Please bring back the Left Trigger Modifier to allow for the use of more than 6 skills, it will allow for greater class depth and more enjoyment.

Also thank you for all the work youve done so far @D4Team been enjoying the beta very much.




I agree, it feels like it’s time to open up more skills for better combos so we can be a little more reflexive on the combat thought process.

The Diablo series has been great for building characters from a gear and skill perspective, but only having 6 skills dulls the game play experience.

It feels weird to have all these skill / ability points only to have them locked behind 6 buttons and respec process, it needs more dimension.


No we have enough buttons as it is.


You really think 6 is enough? I respect your opinion but I just disagree, D2R has a Left Trigger modifier and it works really well I never feel restricted and I feel im able to play my class the way I want it, also even if they did add more slots with a L-Modifier you arent required to use them ya know?


I would like to be able to get up to 10 skills. I find potion on LB to be a wasted button, I would move it to the Dpad (and map it to a paddle on my controller.)

I would be ok with dual presses for certain skills, other games do it with Y+B and A+X. Some with LB+RB and LT+RT also.

That’s 10 skills with no trigger modifier to press.


Even just adding a separate ultimate slot would be a huge improvement and add a lot of customization options.


Yes. Improvement it would be. I was playing the sorcerer and I felt like I needed the skills that were already in place. Giving up 1 utility would have messed up the rotation completely. So an extra slot for only ultimate skills would be awesome. How did you feel about it?


I’ve played all 3 classes and with every class I feel like I had to give up skills I really wanted in my build to feel complete, if I even had 2 extra skill slots it would be great but 4 extra with the L-Trigger modifier I feel would give me all the slots i need 100%


I kindly disagree. Having less skills gives more weight to our choices and ensures the gameplay doesn’t become too insane in lategame with big combo builds.


I respect your opinion, but I disagree, the skills I’m talking about missing are things like [Concealment] which allows you to vanish from sight and I can hardly see adding another skill slot so I can cast this as well as [Invigorating Strike], [Twisting Blades], [Shadow Step], [Dash], [Shadow Imbuement], and my Ultimate [Shadow Clone] game breaking or overpowered. Instead it just feels like my build becomes limited, the classes have less depth and feel more repetitious.


This not gona happend. At this point they will no redesign whole skill system to do this.
For sorcerer is allways not enough slots but we got what we got.


Im not a Dev so I’m not sure how the game development process works, but I can share how I feel in hopes that they can use my feedback to release the best game possible.

Thanks for the share


They dont have to redesign the whole skill system. All they would be doing is adding an alternate function. L2 brings up new menu for skill slots.
Then adding mapping ability in settings. bing done.

We’re already giving up one skill slot for evade. which we cant take away to give the skill slot back anyways.


You can move your potion?

I moved all my buttons

I think if i understand correctly he/she just was saying that the poiton takes up a button that could otherwise be a skill.

VERY MUCH AGREE, if there is only going to be 6 slots for skills the gameplay is pretty much ruined, and I know everyone agrees. Listen up Blizz, ADD MORE SKILL SLOTS…


Well d3 had a potion button as well. the thing thats taking up slot is the bloody evade button >…<

THIS… it’s painful to choose giving up an ability slot for a skill u can only use once every seconds even if its uber powerful… should def get its on slot. Sadly I think the limitation is being imposed by console controllers as PC has way more binds available.


More skills just means weaker builds and skills.

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Daventry I just dont agree with you, but would you like to explain how exactly they would be weaker and not better as a composition; At the moment i find myself wanting those few extra slots for fluid engaging combat.

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