Its kind of fun to string all of the things that singularity says as quotes because she/he will gaslight you for something he or she said or brought up. Saying “x” is not relevant. When he/she is the one that brought up “x” so she/he is saying that what he/she is saying isn’t relevant.
Read the last few sentences in that response. I know you saw it. You just don’t want to answer because it’s about to bite you.
Read this…
D4 is a fine game and better than D2R or D3 and POE.
How about them apples?
Diablo IV is like if Fortnite and Diablo II had a baby. It’s an abomination.
DII > DIII > DI > DIV = facts
I have 100s of hours in Diablo I, thousands in II and III. I’d say they all feel like an action game from their era but IV adopted some of the worst industry standards and was more of a follower than a leader.
All I see is you completely dodging that question. It’s okay. I know why you’re not answering. You know why you’re not answering. On that note I’ll let you off the leash for the night. Until next time.
this is all my brain could process and it seemed to calculate in this order.
It can’t be facts… these are very subjective because it will, in part, be based on how you like the combat and also what elements you value in an ARPG.
Of your list (I usually don’t include D1 because it was the baby steps to this genre being fleshed out)
D2(R) >>> D1>D4>D3
Your criticism of it being less bold and being less of a leader are fair criticisms of the game btw. I’m likely not docking it for this like you are because I’d rather have a follower who stumbled badly (D4) than D3 which just missed entirely in my opinion =)
lol You’re getting emotional over the fluff but I get it. I’ve seen so much cope here it’s ridiculous. People like you are the problem and why kids are becoming susceptible to scammers and predatory monetization. Imagine playing an ARPG with no iconic set items or loot that’s Diablo IV. Blizzard managed to ruin the one thing that makes these games enjoyable because their cosmetic store and exploitation of the fandom came first - a free to play model in a $100 game.
That wasn’t emotional… that was being candid and having an honest conversation on the forums o.O
Unlike many in both camps here I essentially got what I thought D4 was going to be (to me, again) a better (more RPG) version of D3 with a better story (which was a LOW bar). I wasn’t expecting some revolutionary game that’d eclipse D2 in the series or GD/PoE in the genre.
Tempest Roar and Ring of Medeln are two examples I gave that are pretty defining items to their classes in D4. Right. there is no Ring of Jordon (until it is an uber unique… ./sigh). Also, as I stated, I do wish they had set items or runewords in the game. That is afailing and is contributing to the itemization and treadmill issues in D4 - no doubt
Wrote this in another thread, explains it fairly well
Suggesting Diablo IV is better than any of it’s predecessors is trolling. Previous entries lead the genre, Diablo IV adopted the worst industry standards and was more of a follower than a leader.
We’ll end here then.
You not accepting that a subjective opinion can’t differ from yours is asinine
I get it, when it’s too hot sometimes you gotta step outta of the kitchen.
You can find information about Blizzard Entertainment on their Wiki page, it has a comprehensive list of details there.
They use to lead the industry and now they follow. Diablo IV is an abomination, imagine playing an ARPG with no iconic set items or loot that’s Diablo IV. Blizzard managed to ruin the one thing that makes these games enjoyable because their cosmetic store and exploitation of the fandom was more important than making a fun game. There shouldn’t be any free to play models in a $100 game. Diablo IV is the most unrewarding experience in the genre because the investors wanted you to be desperate enough to buy cosmetics.
You’re an absolute clown and should stop posting, you’re literally making a fool out of yourself.
Killing in the name of…corporate micro transactions
they got caught doing nasty things and overcompensated the wrong way.
that’s my take. it might not be great but it is what it is lol
just like if your friends called you a women hater and suddenly you started bringing a bunch of feminists with you at parties.
so you let content creators make decisions for you man have and redeem some steam points with it.
You know, we really shouldn’t be beating the mentally challenged, Singularity can’t help it, he was born that way.