Vessel of Hatred should be FREE

Never said you were though I’m not sure why you think I’d care if you did or not. It’s not free and that’s just all there is to that.

Itemization / Endgame have been on the shortlist for months.

These people have never worked on a Diablo game in their lives… They probably haven’t even played D3. You seem to have this mindset of “it’s a Blizzard game so it must be the same people”, it’s not.

It would be nice if more people had this mindset.

I’ve never been angry or upset over a game. When STO first came out it was B2P. I didn’t think it was good and stopped playing after a month. I didn’t spend the next five months whining about it on their forums. I simply stop playing and moved on.

No game will ever appeal to everyone and the sooner people learn this the happier they will be.


For me this game is kind of a gem, mostly because of constant changes based on what community wants. As long as this is true and devs fix their mistakes and keep making this game better, I’m happy to pay for every expansion, full price.

I am a dev and I’m making decent money doing things like fixing stupid css. I want devs of this game paid good salary and be happy about what they are doing and how much they are earning. As long as the greedy CEOs don’t steal most of the income this game generates.

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I’m wholly expecting something outrageous like 60+ CAD

Bit dramatic there, but I am cautiously neutral.

I’m willing to wait a bit before casting judgement, but like Overwatch if they don’t fix what I have issues with or severely disappoint me, then I just wont play anymore.

That said, I feel that D4 is going in the right direction, so I don’t outright feel negative at the moment.

Called it at the beginning. But it’s not like it took a lot of bravery and critical analysis to see it coming.

The expansion will be Paid. The ‘Ultimate’ package, as far as I can tell, gave cosmetics and one Season Pass accelerator. It was never marketed as some ‘I’m prettier than thou’ privileged-access license for all things Diablo IV for the entire life of the game.

I’ll buy it only if Blizz transfer my base game to Steam.
Because I don’t want to invest more in crappy bnet version. And of course I won’t buy full game again.

laughs in financially secure

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I think it’s more realistic to setup a gofundme campaign to help these folks buy an xpac instead of asking to make it free from Blizz.

It will never happen but the gofundme is more realistic. I am sure some folks here will be willing to donate to some of these folks.

100% agree. Should definitely be free after the fiasco of launch, season 1, and all the other dust swept below the carpet.

2 seasons for a respec button… :man_facepalming:
that’s all i’m gonna say lmao

a no from me too.

i rather have them give the BP for free each season (they can keep the cosmetic store, i don’t care for it personaly but other people do. it doesn’t hurt me in the slightest) maybe the will, probably will not.

and looking at the stuff from blizzcon, i’m actualy got some hope for the next year. though atm i’m pretty much burned out and pretty much moved back to D2R for the time being.

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Can we hold you to that? because we all know you will buy it.


Hahahaa. They make us drop 25 bucks for a skin. You think these guys will give us a free exp.??? Jesus…


Would be too awesome of them to be true but how would they justify charging you for battle passes but giving you a whole wass expansion for free?

Asking an Xpac for free is so delusional =o

I’m looking for workers, for a personal project, Anyone wants to work for free for me? :smiley:

Just teasing, its a completely absurd proposal ;p


the standard batte pass is free as you know.

$20 or whatever for the seasonal battle pass isn’t it?

10 bucks for 3 months if you want some extra transmog

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You nom’sayin though how will they charge $10 for a transmog but give a whole expansion for free? I’d love it if they did, I would ask them to marry me.

But they won’t.

huh? im not sure if i got you buddy. seasons are per say free. the battllepass model isnt a new thing

so correct me if im wrong, you want something for free? o.o