Why is this community so toxic?

Not a business person, I see. Look at any restaurant, 99% of happy customers will never post a review praising it. They vote with their feet. Angry customers are happy to come in and slam a 0/5 review because they couldn’t get the table by the window :cry:

Are you vapid? I’m far from a white knight. Have you tried writing constructive feedback instead of questioning the length of days I’ve spent on the forum? :man_facepalming:

Sure - tell me what percentage of development you see here - and this is copied from google (notice the order of this list): Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows. PC is 16% of the production, the rest is for console buddy. The dev chat all said they play on console. LOL.

What? I played PoE, it’s not all its cracked up to be.

omg bro they are giving us even better - gems that go into your materials list intead. Did you even pay attention?


WoW, think about Diablo 3 didn’t had this “toxic drama queens” in the first 3 years, that would have ended in a DEAD long time burried game. But also think that it was that feedback that made Diablo 3 be a great game in the long run. It still took devs 2-3 years to actually finish and have a polished game … but hell, the bad part is they never learned anything from that experience. Keep doing the same things will assure you the same results. This is what happend with Diablo 4.

It’s ‘First Year Diablo’. Diablo 3 came out in 2012. People happily bought the Super Spiffy Devil May Care Edition, blew through the base single player campaign in a day, and pouted about a lot of that too.

Bliz was not ready for millions of people to log in at the same time for about a month and a half after Diablo 3’s release. That part has gone much better than last time.

People are coming to terms with the fact that Blizzard Ent doesn’t want ‘Doomslayer’ builds that Heal on Hit, Heal on Kill, and Heal passively - letting you face-tank everything - or 10M+ DPS builds that melt Ultra Nightmare bosses in seconds, or people level-maxing characters from Fresh off the Horse to Paragon 150 in 10 hours this time around.

They’ll learn to deal, the World Map will expand, there will be more Acts of solo Campaign … and when us $100 guys find out that the $100 didn’t cover every possible gigabyte of additional content that’ll come out in the next 10 years, there will be plenty of people right back on the forums bursting into tears and flames.

It’s a game, but it’s also the new Classic Literature - it’s a place for your mind to go when your body can’t go anywhere, so this stuff matters to some more than others.
It’s also ‘Diablo’ - the OG, the OP of the discussion, the Grandfather of action RPGs - when you play Path of, or Torch, this is what you wish that ‘other’ game was, so it has to be everything to everyone … but those games took about 10+ years to be the monuments of the genre they are too.

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This cookie stunt in the campfire talk excellently demonstrates the seriousness with which the developers handle this game.


I am not saying they are great but they are people and people are forgetting how to treat people with some dignity and respect. It’s embarrassing what many people believe constitutes feedback on these forums.

I also think they are doing a good job balancing their view for the game with player feedback while remembering the vast majority of players are not putting 8 hours a day into the game.


most of the nerfs only hurt the people that arent playing 8 hrs a day so i dont see it

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This is the level of response you get when someone cannot provide an intelligent well-thought reply. Its like immediately admitting failure since you cannot argue points, just throw immature insults. Its an easy win.


I look at the mid tier reviews tbh, too much praise is sus, too low are karens.

At it’s current state, D4 is 5.5 at best.

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id give it a 7/10 its solid till t4 then it falls off, but hoping they address that with the season 1 livestream we shall see

My priviledge to play ‘‘Their’’ games, their priviledge to get ‘‘MY’’ money let’s not forget that. But the players will have the last word on when they gonna need to shut down the servers as i’d like to say. It’s not like in the days where Diablo was the only ARPG around and listening to your player base about the decent/good complaints will take you a long way.

But it’s not like it ain’t any better when you scream about the people crying in my opinion.

In this type of game that should be a success and be played for 10 years, I would not count the singleplayer campaign in the final review score.

Sure, it can get a review score only on that, for those type of players that are willing to pay whatever price for a 3 day gameplay story.

But it should have another score that would resonate with the 10 year period of the game. Cause lets be real, you play campaign mode once, the rest of 30 seasons you don’t.

Good restaurants still get high ratings, while bad ones get low ratings.
It is not like people only complain.

Let me rephrase that.
You bring the argument: “The devs themselves said the majority of players haven’t even finished the campaign yet”.
I say that argument is irrelevant, because the complains come from playes who did finish the campaign and are unhappy about the endgame.

Uhm, none? Did you try to post a link and messed up?
Also, pc sells purely digital copys. There is no production for pc games worth mentioning. These times are over thx to steam and online distributions.
Console players still buy hard copies though.

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B nut and games attached to that community have ALWAYS been toxic.

Well… I am a poison druid.

mechanics and storyline are pretty solid tho, bugs are very minimum for a new release now days and was smooth compared to any triple a title release in the last 5 years lol that counts for something tho, will admit arpgs are mostly about farming end game gear to make you godly and they droped the ball here on that

People on the internet in general are toxic due to no immediate consequences such as getting punched in the nose. Online, getting punched in the nose might look like getting banned. Even in heavily moderated online spaces however toxicity then just becomes passive and covert.

The other main factor is that it’s easy to dehumanize the faceless entity you’re talking to behind a screen that may be thousands of miles away from you.


And none of them are actually software devs. You will find a very specific type of person online who, magically, every time a subject comes up, is a professional expert in that exact field. If we are talking about airplanes on Monday, he is a pilot. On Friday when talking about Diablo, he will tell you about his side gig making games (that they never provide any details on). It’s a bizarre thing to lie about, but you see it CONSTANTLY.


Sure, I’m not denying that. What do you want, a cookie?

Let me refer you to the thread title.

If you could pull your head out of your nightmare dungeon that you call a passing-box, you’d realize we are actually on the same side, but I’m calling you on the BS that you can’t back up.

There’s plenty to be upset with, as PC gamers, with Lililth. Idk what your point is now because you just want to argue. Go yell at your family dude.

Mechanics definetely are core base. But story, while it serves as a fundation, I think it would get a much clearer and real score if it was separeted from the rest.

I remember starting playing WoW in 2005 because of the game mechanics and the possibilites you could do with your character. Didn’t knew nothing about lore more then Warcraft 3 lore and haven’t read one quest until Legion launched. This is the power of mechanics and gameplay in a game. This is what people have played Dota and Counter Strike since 1998/2001, because great gamplay and mechanics and 0 story.

Sure, mechanics are common both to story and endgame, but story might raise or lower the score and it counts really for 3 days of playing. The rest of 3647 days have nothing in common with the story.

This is the reason Call of Duty had 2 scores (single player and multiplayer).

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Not wrong ofc.
But people are also more honest, because they do no fear to getting punched in the nose.