underrated post right there. have a like.
six people that all happen to have come to the natural conclusion that 6 slot limit is unfun bs arbitrary limiting no-fun-allowed factor.
Their job is to be mad about everything and criticize everything, no matter what. And so they share the minority opinion that everything is worth being mad about.
dota2 playerbase dwindling because of forced 50% winrate and russians in EU servers, not because of the number of abilities available per given hero.
yes, it DOES have to stay that way, otherwise people start moaning about the quite blatantly obvious class imbalance and we’ll have a homogenized WoW retail clone where all classes can do the same thing before we can blink our eyes.
it is absolutely crucial that the devs continue to ignore any and all aspects of pvp in the diablo franchise, otherwise, in case they are forced to “balance” that aspect of the game, we’re all gonna be feeling really bland, really weak and really bored very quickly.
once you open that pandoras box and the playerbase gets used to it, there is no closing it ever again without massive amounts of backlash both ideologically and financially (for blizzard that is).
Sweet spot is decided by designing team, not by players, players will never know when is enough
I love pvp. Pvp is going to be a huge part of end game for many players. A lot of the devs really enjoy it too.
If you think it shouldn’t that’s just because you don’t play pvp.
Many people are really passionate about pvp. Most pvp players are putting thousands of hours in grinding for BiS gear and practicing pvp. They are some of the most passionate gamers out there who dedicate themselves to good games where they can hone their craft. Diablo presents a really unique opportunity for pvp players who love games where you can build something and then go and test it against other players.
If you don’t like pvp just don’t play it.
I love PVP too. I loved it in D2. But it was never balanced, and the game was never balanced around it, and I’m perfectly okay with that and you should be too if you loved it before when it was the same way.
pvp in diablo is a meme. sure it can be fun, but its ultimately a meme, and it should never become baseline or competitive, because if it does, its going to dictate the future of the genre at a core level.
No not really.
Pvp is way better when it is balanced.
People say Dark Souls and Elden Ring aren’t pvp games. But pvp players are some of the players clocking in the most hours year after year.
And nearly every single patch since each game came out has balanced weapons in some way for pvp. And it barely affects pve it just makes things feel way less broken but you can still cheese in DS and ER. From software get it and they don’t leave some of their most dedicated players behind.
I hope Blizz do the same.
Every PVP game you’ve said you loved has some of the absolute worst balance of any PVP game ever.
So maybe balance isn’t as important as you think?
You can outweigh it in DS and ER with player skill.
Diablo has way less of that and relies much more on gear and builds.
This needs to be balanced way more.
its funny even the console players want more slots…
Well, hardswap macros mostly. And some player skill.
Perhaps you didn’t understand what is meant by a separate, normalized mode.
Anyways, after playing the beta and reading all the comments and feedback, it’s pretty clear that Diablo players are bad at playing Diablo.
Poor Blizzard
Yup. 85 likes on this post from Console Discussion Forums.
What is your point? The game is an unbalanced mess for PVP.
Your “super easy” experiences were not typical at all.
In D2 Hardcore, it would take more than a couple of days for a small number of non-stop players to start climbing to the level 90+ ladders. That’s how the game was actually played (without dying once).
In Softcore, who cares. You could start a brand new character and get rushed to the Hell Cow level within hours (typically by a 90+ sorc or occasionally, ama). We could also die a million times and yet claim the game is super easy (even dying is super easy, ha ha). But that’s NOT how a char is actually played. That’s really just about how fast a char could get rushed to level 90+ (in a day or so).
That’s what you think. People who actually play see basically every single patch since the game came out has addressed pvp balance and are very happy with the direction of the game because From Software actually care and listen to the player feedback.
You don’t even play it and think you can speak on it when you have no idea what you are talking about.