I’m at a complete loss… Mounts getting stuck on blades of grass, senseless nerfs to XP gains, absolutely decimating the incentive to create alts and have them power leveled to catch up to the mains that got stale leveling 80+… at this point I’ve unsubscribed to wow as well. I’m sorry, this isn’t the company that I’ve grown with (since I was 15) and apologized for (over the last 5 years). You’ve lost me. There are QoL fixes that exist in D3 that should’ve been implemented in D4. There’s basic functionality of the game that exists in D2 (which has been around since time began) that don’t exist in D4. I KNOW its trying to be it’s own game; but for the LOVE of Blizzard North ™, why the hell cant we take what we’ve learned is good for the game and carry it forward?
Sincerely a 35+ y/o gamer who just doesn’t get where it all went wrong
It’s pretty simple. the people who made the good games are long gone. What’s left is Bobby and the suits milking everything from every IP until the Microsoft deal is over.
Understood, except I guess I’m chasing the diablo 2 experience. Basically utilizing 1 char to farm some gear until I can start another. I can go into further detail if needed but that’s prolly it in a nutshell. But powerleveling is a large part of it to skip the “incremental increases” that happen on the first character of the season (or ladder)
The game content aka chores sucks.
The reason people think it takes too long to level is because the game is boring and the loot sucks and is boring so there is no real reward.
D4 content is akin to watching paint dry.
There’s nothing redeeming about d4.
You just have no standards
You haven’t played it yet you call it trash
So you admit you have no clue what you’re talking about and don’t understand arpgs.
You’re as clueless as the devs
yep ok so, welcome to the Diablo franchise kid. The rest of us that have been playing since 2001 (or earlier) have valid questions and are quite done with you.