I Give Up. On D4. And Blizzard

First of all, this is all genuine emotion pouring out. I am not here to upset or blame anyone. I just want to get myself across to Blizzard and other members of the D4 community and see how many other people feel the same way.

I have been a Blizzard fan for decades. It was a company that I had a tremendous amount of respect for. Why? Because they used to make phenomenal games. Tell great stories. Make you feel like a complete badass. And most of all, they cared about what people thought and listened to their fans.

The Blizzard that I knew, and loved, is not the Blizzard we have today. And I feel that is part of the reason why I am leaving Diablo, and why I have lost faith in Blizzard alltogether.

It seems that Blizzard no longer cares about the fans, and what the fans want. They care about making as much money as possible, at any cost, even if that means stepping over and alienating their greatest fans. It seems they feel only accountable to their Activision overlords and stakeholders, rather than the people who made them who they are today.

This shift in priority has made it difficult to continue to support this company. And it’s not only corporate greed and blissful ignorance to the plights of fans that make me upset, but by how this manifests itself in core game design as well.

D4 showed a lot of promise. Instead we got an unfortunate mess of a game, bare bones for features, massive bugs, UI issues, connection problems, crashes and elements of gameplay that any self respecting RPG would be ashamed of.

It is the sum of these issues that has gotten me so frustrated that I just don’t want to play the game anymore, nor support the company I loved so much before.

I wish the circumstances were different, but there’s not much the fans can change if they are never heard.

Thanks for reading. I’m curious to see how you feel, too.


You’re welcome. My pleasure mate.


It’s sad you know, when you really think about it, what was the last Blizzard game you played that you thoroughly enjoyed?

For me it was Starcraft 2, when that game launched it was amazing to me. It took the original game and just made it so much better. It showed the potential of gaming at the time, and how there’s always room for improvement. It rewrote the book on RTS games in my opinion and created a new standard.

Then I was hyped for Diablo 3, huge fan of the franchise, loved D1 and 2 including expansions for both, great games in their own right, I figured D3 would get the same love and attention as Starcraft 2 did for its franchise. I even played the demo at Blizzcon, friend and I sort of cheated and got to play 1 and a half times before getting caught, but it was worth it. Sadly the launch was bad and that’s putting it mildly. Progression in that game was just abysmally slow, and I dare say the majority of the player base never actually finished Diablo himself on the hardest difficulty due to the horrible scaling of gear drops. Enemies were one thing, but you couldn’t even get the gear to fight off the higher level enemies. It eventually got better, but it took years, and the majority of the player base never came back. Not even going to mention the auction house.

Then Hearthstone came out, a basic card game online that originally was fun, but became so convoluted with all of the cards you had to get just to have fun that it wasn’t worth the time or money anymore. I personally believe this is the game where they started to nickel and dime us, and saw that microtransactions were the way to go for their company. One could argue it was WoW selling in-game items for real life money, but I consider WoW a completely different entity all to itself.

Heroes of the Storm made its debut in 2015, 6 years after League of Legends launched, Blizzard had missed the boat for something huge. They knew how big DOTA was in WC3, even stopped the original programmers from making their own game of it, so the programmers themselves split off, with half of them making LoL, the other half Dota 2. If Blizzard had worked with them instead, partnered with them, we could’ve had an awesome game there too.

2016 Overwatch 1, came out to a lot of mixed reviews when it first launched. Some loved it, some hated it, but no one could deny its’ impact. You paid a single price of 40 bucks, got all the heroes, and were able to play all of the modes in the game. However they introduced loot boxes, highly shunned by the player community, and just put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Overall, looking back, it was a decent game all things considered.

2 years later, Blizzcon 2018, Diablo Panel, the most unthinkable things happen. Instead of an announcement for Diablo 4, we get Diablo Immortal. PC gamers despise Free to Play games because 95% of the time they are Pay to Win. Blizzard themselves blamed the player base for not liking their product with the ever famous, “Do you guys not have phones?” Like it was our fault we hated Free to Play games, and this was the way of the future. Imagine blaming a predominantly PC based gaming community who have been loyal fans to a predominantly PC based video game company, hating a mobile game, the audacity of the fan base!

That same year accusations against Blizzard started to become public, sexual harassment, a poor woman committing suicide, among other things happening in and outside of the workplace with employees. Lawsuits were filed, big investigations, Bobby pleading innocence, etc. There was a lot of talk about boycotting blizzard, and some may have stuck to their guns and never looked back, but the average player didn’t care, they didn’t even know about it.

Finally Blizzcon 2019, Diablo 4 is announced for PC not mobile, and everyone loses their minds. The game we’d been waiting for all these years had finally been announced, expectations are high, players came up with all kinds of theories, wondering what classes will be coming out, what new twist can they put on the story, what’s the gameplay gonna be like, etc.

