What actually happened to blizzard?

Hi Singu, nice to see that youre still on the forum. Whats your opinion about the current twitch viewers after the strong start with over 100k? Missed you in that thread and im curious about your opinion


Complacency, that’s what happened.
The old talented guys thought everything is allowed, and the new guys who took over after the old ones left/were booted are absolutely incompetent, talentless, uncaring, unmotivated, and lazy. Are they being paid too low? Are they overworked? I don’t know and I don’t care, it’s not my fault if they are, but I am the victim of their utter incompetence and disinterest in the products they’re making.

@Singularity - an ARPG where the focus of the game is LEVELING? LOL.
Even though i didn’t “powerlevel”, care to tell me what exactly is anyone skipping by powerleveling? Do you even know what you must do in the game to level up? Do you even play the game?
Oh, the “powerlevelers” skipped the side quests the likes of “make an emote at a random piece of rock on the other end of the world map”, or “go kill 15 ghosts”.

And “powerlevelers” also did the campaign, and we’re not amused by it. It was as generic as it gets, so much that there’s not a single memorable character in it. Not that D2 story has ever shined with originality, but everyone knows Decard Cain, Tyrael, Gheed, Warriv, Meshiv, Charsy, Izual, Anya…
Oh, and the quests themselves in the campaign - hey, why don’t you walk in a completely empty dungeon for 10 minutes, only to get 4 or 5 “flashbacks” of the BBEG who came where… does anyone even knows when?

I really, really hope you’re getting paid for your titanic efforts to excuse the inexcusable. It’s like I’ve bought a car, and that car is missing its entire engine, and then you come here and say “it’s a you problem, look what nice paint it has, who even buys a car because of the engine?”

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Did you really, REALLY write that? Hahaha!
Well, the game might be utterly unplayable, but at least some forum clowns never cease to make me laugh.


Some people have families and work and stuff. Playing catch-up with kids on summer vacation isn’t really an option.

U never played it and call it Trash? Wow! How old are U?

It is the best Diablo of all Times. Maybe Ur too young?

Cant believe what i read here from some ppl…

Bobby Kotick happened to Blizzard.

Now your games are being funded by literal psychopaths who only care about the return on their investment and they want that return YESTERDAY.

That’s why the game isn’t really what we want, they never are. They make more money of ignorant people who just throw money at cosmetics that we should be getting with the game we purchased.


Exactly this is the Point

Yep. This is the correct answer.

Acquired by Activision and now beholden to their corporate masters. The end.


Worth noting that this delusion is not going to make D4 a better game or successful one, for that matter.


Blizzard just exploits nostalgia for sales. They have no talent left, want evidence?
Play Diablo 4, its trash.


Power levelling was rampant in classic WoW.

And whatever happened to D4’s tagline “play your own way”?

Another white knight who doesn’t know if he’s talking about.


Is leveling supposed to require a high degree of intelligence when you’re fighting the same mobs in the 12 dungeons in the game over and over again? Not to mention mobs with zero telegraphs that Diablo 3 fixed making it more intuitive in regards to what they do.

The game just isn’t designed well. It feels like a cheap free to play game that is half finished in WT3/4. Hell apparently Diablo Immortal is better fleshed out than this game.

Speaking of stupid threads, aren’t you the same person that made a thread about D4 having a ton of people watching D4 on Twitch and laughing at those who said the game was bad?

Yeah it’s got 3.4k currently.


Vivendi, then Bobby Kotick (Activision) happened.

That OP Singularity made aged miserably.

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see you now stepped on the main issue: games lack of content.

lvling up is learning your character & gearing up for harder content.

pwoer leveling “shouldnt” be issue as an arpg’s endgame is the prime content…except in Diablo 4 which has no real endgame content except NM dungeons which are extremely stale.


It was a $30 game sold as a $70 with extra incentive items to get it too $100. The games bland, slow paced and obviously made by a crew who hasn’t really got that much experience with game pace or design.

From 60 to 100 is just plan out tedious for most people. I made it to 100 on my main, then 90’s 80’s on the four other’s and it had become a boring thing to do. After about 65 most were already geared into what they would have the remainder of the journey. Just getting to a level isn’t a good game objective either, what you do while you get there makes the game, and this one’s a dud in that department. Maybe after numerous seasons and patches it will meet it’s potential - currently though it’s meh at best.

On the harder content front - people need to feel rewarded for doing harder content. This game gives the same reward [loot] for rolling around killing in the over world as doing the highest NMD you can [at WT4]

White knights charge in all you want - it’s paced to be SLOW [intentionally and some unintentional]. Many things learned from D1 through DI had not been carried over which makes decades of experience useless.


I’m with you. I’ve been playing Blizzard games since day one. The only thing I’d change is the stale leveling starts at 70. #honestfeedback

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They got bought out by Activision.

Founders (with gaming soul) moved on (their kids need to go to college too!) and corporate with shareholder maximization took over decision making.

Find an old CD-ROM disc of original games and play retro!