Essence Loyalty - Is anyone else having more luck with this?

On the day that the Survivor’s Bane patch went live, I got three Essence Loyalty procs, giving me the new Barbarian Main Hand, Off-hand and Chest. A couple of days later, I got the Legs and Shoulders as natural drops. I haven’t obtained the Helm yet though.

In a post I made 11 days ago, I had 4297 Flowing Shards.

I currently have 4590 Flowing Shards…

So, in 11 days, I’ve obtained 293 Flowing Shards.

This equates to obtaining / extracting an average of around 26-27 legendaries / set items per day.

So, was I just stupidly lucky on day 1 and not getting another proc after a couple of hundred more extractions is to be expected? How are the rest of you doing with this?

The last time we had six new legendaries per class, and the Loyalty thing was available, I got all six legendaries by natural drops without the Loyalty ever proc’ing. It took me multiple weeks to obtain them though. If we assume I was obtaining legendary items at a similar rate, that means it didn’t proc once as a result of extracting over 600 legendaries.

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I found most of my new essence from loyalty bonus on the first week after the patch update. Only the last essence still eluded from me. No loyalty bonus until today.

–==[ Update ]==–

Found the helm as a natural drop this morning.
So, after initial flurry on patch day, no procs of Loyalty in a couple of hundred extracts.

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I’ve got about 3-4 procs alltogether since it was introduced. I also have an alt that I’ve never got any loyalty bonus so far. This system is like it doesn’t even exist.