Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

!!!So seems like there was a twitter replie about the whole rf situation!!!

That its going to be fixed along with some other bugs next hotfix and im not sure when hot fixes happen but a guy mentioned its going to be Tuesday

(This is not from me just from what ive heard dont take my word but its still something)


Only if you are a casual player, if you invested heavily in ICE, you just can’t do that without changing the whole build.

It really doesn’t cost much to respec to Heartseeker. No way I’m waiting until next Tuesday for a hotfix that potentially may not work.

No way I’m playing pew, pew, pew from distance double dipping everything.

Pretty much the same as rapid fire without the lob and smoke grenade.


HOTFIX 1 - May 30, 2024 - 1.4.1 - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

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XD you never played this 2 build bro

Enhanced Dash didn’t work? Well, it’s hard to tell, but recently I started to use it and saw a difference in damage, so it seemed okay.

Search me on yt and see if it’s the same thing…

Hotfix and my RF still is bugged…rolf

IT’S BEING FIXED within the next couple of hours, they have said.

It’s a client patch (edit: I think so due to the RF fix), I’m on ps5 and still nothing here.

mine is fixed!! FINALLY! PS5

The proposed hotfix doesn't explicitly address the issue of shadow clones not copying rapid fire, any word on this? I've posted a separate thread and made a few replies, I understand things can get lost in the weeds with all the doom/gloom posts but hoping this gets acknowledged and addressed ASAP.


Pretty sure LuckyLuciano has the top RF build and his numbers are on par with those running HS top with 5 out of the top 10 rogues in Pit.

It now has pinpoint accuracy for me haha like all arrows hits the same exact spot

I did 110 on console, pretty sure I know what I’m talking about.

On pc? 20 charssssssssss

Guys arrows doesn’t detect close enemies, they give priority to distant ones. That means insta death when elites push you.

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Agreed. Based on the patch notes this appears to be the intended state. Can’t say they didn’t review/test it this time.