Sorc are Kings of Trash mobs. and Trash at killing bosses

fishing is not a requirement unless you are trying to push the highest tiers and your build can only do one thing. That’s what I and everyone else is NOT talking about because no one wants to do that, not even the top players, as I said. Stop trying to use it as justification.

and No, barbs, necro, and rogue, don’t need tedious time commitment or boss fishing for tiers 100s. Barb doesn’t even need level 100 to do hundred of millions of damage. And please, leveling a rogue to get tempering manuals? It might take you 2-3 hours if you do it by yourself and you absolutely hate playing rogue and consider it ‘tedious’, less if someone carries you.

Yeah. They are more like garbage at everything and slightly less garbage at killing trash mobs.

You are talking about tedious fishing to push high tier pits in your previous post and now you are talking about fishing is not requirement. So I really have no idea what you want to top about. Are you sure you know what yourself want to do and say?

No class need tedious commitment for tiers 100s, as frozen orb and blizzard already cleared tier 110 above, so I have no idea what you want to talk about? 2-3 hours to get the Marksman Temper? It is just your imagination as the temper drop is RNG, I have a Heart Seeker rogue too start with level 100, so I know how many hours to acquire the temper manual, on top of the Grandfather and shakro. You say about Barb don’t even need level 100 to do millions of damage, see the level 100 bash barb from Rob2628 below, is it doing hundred million damages every hit?

I have three sorcerer, one Bash Bleed Barb fully loaded with shakro and grandfather, One necro minion and one Rogue Heartseeker. So unlike you I make my statement based on actual experience instead on relying on imagination and watching Mekuna video comment and quote his statement like a fan boy, and make your own interpretation.

Sorc build are only viable because they are immortal… it nullify the OS endgame mechanics design, boss battle “take ages” compared to any other class.

Fishing “a good map / density / trash” is a thing, fishing an unique boss with adds is really …

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The first post said that fishing was not fun, and the second post said high tier pits required fishing. They are in no way contradictory.

Those clears for tier110 above are with optimal / near perfect gear / the limits of those builds. Blizzard is easier to build than frozen orb, though, especially at tier 100, that’s the only decent sorc build I’ll concede. If you have trouble finding tempering manuals, you should try helltide. You don’t even have to play once you are in WT4. You could just afk by the ritual spawn and collect the manuals afterward.

Thanks for providing a video literally showing barb doing hundreds of millions of damage. It’s not every hit, no, stop misquoting me. The hits over 100 million are also without overpower and without grandfather. Even the hits in the 50-80 million range, he is attacking 3+ times per second. In the video he also says he did tier 110 on day 2, worse gear than the video and no greater affix gear.

Why does quoting the top sorc pit clear build creators make me a fanboy? Do you see me trying to copy or advocating for their high tier pit build? If you like the fishing gameplay where you get no loot or progression until you finally kill a shaman boss, good for you, but most people including those build creators, don’t want to do that.


20 characterssss

Can you show a video in which class not taking age to kill the boss at same PIT level? I can play the same high PIT level with Bash Barb and Firebolt sorcerer and there is no significant difference in boss kill speed. When the PIT level go high enough, the boss HP is a hundred billion can do is slowly chip away his HP. All this comment Barbarian do more damage to firebolt sorc are from those don’t play both at very high level PIT. The just looking at the edited video and see the hundred millions and billions damage but without see the part they need to setup the multiplicative damage and not doing significant damage. Sorcerer attack is continuously, although it will pop up damage of millions but it has much faster attack speed and uninterrupted attack which has no peak high and low damage curve. So their damage is not lesser than the other class and not taking longer time to kill the boss. The oneshoot boss shenanigans only can be achieved by Necrp by abuse the Holybolt elixir.

A Barbarian with 400K HP which easily achievable is considered immortal as no damage in game can kill them. This is not considered nullifying the OS endgame mechanics?

Players do what ever to reach the top of chart, it does not concern 99% of other players who don’t compete in Leaderboard so this fishing boss issue has nothing to do with the majority of players

Why you need to fishing for a particular boss in PIT if you are not pushing the T130 above which 99% players are not doing that except the few sorc try to beat the others to top place. You are talking something you not even completely understand. If you dont fish the shaman boss you just take longer time to kill the other boss, but will have no impact to your completion until you go above T130 which the boss has insane HP.

This is a good example of you not playing the build and make a comment based on the video of others PIT clear and read their comment.

