Why is this community so toxic?

Seems like no one is happy with anything the dev team does or doesn’t do.

Dev Team - We will give you some renown during seasons including some of the most tedious parts of the game.
Community - No, that’s stupid, I want all my progress!

Dev Team - We are going to normalize populations of mobs so one dungeon isn’t better then the other.
Community - No that’s stupid, I don’t want to have to work to do a dungeon, i just want to have a party, split everyone up and aoe everything down in 2 minutes or i can’t have fun!

Diablo 4 isn’t the communities game. Its a game the developers made and this is THEIR vision. You paid for the privledge of playing the game, thats it, you don’t get to tell them how to do their job. If you can make a game and want to aoe stuff down, or have an overpowered spec, then by all means go spend the time and money to build it.

The vast majority of people are enjoying this game. We are enjoying the searching for alters or trying to find better gear. If you are unhappy, leave, go play Path of Whocares or Torchcrap 2. The rest of us will be here, enjoying what Blizzard spent years making and looking forward to how it all shakes out.


Gonna stop you right there

We paid for the game. But thats not the focus; The focus is that we also need to buy expansions/battlepasses/cosmetics and whatever else. If people decide to just leave because the dev’s refus to fix issues or even offer features or options people desire then that will affect the games longevity.

A lot of the complaints are silly sure, but some are valid. Those valid concerns should be addressed. Do not underestimate how fast a pissed off community can take a game who has a chance at being great, and kill it.

Anthem is a good example, new world and so on. But sure… go ahead… Especially with path of exile 2 being like right around the corner. Which is their biggest competition.

Tell people to get bent and that they “dont have the right” to be upset, when you yourself dont have the “privledge” or the “right” to tell them anything. Sit down, and stop. Do not fan the fire that none of us want to have erupt. Please.


Its the same whiney dweebs from the D3 forums. They’ve always been toxic drama queens.

Take 10% valid criticism then dial it up to 1000 because

  1. They’re ARPG veterans
  2. They’re a software dev
  3. inster another lame background story here.

Just point at them and laugh lol.


When you become a parent, you soon realize that children cry a lot, and they keep on crying until they get what they want. After they get it, they start crying for something else. Such is life. Let’s see that the new patch will bring, have the tissue papers ready and a lot of :popcorn: wait for it the forum will be on fire. :fire:


Blizzard has been forging a toxic relationship with their community for over a decade now.


That isn’t toxic. That’s missing the mark completely with your consumers. Renown is trash. Nobody likes doing chores on their game. Why is this even a thing to begin with? Admit mistake and move on.

Normalize dungeons? The dungeons are trash. No mob density. Stupid objectives in them. They aren’t fun and provide low reward. Reducing density in the fun dungeons is the opposite of the right answer. Porting to nmds is good but they’re still trash to do.


Its because we dont have rational, well adjusted adults. We have a bunch of whiny children and loud Karens.


The game is made in a corporate vision. The devs don’t even look like they want to be there.


The renown grind part is getting a lot of hate because it is a tedious thing that we will have to repeat time and time again. The dungeon part is not that bad and would passively be done. However the side quests, those are going to be annoying while people figure out the best pathing to get them cleared out asap.

The normalize populations of mobs gets a lot of hate because we wanted it to be normalized the other way. Make the other dungeons have the mob density that the main dungeons people were spamming have.

While I agree with many of the complaints, you shouldn’t let them affect your enjoyment of the game. I think (hope) most ppl here don’t want to stop you from enjoying the game, play! enjoy! please

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Among many reasons, a big one is because there’s a substantial group of people emotionally invested in the outcome of this game, who clearly never bothered to read any of the interviews or press events Blizzard did before it released. They just saw Diablo, and started making assumptions. Now they’re finding out Blizzard’s vision for the future of Diablo doesn’t match their own, which would have been a more helpful thing to know before they paid $100 for the game.


Ye what i really don’t like about people that its seems like they just need to be toxic instead of trying idk to make their lives better. But they prefer being toxic to others and as well sh1t on art including games. And they everywhere these toxic negative people


Blizzard failed to inform me that when i enter a NM dungeon, i have to go through 5 rooms to find 2 normal monsters that aren’t worth killing.


I can never understand the gaslighters trying always to misdirect a over hyped game with endless ads and think everyone should be happy with a mid boring slog of a game. I sure people happy with redfall and gollum also.


Why is this community so toxic?

You have a game series whos premise is built on a fantasy land of magical powers and barbaric equipment used to slay the demons of hell. Only so many personalities will be attracted to this type of game. It’s not Mario Kart for god sake.


It is OUR game. We are the CUSTOMERS and if a business doesn’t listen to their customers the business fails.


D4 is not some indie game a single dude made in his free time.
This is a product that is supposed to be liked by as many people as possible. So that it makes as much money as possible for the one who paid the developers.

And people paid a lot of money for it and are unhappy with what they got. They have all right to complain!


“We have 150+ dungeons and ENDLESS CUSTOMIZATION!”

This alone BS!


First of all I agree the community is childish, immature, and often toxic and I wish it weren’t so. To answer you specifically though.

Someone will always be unhappy no matter what changes, that’s just the law of big numbers when there’s a lot of people playing a game.

Content creators getting hate clicks doesn’t help but that’s another issue.

Whoa whoa whoa. They didn’t create this franchise, people that don’t even work there now did. It was their vision. These guys are just paid to make another iteration of it that is fun.

You have this totally backwards, the Devs are paid by the players, we are their income source and why they have a job. We are the customer, and while we aren’t the boss, if we hate what they make they will have no job.

In that way, they work for us, and their job is a privilege we allow with our hard earned money.

Why don’t you go ask the devs of Redfall how they are feeling about their job status as of right now.


its funny isn’t it, I have never seem a fan base as toxic as blizzard’s. maybe with some exception with the anime fan base, but those r separate thing

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