Sorc are Kings of Trash mobs. and Trash at killing bosses

but you keep harassing those who care and make them ranted at you eventually.

do you actually enjoy pressuring lower EQ forumer to cause them lost their cool in the public?

oppositely, you could be a good listener and helper to the sorc community.

It is the low eq forumer harrase me, you look at the history. They are the one comment on my post tried to make their points buy failed.

As good listener, all this post is about they cant do billions damage with frozen orb as this is their favourite new toy. But barbarian can do this with the bug bash cleave. They are demanding a change from Blizzard that will not happened. Blizzard will just keep nerf what ever you said doing billions damage. The recent patch note already reflect their intention, they leave the nerf at the conclusion of the season.

You are talking about a game still in beta before season 4. Ofcourse there are many unfix problem and balancing issue which the dev has no time to work on them.

They had time to sell it. And I don’t think that almost a year is enough to fix it.
As a last resort, they could delay the expansion for a year. They didn’t.
I don’t care either way. When purchasing, I did not see anywhere a note that the game was in a beta version.

There is no game in this world need to overhaul the entire mechanic by changing the affix from 4 to 3 in season 4. Blizzard will never admit the game is in beta mode after they have release it one year ago. It is a common trend in the game industry by release a game in beta mode so you can get the money earlier. You cant blame them as modern game is very costly to develop as everyone demand a top notch graphic and a campaign and end game content which can last for 100 hours. They have to paid a lot of money to the animator and need to recoup them as early as possible by push out an unfinished game. It is same as the new expansion, it cost millions to develop and the money mostly come from bank loan with interest as the corporate not prefer to use their own cash flow for project. They have to sell it out without delay.

You need to know in the corporate world, if your financial report does not look good, heads will roll. If you are at Rob Ferguson position, would you choose to release an expansion as quickly as possible when the game still plague with issues, or you have to fire 100 developers as answer to Microsoft question of underperforming in D4 expansion?

You going to sacrifice the gamers with unfinished product without a blink of eye isn’t it?

the forums is a place to voice your concerns as user of the product we bought. things we would like to change, things we would like them to focus resources on, things that changed and we liked that they did, you know… feedback

and because of the lack of wearable items and other factors like dmg calcs not working as intended sorc has been under performing since launch. this thread was just pointing out that as a avid sorc player i dont like the power difference compared to other classes. your feedback always goes on rants about politics and how some micro-percentage of the sorc players are doing well this season. you can have that opinion im not saying you cant, but give feedback to ideas on how to upscale the sorc class to atleast A tier builds in the end game content, as the post described “trival farming content, is easly done by sorc” but “pit farming and uber bosses” are a real struggle for alot of the off meta builds ATM. we are raising our voice to ask them to check math on alot of skills that seem to be + and not X when they say they are. we are asking for another weapon slot for 2handed weapons (druids also need this, and necro, im ok with barb keeping a 1 weapon advantage but having 2 extra 2handers with the new tempering power creep is scaled to far far far ahead of these classes)

what CONSTRUCTIVE feedback can you offer besides insults ?? please add your math that backs your opinions, pull from your game knowledge things that worked for other franchise ??

your the one guy keeping this thread going, when i typed it out i was frustrated about getting bottle necked at 60 while my lvl 90 necro was clearing pit 90 with zero gear min/maxed and stuff, and while watching barb speed farm 110 videos on youtube. i dropped playing sorc BEFORE the recent patch, i recently loaded up my sorc and noticed i do ALOT more dmg now, seams some things were tweaked like that VULN dmg problem with blizz math (we have seen many math issues since launch with this game)…

so move along or clean it up, please, and thank you

Well my constructive feedback is do no trust what the tooltip when you want to make your build. I understand why majority players struggle with their build because they don’t understand an unspoken rule. You cant make your own build based on what you have seen on the Blizzard tooltip of the legendary aspect and paragon node because many of them either does not work as describe in tool tip or the tool tip is vague. If you want to do damage you need to go through a streamer check which if you are using a aspect or legendary node not use by the streamers below you are are going to lose a lot of damage because of mis misled by the tool tip.

You don’t use any build for the class below if the streamer below don’t use it.

Barbarion - Rob2628
Rogue - Wujido, Xario
Sorcerer - Mekuna, arcuied, northwar
Necromanceer - Marcobioboi, p4wnyhof

It is not ideal, but it is what it is for D4. I buy all games from Fromsoftware include Elden ring and Armor core 6 because I can make my own build based on their skill tooltip. But D4, NO !!!

When I make a meteor build I choose all passive node with word burning. At the end I found I was so noob that Burning is Dot, don’t work with meteor. I play firebolt Flameshield this season, I have to beg the streamers to tell me why you don’t use the Searing Heat legendary node, and got the answer that it has nothing to do with DoT in Firebolt. If you want to make a firebolt build, and you don’t realize that the Adaptability aspect which suppose to boost basic skill damage does not work on DoT of fire bolt. You going to lose 30% damage for that mistake.

