Why is this community so toxic?

most of what i see are people voicing opinions on what they want in or out of the game, and im gonna say most ppl playing diablo played 1-2 or 3 or immortals so they are aware what they like in an arpg and able to make an opinion. you dont need to be a professional in said field to have an opinion on it

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You are just generalizing the entire fan base based off your minute amount of research into the overall impression of the game. Cmon breh.

The game sucks. Their vision is bad.

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I couldn’t help but laugh at the body language and the way they talked about resistance and how stupid we the community are in their eyes on not understanding it. The ego is unmatched and their socially inept ability to talk to their consumer base is astounding.

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  1. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself.
  2. Act accordingly.

You do realize that a video game producer isn’t necessarily hired because they are a TV show personality, right?

They are more along the lines of this guy:

They are under the influence of Mephisto and Lilith, like the people in Nevesk.

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This is a damn joke.

IMO I think Blizzard over-hypes their games. They have world class marketing but they over-sell and under deliver. So they set themselves up for criticism. Not to mention they really bumped up the price of the game for D4…not to mention the added shop, season passes, etc.

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Mmmmmmmm NOM!


It’s just the natural course of life. It’s like the saying, “You can’t please everyone.” Some people will really enjoy things (in this case, a game) and others will feel they have something to gripe about (in some cases, rightfully so). And then at the other end of the spectrum, there will be people who argue for the sake of wanting to rile people up on purpose.

It just is what it is.

Take everything with a grain of salt online and use your own deductive reasoning. We just have to determine on our own whether someone’s opinion is constructive criticism or whether someone is instigating something on a more destructive level with less substance.

Everything else is out of our control. People are going to do their own thing regardless.


Its why I hate everyone.

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The community opinion is a direct result due to the state of game.


why is this community so toxic

3 reasons

  1. Blizzard game players have been the single most intentionally toxic playerbase for almost 10 straight years. They make League or DOTA players look like the height of politeness and sophistication.

  2. Toxicity, gaslighting and weaponizing the report systems are now the norm, not the exception. Non-toxic players either become toxic or they leave.

  3. For reasons only a generation of narcissists would understand, they see #1 and #2 as things to brag about.

Enjoy your stay.

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2nd post in this thread, to anyone looking for a decent gaming community, just block the toxic people, It is not hard at all.
Then continue to discuss with the other gamers.
None of the blocked people will ever add value to your life in any way whatsoever. There is no need to become like them.


This. The culture around “the customer is always right” is at fault. It was never true and proves to be less true every day. Part of the state of the western world now is because of this single phrase.

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Nobody is Toxic. We just complain about the huge problem that is the lack of anything todo after you hit around 70. You will have gotten the items you need, and there is nothing left to hunt for,

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I don’t think that we’re toxic, we just have more freedom than some communities. Like the FFXIV community is very restrictive, like in a oppressive home owners association type way. They shutdown harsh criticism, it’s bunny girls and moogles.

“Really pumped up” being…$10.00. My grandparents had to plot down that much for Chrono Trigger for Christmas. In 1995.

Nah, the ffxiv community just talks bad about everyone behind their backs. They’re so dramatic.