You also imagine that making the flameshield build is tedious, I already use this build for two weeks with only one piece of GA flameshield on chest and the rest is ordinary gear and I only masterwork once without reset for perfection. I still can clear above T100 and solo or T200 boss. Those who got all GA CDR gear not really going through tedious process as you imagine, as most like they acquire them via trade which you can get it in 10 minutes. The time investment is about how long the seller response to your acquisition request. The tedious part could be farming the gold to farm your purchaser, or you use what ever matter to fund your project. And you also assume those barb and rogue not going through very tedious GA gear acquisition and masterwork re-roll? As this is a competition, if a Barb can win by farm or trade all GA gear and re-roll masterworking 100 times he will do just to win.

You talking about Barb hit 50-80 millions with 3+ times per second. Again this is your delusional lie again, you know we can put the video on slow down mode and count how many seconds have passed and it does not 3 attacks per seconds, most damage is 50millions and only few is above 100 millions. I have counted it by set the video playback to the slowest value:

You are talking in a position not even how to play a bash barb, which it has a rotation of stack 4 critical strike and use a hota hit to generate a small overpower damage buff, cast war cry and steel grasp to apply vulnerability then only start the 50-80 millions till the hota buff is over and has to repeat the rotation again. Please learn how to play other class before you want to talk about it.

Standard bash barb don’t use grandfather and has the standard 3% chance to prop overpower like other class, so this again is a statement from you who don’t know how to play bash barb. Only the bleed variant use grandfather. I play both sorc and barbarian so I can easily verify your statement.

I am not saying fishing for temper is difficult, is tedious to setup another rogue character to get a temper for bleed barbarian. I have a rogue heartseeker which start at lvl 100, I know how long to gather all temper manual and I played all content, helltide, ladder boss and NMD. The temper manual drop is RNG and equal chance from all content. So no point to argue with me who has played the rogue myself 2 days ago with your imaginative statement again by lying you get get all tempers in 2-3 hours, You just try to make your point by exaggerate the numbers of other class you dont actually play.

Also I don’t see a point of you reference bash barb as this already confirmed a bug build which will get nerf. There are already enough thread about bash cleave is a bug and need to be fixed if you care to look around. You are asking Blizzard to balance a sorcerer so he has same damage of a bugged Bash barb, this is again a delusional demand as Blizzard will just easily patch the bash temper bug and no one will play this build in next season like almost no one play the hota and dust devil barb. The next barb build on the list of get nerf will be Thorn barb which abuse the extra tempering affix on gears again.

If you think Barb is so much better, why dont you just pick a barb class which you will be fully up in no time and complete the T120 pit as it can do hundred millions damage with 3 attacks per second and show us your completion with video evidence here?

You are reading comments from Mekuna and Arccueid youtube and just copy and paste here. Acting like a fan boy like yup Mekuna say this. Arccueid said this. You assume the rest of here have not viewed their video and haven’t read the same comment? You also quoting about most player don’t run this build, just another example of your fan boy behavior reading their comment and imagine you are among them. You are not paying attention to the forum there are many post about PVP in D4 is ruined by flameshield sorc running around killing people together with the unkillable thorn barb. Also don’t claim those who post video of Flameshield build are the creators. The PVP zone in PTR already flooded with flameshield sorc from day 1, many created this build without publish their play in YT.

I think you just use imagination to make up your statement to debate with a player who has played sorcerer, barbarian, rogue and Necro minions in the same season. If you think you struggle with sorcerer not due to your skill and knowledge, go try play other OP class with bug build and I can guaranteed you still behind many who play the same class too. As nothing can help you if your skill is low, using bug also need skill.

So I don’t think any point to continue discuss with you and I will leave you to your imaginative realm. Good bye.

Cmon… I did pit level 70 with a necro level 96 and empowered skeletal mages…
With my sorc full geared I barely can do the a level 80…
at this moment, sorcerer sucks in higher level contents.
Mekuna did a video but he told to Rob he tried handred times before the pit 132 get done.
He is using a weird build and without the infinite flame shield he can do nothing.

Necro minions are overtune, which is a known fact. It is going to be nerf next season like how Bone spear was nerf after it was a default build for necro. Necro struggle when you go above PIT 100 as it lack of mobility, the maxroll chart already reflected necro weakness as it far below other class except Druid.