It is very hard to be a casual player to make your own build based on the information Blizzard provided you. If you want to go down this route, expect you do no damage and be the 99% player who never crack the T110 PIT and come to complaint in the forum that your class need buff. While the 1% of sorc players has their leg on the barbarian head smiling that they we beat you as sorc because we know better than anyone.

Well, I wouldn’t say that.
Let’s just say that I paid for the game, and all the pleasure that could be obtained from this game is very doubtful.
They constantly point out to me that I have to read some morons because all the mechanics of the game do not work as described. And half of them simply don’t work.
The support link doesn’t work. And there are a lot of morons here who are trying to tell me where to spend my money.
The fact that Blizzard has no respect for itself is already clear. To release such a product is really disrespectful not only to the client.
You don’t even know, maybe tomorrow when you leave the house someone will put a bullet in your head. It will no longer matter who and why. But you will never enjoy your purchase.
That’s why I treat the product this way. Either the product is cheap and there is nothing to bother with, or the product is expensive and it must meet certain criteria. This product does not meet any criteria.
So my position is simple, either they will fix the game before the expansion is released, in time sufficient for its use. Or let them return the money because the goods were not delivered on time.

so your statement points to the fact that the “ease of access” for the product is faulty… that the “Player bound information is false”. so make a post about that, and start a thread to get it changed, point out specific nodes and “wording” they chose to use that led it to be misleading. it also comes down to those streamers having “data miners” that are checking the “undisclosed” information on a skill and use it. i have often scratched my head on some of these streamer builds picking up weird nodes that dont synergize with ANY ability/affix they use, yet without that node i do 20 % less damage ??? its pointing to a bad product with a complex manual that ISNT “in-game” knowledge, making people have to use 3RD PARTY things to play your game is a fail IMO

and the side note about graphics, to ME personally thats the difference between AAA title and Indie Game. a premium that doesnt make much a difference to me. i still like N64 graphics, heck someone should start a RETRO gaming company that makes games for old systems, you will be surprised by this market how many of us “older” gamers still have a connection to playing Golden eye or mario cart, ect… but dislike the “recycleing” of these titles on consols over and over again every time. be original and make a original game, if you make a FUN product you will get a cult following quick. side note valhiem was GOAT and the graphics were very very subpar compared to D4 but if i had to pay 100 bucks for a game again i would do it for valhiem over D4, currently.

and these 1 % sorc that beating barb, is one of those people YOU ??? because you kinda just proved my point with that statement…

i did get to pit110 with necro, it was super easy, i gave up on sorc before that VULN fix patch, might try to dust off the build and try again, but it wasnt fun to have to stun the pit boss 4-5 times to win every time…

They aren’t happy that Sorc is the most played Class every season.

Hint at Blizzard: Cause we love it!

Now since you are an inclusive company, be fair to the Sorc and balance them out.

I don’t care about Barb and Rogue.

Let us play what we want to play and stop penalizing us for it.

Sincerely, Sorcerers/Sexy Sorceress (oh! maybe that’s why they don’t like us…)


Because bricking any characters that had put in the insane investment to get it mid-season would feel worse than just letting it stand for the rest of the season. It’s choosing between two bad options. I think it’s the right call, and to be clear, I have zero intention of using it myself.

Where did you get this information and how to apply it when we play FO Sorc?

FO damage is from the conjuration mastery, you masterwork the winter glass twice one stack is 9%. It is possible to keep 15 stack when fighting the boss with a very optimized build with good attack speed which give you 9 x 15 = 135% damage.

It is common for players swap the firebolt enchantment with ice blade because it will gives you more ice blades spawn to increase your conjuration stacks. This was used in the ball lightning build in season 2 as well. More ice blade also reduce your cool down so you have more flameshield uptime. Flameshield allow you to continue to attack the boss without being interrupted by the shadow boss or the environment crowd control effect. This will increase your effective damage. Therefore the meta build for frozen orb is also stack cool down reduction and flameshield duration tempering. If you manage to reach 100% flameshield uptime, you can swap your ruby on your armour to Topaz as it increase your intelligent. 100 intelligent = 10% damage, that’s how you can scale your damage with this setup.

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There’s a streamer who pushes the idea, he’s a Sorc main and he changed his Frozen Orb build to use Ice Shard instead of Firebolt.

I agree with him, I also switched to Ice Blade enchantment a long time ago, I do a conjurer build and my enchants are Hydra and Ice Blade. I stopped using burn when I redid my paragon tree to focus on Non Physical Damage because that’s what conjurer scales off of.

Critical Damage isn’t as important as it used to be, and is honestly the worst damage stat now unless you need it specifically for something like Barb’s Gushing Wounds. The 30x crit dmg multiplier (60x if you have amulet for it) on Devouring Blaze is nice, but now that it isn’t a flat 30x multiplier like it used to be, it has lost much of its value.

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Many thanks! I didn’t know that!
I will change my build and see if I can push higher Pit.

You can put skill points on Hydra and select Summoned Hydra which gives you the burning effect on enemies and further increases your damage with Devouring Blaze as you have dropped the firebolt enchantment. It works best with boss as hydra will has enough time to apply the burning effect on single target.

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I will change my current build to adopt this advice!