Why is this community so toxic?

Some people paid the $70 just to allow themselves the ability to sit on the forums and whinge over actually playing the game it would seem.

Some of the criticism is well written and very valid but most of it is just passive aggressive anger and hollow threats to quit…

The betas and the latest developer update (today) demonstrate the team are listening and making changes to improve the experience.


Man after that dev conference they really hired some bots to go on here and say “why are people complaining about something they paid for too toxic guys ggez”


Responsible adults like to get what they paid for when spending $100 not an inferior product


Not denying a right to complain, but do you have any actual data on how many people are really upset with the game yet?

The devs themselves said the majority of players haven’t even finished the campaign yet.

This is a console game that us PC users have been granted access to play. It’s not made for “us”. It’s made for the couch gamers.

When the majority of players finally reach end game… that’ll be a sight to see…


No, its not your game. What about the people that want things that you dont agree with? Is it not their game too?


Most went back to playing TOTK

  1. Passion for the franchise. This can be manifested in anger.
  2. The game is extremely popular. Those that have no complaints aren’t here and are just playing the game. But those with complaints are here. Since the overall population is very large, the ratio of angry complainters is also that much larger. So it appears there is an intense backlash when it is simply just a popular game, with passionate fans.

Yea my cousin can only play 1-2 hours a day and he been done with the story so I’m convinced those people playing different games lol

The irony here is that ‘responsible adults’ have other responsibilities to contend with and are not pumping 8 hours a day into video games.

These are the players that are still working through the campaign or only just starting to get into the end game. There wants needs are very different to the 1%ers and they are happy to let Blizzard keep improving the game, as the D4 developers have proven before.

The big problem is that people are not content with proving constructive feedback, it’s loaded with anger, abuse and aggression towards other people.


This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever read. Duh?

Are there more posts complaining about the game, or more post praising it?

And the most people complain about the endgame. Geez, your first day here? Did you not read the posts here over the last few days?

Uhm: “but do you have any actual data on” that? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Care to show the data that proves that?
As far as we know (assuming EVERYTHING like you did), the only ones that still play D4 are the ones posting on the forums, and they are mostly frustrated with the game. Other players already abandoned the game and that’s why they aren’t posting 500 threads per day praising the devs.


The problem is the extremely vocal, are also extremely immature and can’t imagine a world where other customers are actually enjoying the product. “Everyone is a paid shill”

And you can tell who is giving legit feedback because they are not attacking other customers. Just stating what would be better or what they are not enjoying.

I did not pay $100 to have some immature obnoxious unqualified person change the game the developers are making. I entered into a contract with this company for a game. Which I find fun. What they choose to change or fix based on the value add feedback is up to them.


Because people spent $70 playing with a pile of garbage


Yes, kind of shocked at this… I haven’t been on a Blizzard forum before, but there’s a difference between leaving feedback, wanting change, and crying with hyperbole laden salt… A ton of that happens here ^^;


Some people will never be happy, that’s the short answer. You could give them a million dollars and they’d be like “Only a million?”.


I agree, but let me correct one thing, blizzard may have birthed this genre but path of exile has been the genre leader for the last decade. Diablo 4 was path of exile ONE competition, and it was clear ggg was stepping lightly waiting to see what Diablo 4 did on launch.

Now that they are fumbling the bag, ggg is about to steam roll them with path of exile 2. There is a reason why this season is longer, why exile con is a month after the launch of D4 why we are FINALLY seeing path of exile 2 news dropping.

Diablo 4 launched, and GGG let out a collective sigh that said, “that’s it? That’s what’s left of the mighty blizzard?”

That campfire chat was ridiculous, it was basically them telling us that they are doing the right thing. The community did not mince words about not wanting to grind renown every season and they told the community to eat it. They glossed over and ignored the density issue, and made a bunch of promises that equated to them saying “give us 4 to 8 weeks to fix it” .

Players asked for a gem bag, and instead they are giving us more materials to grind so we can craft gems, which is theoretically worse, why? Because we know it will be a bunch of common mats and one ultra rare bs mat that you can’t target farm. All for what? Because they want to keep hiding the fact that they are going to sell us stash tabs, it’s coming. We all know it.


GGG is about to launch the nuclear option


I had a homeless person yell at me because I gave him $5 when he wanted me to give him $20. Another person wanted money I told him I would pay for his meal at the buffet, he also wanted to keep the change.


all the developers have proven is they dont know what the community wants with the previous nerfs now they actually listen to a few issues and they are the greatest thing ever dont make laugh, and because i have a hobby im passionate about make me not responsible? to put it terms u can understand i guess if you buy a double cheeseburger and there is no meat on the burger ur gonna eat the bun lettuce tomatoe and cheese and not complain?