Sorcerer already cleared T110 with blizzard and Frozen orb. Wujido, a rogue player has cleared T100 with HC sorcerer frozen orb. It is truth that Sorcerer need a better skill to play as it needs to be agile as the class has high mobility. It is same as other class, your achievement on chart is always reflect your skill as players are competing with each other in their build and maneuver their character in fighting hard content. This is Action Role Playing Game, as long as there is action involve, skill is required. There are many players think by copy other build and min max their gear they will achieve the same result as others by play in static manner clicking the mobs and delete them with ease. This is wrong mentality as top player has optimized keyboard and mouse setting. Use WSAD key, has Macro setting in their advance game mouse and some use controller to play other class like the HOTA barb last season. And they wont tell you flameshield build is best with keyboard and mouse and use Macro to cast the flameshield and firewall at the same time.

The other class also tried hundred times to reach PIT 140 but never make it, that’s why they are not no 1 on maxroll. Those who failed after hundred tries will not make a video tell their stories.

Mekuna build isn’t weird, is the old Raiment TP and shatter combo which sorcerer players use from since the game launch. What is different now is monster HP has increased, you cant just Raiment shatter one shoot the mobs so you need permanent flameshield to keep you alive after you pull all mobs around you which wont die for long time.

For those who think playing Barb dont need tedious farming and expensive gear to be on top, check the gear of the highest rank Barbarian below the sorc: God roll unique, Uber Unique and GA CDR everywhere, same as flameshield sorc

I was watching this video as I plan to make a thorn barb, but I have changed my mind as it was too boring to leap whole day with max CDR. It will cause motion sickness, I rather spam Flameshield whole day :grimacing:

as i watched 1 video today where a necro trashed a goblin with 109 million damage, i would say necro is the king of trash mobs.

doesn’t matters… the fact it that sorcerer is the only weak class at the moment.

If the players are the weakest link of a class, it doesn’t really matter which class are played.

Sorc have 0 boss dps no matter the build. Look pit boss fight between 90 et 120 with any sorcerer build it takes way much time than barb / necro. That make the “way of life” of sorc by far harder, to get to the point of ~ 110 120 pit. Necro is not overtune they are just at barb lvl as intended, all class will be at lvl barb, and then chasing for the new “top class”.

Above pit 120 sorc can’t kill boss, they can kill add that kill boss. The Boss is just Collateral damage of sorc mechanic. There is no way damage output of sorc on boss is the same on 7/8 boss. It is the “same” on one unique boss because he has adds…

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Those who thinking other class can kill boss faster in high tier they never play a PIT 110 above without the bug holy elixir… At that level the boss has 50 billions life and the barb’s 100 millions damage is nothing against the boss HP. All class are same and take forever to kill the boss, and you need to move on and off when the boss put a pool and daze you. Sorc at least has shatter to clear the mobs faster and save enough time for the boss, and their attack wont get interrupted by non stop CC from the boss.

See this highest Bash barb fight the boss, its hp barely move and take forever even with hundred million damage.

The way you feel with barb at 135 is the way sorc feels since lvl 90… Have you listen anyone here saying the way we are playing between 90 110 (and even before) with sorc is nothing to compare with necro / barb. You reach sorc feelings with barb / necro 30 lvl after.

The only thing that make sorc looking good is a boss with adds, wihtout that sorc is at drood lvl at best.

PS : Belived immortality / immune was not a point as your life pool nullify boss mechanics… now you see that there is nothing to compare between immune / immortality and high life pool.

PIT 100 speed farm in less than 3 minutes? Have you really check around and see how plp play? I play both sorc and barb together I can easily compare the difference.

Do you see this 3 minutes need to kill the boss with Adds? He killed the hardest sharpshooter and entire run is below 3 minutes. Can a barb kill a sharpshooter boss in the same amount of time? You know what sharpshooter do? Constantly TP away and put a pool of blood to daze you so you cant even attack him most of time.

And you think the Barb unfair 140K HP pool is not consider immune? Which the barb can ignore all mechanic except the shadow lilith?

Yeah they do about “same” thing…

Let me guess one is fulll 12/12 the other one is 4/12…

What is so difficult to masterwork 12/12 gear if you can farm a T100 in 3 minutes? And what is the point to compare other class with bash barb as everyone knows the bash cleave is bugged and will get patch to be the most useless skill next season?

If you like to play a class with bug skill, then just play bash barb or play any other build which has bug next season. Just wait one week let other plp try out which skill is bug first before you pick your class so you wont waste time on other class like sorc which has no bug skill and come here to complaint.