Why are the moderators actually so inactive and do not respond to a single post?

Forum Moderators are part of the CS team and handle reports from all the Blizzard forums. They enforce the Code of Conduct.

The Community Managers never ever replied every 10th post. Ever. I was there (on the forums, not at Blizzard) and knew them personally.

Blizzard has a long term issue with active communications. Around 2018 or 2019 they switched to posting only news, patch notes, hotfix notes, announcements. They collect feedback but do not engage here.

You won’t be seeing any change unless Blizzard changes their entire policy on it. You can read a well though out discussion of it all in yesterday’s thread on CMs and communications.

Start here and spend a bit reading.

Again, the Moderators enforce the Code of Conduct. The CMs are the SAME PEOPLE for all Diablo games. There is no difference in current people or policy.

The last pinned post is not even from the Diablo team. It is from Vrakthris who is a CS Forum Support Agent. You normally find him here Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums He is awesome, but not part of the Diablo team. He was commenting on forum policy.


There won’t be. The QA team collects feedback from the Bug Report forums. They don’t comment about the verification process, priority for fix, etc. When and if they comment, it is usually in Patch Notes or Hotfix notes. That is Blizzard’s policy on it.

Yes, that is frustrating, but that is how they do things at Blizzard.


That’s all very interesting.

Doesn’t answer why we don’t see them more and/or have any meaningful interactions with them that could potentially benefit the game and its future sales.

So you did not read it? Ok…


Blizzards policies do not allow CMs to engage in real time chat on the forums. They post patch notes, hotfix notes, announcements, etc. Their core job role is not forum posting.

If you are asking why corporate decided to implement that policy, I don’t know. I could only speculate.

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Absolutely okay … by the way did I just summon you or why this is the first post I saw someone of you?

I think they are not allowed to reply to anything.

Every thing needs to go through several layers of approval and be it’s own news post.

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Because we are the spawn of Satan himself and spew unrighteous hellfire out of our eyes and mouths!

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*anything … and you are right probably they are scared about someone who leak stuff …

better be report you to be save cause you broke this rule … Kappa …
just a joke but yea … im still disapointed but kinda understand the circumstances

I bet the Diablo immortal forums are being answered lol. They know they released a turd, and figure the bad people will eventually go away if they ignore long enough.

You have to use Twitter for any kind of interaction now… these forums are just screaming into the void

There are none. They don’t have forums for Immortal besides Bug Report and Tech Support. Neither of which are handled by the Community or Dev folks. QA collects bugs but does not comment. The Forum Support Agents handle the Tech support forums.

There is a reddit discussion area for Immortal where you may see Blizz post from time to time. It is exactly the same Community team as for every other Diablo game.


MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff. They don’t speak for, or represent, Blizzard.

All I can do is provide public information, links, news, answer questions about policies, games, etc. I have nothing besides green text and get no compensation. I don’t work there. MVPs also can’t moderate. Think of it more like other players who sometimes do information desk type things.

some years back (2018 i think) blizzard stated they are moving away from forums as a means of communication and pivoting to twitter, which means no devs post on here, or give info here, you need twitter for that.

I agree, such official silence on an official forum is a bit… unusual, especially a hot forum like this. Though I think they know that very well. If they don’t answer, I think it comes from upper than them. So, don’t expect too much to see some CM or Blizzard official answer there I guess.

Blizz stopped giving a crap about their playerbase years ago. It is ALL marketing now. No engagement.

Blizzard does not want to be responsible. They went out of their way to implement policies which prohibit employees from making any “official” responses. It’s the reason why we now have players following the personal twitter accounts of developers in order to obtain game information. Blizzard permitted this for developers so they won’t have to reply on official platforms. We have an MVP telling us this decision is coming from the top, they don’t know why, and that when “you are the boss, you can make changes.” This is what we get instead of the company actually deciding to do things right. It’s Blizzard though, are you really surprised?

all about that moneyz

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The CM Adam (PezRadar) said it in 2021.

“one thing we have been looking at is whether we move community conversations off forums for those titles and more onto other platforms such as Reddit or Discord (an example).” - PezRadar


Probably fed up with ya’ll.

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CM’s used to post. We called them “Blues”.

That’s why there’s a “Blue tracker”.

Some people get confused because Blues used to post a lot.

This policy you refer to must be “new” (within the last 5 years or so) because a lot of us used to converse with blues.

We miss them.

Very good question sir. We have been having a discussion about it here.