Fast forward a couple of years, Jeff Kaplan originally an associate game designer, then a Lead Designer, and finally Game Director and Vice-president of Blizzard leaves the company. You all know him as the guy that made Overwatch 1 what it was, and heard his plans for Overwatch 2. This was the beginning of the end for Overwatch.

October 4th, 2022, Overwatch 2 is born, and Overwatch 1 dies, you can’t even play the game anymore, they completely erased the game for a Free to Play “upgrade”. Not even a year later they tell the player base they’re sorry they can’t fulfill the original promise Jeff had made for PVE content, e-sports is dying, and while they will be working on things for Overwatch 2, it won’t be anywhere close to the previous plans made for the game.

June 5th, 2023, Diablo 4 releases, servers are stable, players are having fun, it actually had a really good launch all things considered. A week later the flaws start to reveal themselves. Where’s the end-game? Why are there so many affixes on gear? Level Scaling? I can get banned for trading too much gold? The list goes on and on til this day.

Forums are rampant with players arguing against each other over the quality of the game, instead of fighting the company that made this mess of a game, we’ve just been fighting each other, trying to convince the other they are wrong. When the dust finally settles, both sides can agree that there are people currently enjoying the game, and that things need to change.

Doubt anyone will read this far, but all the signs were there from the early stages. Ignoring WoW completely, we can easily see the downfall of Blizzard. Activision acquired Blizzard in 2008, but it was a slow process that took many years to become what we have today, a mere shell of a beloved company that has been gutted out for microtransaction games and shady business practices. Some of the player base has become complacent and just accepted it, others speak out against it, but there’s no denying that it will never be the company it once was.

Tl:dr - plenty of breadcrumbs to see how it all went wrong


Good bye, Farewell, Be safe =)


Thank you for this, Amen broski!


If only it was a Blizzard problem, but it’s not. It’s much broader than one company in one industry. It’s capitalism run amok. Money is prioritized above all else in pretty much in all facets of modern life. Feels like we live in a time where it’s no longer enough to make a decent living. It has to be an obscenely wealthy living, often achieved at the expense of other people.

Reminds me of the line in Space Balls where Lone Starr tells Barf that they’re not just doing it for the money. They’re doing it for a sh-t load of money! That’s the Blizzard board room.


Don’t forget the fiasco that was Warcraft 3: Reforged. If you think Diablo fans are peeved, you should have seen the internet when that one launched. Fans of the original game were peeved because of the lack of many features and technical issues.

Per Wiki:


You are absolutely right, myself being one of those fans, not sure how I forgot about this, thank you.


Although the White Knights will tell you otherwise, most Diablo fans are with you on this one. The only people left are the uber casual that don’t even have a reference point to compare D4 to any other game OR those who have being playing as a coping mechanism.


Take it easy! Best of luck to you.

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Garbage knights gonna garbage… what a surprise they both showing up together. We are missing Exile and who else?


They are rotating forum bans.


It’s okay. You pretty much covered everything else. Blizzard has dropped the ball in many ways this past decade. There is also WOW and some of their expansions like WOD, BFA and Shadowlands. Dragonflight was a huge step in the right direction. Hope they keep it up.

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Did anyone else stop there ?


This is it. Blizzard North and some other historical brains from this era are all gone, either to Dreamhaven, Grinding Gear Games, and probably other companies, or retired. For the sake of respect we have to this talented, passionate people and the brilliant company it was, we should never call them Blizzard anymore. Blizzard should only be remembered for these golden days. the merge killed the spirit and now that most of them left, the only name they deserve is Activision.


Farewell. There is still hope, though. Maybe, Microsoft will have something in mind. Very doubtful, but maybe. Or maybe the CEO will admit he delayed, then rushed the game to try and please shareholders and take it back to code with an apology.

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Activision it is. Thank you for putting this in perspective.


If you stopped there, there’s no point in replying, just ignore the post and move on, not hard to understand really.


I didn’t read it all, but what I did read I couldn’t agree more. To answer your question, I really enjoyed Classic WoW. You know. The game they told us we didn’t want. Before that I played a lot of SC2, but I remember playing the original more when I was in college. So many memories. WC3 was also a really fun game that I enjoyed a lot with friends. It’s amazing that because DOTA became so popular, when they finally were able to get Reforged out, they put in a stipulation that anything the player created then just belonged to them. That is when I first really started to pay attention to what was going on. But of course, the take over from Activision was also a massive red flag.


I thought i was pretty nice by waving you good bye?

Would they have prefered to be ignored?