just starting playing the game. Did you even do the weekly daily vault activities? It should give you around 600k~700K+ gold every week.

If anything, the game needs more gold sink features.


If it was possible for the Antiquities NPC to give set items from the jewellery category I suspect that’d take care of a lot of surplus gold.

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Or selling consumable and purchasable crests with gold.

I been playing casually for almost 2 years, but most recently since late last year I started playing more and catching up. I just got to Paragon level 704 earlier today, and I have Treasure Hunter active when I do certain runs or quests. I’m also at Brawler level in Paragon Tree and been getting some good help from friends too. I am learning a lot of new things about Diablo Immortal and I really like the game and enjoy it. I guess it’s also because it reminds me of Diablo 3, which I also enjoy playing.

Both you and Meteorblade give good feedback and helpful info, and I sincerely appreciate it. I will definitely look into weekly daily vault activities you mentioned. That would be helpful for sure. I will see how the gold earning and rewards plays out in the next few weeks while I continue progressing on my main Necromancer and Barbarian characters. :slight_smile:

It has been very fun so far playing and discover the game, Diablo Immortal, minus some annoying, unexpected bugs and issues I experienced, but other than that it has been good. Players in Diablo Immortal are also very friendly and helpful too, just like D3. So yeah, it has been fun playing for sure.

Thanks again for the feedback and info, Kilometer. Much appreciated. Happy weekend! - JJ -

As a Shadow, when you’re raiding the Vault, the first 40 chests you open each week in there contain 30 or 40 hilts (this depends on how far the Immortals are into their reign) and 17,500 gold each. Floor 1 has 1 chest, Floor 2 has 2 chests, Floor 3 has 3 chests and Floor 4 has 4 chests. So, on a full clearance (where you fight the Immortals on Floor 4 and win) you get 10 chests, which is 400 hilts from the chests, another 40 hilts for clearing the floors (there’s a separate, weekly allowance of 350 hilts for this) and 175,000 gold.

One tip though, if you’re new to raiding the vault… any chests that you open, on the floor that you fight the Immortals on, if you lose (i.e. the Immortals kill you) you lose the contents of the chests from that floor. For that reason, if you plan to fight them on floor 4, do NOT open any chests on Floor 4 until and unless you’ve killed the Immortals, otherwise everyone in the party will lose out on Floor 4’s hilts / gold.

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January 12, 2024 -

Thank you for letting me know, my friend. Much appreciated.

By the way, I was wondering if Blizzard / NetEase would consider adding Mercenary Companions in Diablo Immortal like in D3, where we can hire Mercenary companions to help us in our game journey, and also have players gear the companions up as well. That would be very cool and fun. I enjoy Mercenary Companions in D3.

Considering Diablo Immortal is a lot like D3, adding Mercenary Companions in the game would be epic and fun for sure. It’s something Blizzard / NetEase should consider adding in the near future. That would be awesome!

I am still exploring Diablo Immortal, and so far I am enjoying it, despite some bumps and obstacles along the way. I’m not expecting perfection in any game, but overall Diablo Immortal is fun, and the friendly and helpful player base in the game makes it even better! I joined a good Clan too, which also helps. Doing Towers is a lot of fun. Good loot and XP as well.

On a final note, based on my experience with the game so far, Diablo Immortal still needs some fixing and improvements, but overall the Blizzard / NetEase Team have done a good job, and I hope they continue to improve the game further and expand on the good parts. I still think gold earning and rewards can be better, but I will check back about that in a few weeks to be fair. :wink:

Thanks again for the helpful info, Meteorblade! You rock! :slight_smile:

Happy weekend and gaming to all! - JJ -

I buy 10 weapons and 10 armour items from the Antiquities NPC every day.
I need more things to spend it on, not more ways to earn it…

Indeed especially when you have capped your gear rank. For those below rank 30 at least have a reason to spend the gold on the NPC for the quick crafting mats through salvaging.

The game needs more gold sink content.

and you don’t save platinum here? Where do you spend your platinum? Normal gems?

I’ll give everyone the brutal truth of these “rewards”.
The gold, dust, and exp., you get as a new player seems very rewarding. Even more when you climb the difficulties, you get more.
This eventually stops to entice you to spend since you’ve invested time in the game. Once you’ve spent money, you’re beholden to the game. This is, if you have the will, to simple stop playing.
These “rewards” you get called mysterious legendary/set items, get taken away from you in 70 days. This was to appease the low drop rates of legendary/set items and that was like, what, a year ago! Nothing new. Forget Familiars RNG.
The batllepass, helliquary slags, first kill of the day, and daily login rewards, all great for new people for the hook but overall, trash at the end.
Have fun with your 1 gem power a week for the first kill of the day.
Combat rating, capped “grinding”, and non imposed TOS will kill this game.

I’m working towards finishing off my Viper’s Bite which is currently Rank 8. I use the AST runes I earn each week from Elder runs with rare crests to craft spare Viper’s. When I farm normal gems (21 lairs a week, and however many of the 12 gems per day I get from 4-man content) the unbound ones go on the Marketplace, and with the platinum those sales generate I purchase 1-star gems to turn into gem power for upgrading the Viper’s.

In a couple of months time, when my Viper’s finished, I’ll have to consider what, if anything, I swap out for maybe a BSJ (but that’ll take me many months to get to Rank 5, most likely).

Huh? I got like average 10-20 legendaries every day and you are guaranteed a set item in every 7th random dungeon run.

How is that low again? :thinking:

Great 10-20. How many were “upgrades”? You won’t need them in 70 days.

Trying to change subject huh? You claimed that Immortal legendary drop rate is low, but turned out it is not or else i wouldn’t be able to gear up fast to farm comfortably on Inferno 5 content now the moment i reached P1200.

The drops rates are low when progressing the sever paragon level. Now, what about the other things mentioned?

I easily got 10~20+ legendary on the World Paragon server in one day. How is that low? Unless you think one should find 100+ legendaries daily on the World Paragon server?

Today Result:

Thanks for commenting on other stuff.


So, where did I get that many Flowing Shards from if it wasn’t from excess legendaries?

I ding’d 1200 last week and I’m already at 33686 Combat Rating. For Inferno 6, open world needs 33300 CR and dungeons need 33700, i.e. I could start pre-farming Inferno 6 right now. I’m completely free-to-play, I haven’t spent a single penny on the game.

So, tell me, what am I prevented from doing other than Inferno 6 raids right now?

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Interesting how everyone is piling on legendarys. The point of this is how these “upgrades” are capped, taken away, and unrewarding. Let’s only disregard all the other points I’ve made.